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Wszystkie wersje Destiny będą jutro czasowo niedostępne z powodu prac serwisowych. Aby być na bieżąco, obserwuj @BungieHelp.


10/16/2015 5:26:25 AM

Iron Banner

Haven't ever complained about this game... But iron banner is such a joke with the hunter bow exploit. The folks at Bungie should give us all 75 marks just because we had to deal with this. Ridiculous...if you don't fix this Friday I guess Trials will be a joke too. I refuse to become a lame ass cheater in order to win, such a scrub move, and I hope others do the same. Just so you lovely hecklers know, I have all three characters over 3 hundo...gone to the lighthouse many a times. Iron banner bounties have been deleted and I've moved on to something else. May your thumbs be crushed in a door jam!!!

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