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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
9/26/2023 12:47:24 AM

Some of y'all need to expand your gaming palettes

Because -blam!-, I have seen some unhinged stuff popping up on this forum for the last week. We get it, servers bad. But no amount of calling bungie greedy scam artists is bringing the servers back any quicker. I was under the impression most destiny players had side games to play when stuff got dry for destiny. Hell, we all know roughly when the season is gonna get dry, but for some reason the servers being a mess for 1 week has hit some of you like you've been deprived of a -blam!- hit. I guess it's no wonder some of y'all hate Destiny so much, it's all you bloody play! It ain't healthy.



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  • Seems to be increasingly common not just among Destiny. People really do just dedicate all of their free time to a single game, I don't understand it.



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  • Only playing Destiny 2 is top tier crazy to me.



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  • Modificato da Guardian,Archon Of Light: 9/29/2023 4:58:52 AM
    I did , played all the backlog of games I have been missing out on and felt fun again Now D2 is just one of the many pies I have my finger in(man that sounded dirty) , I mean that I am multitasking several characters and several game worlds. I actually enjoy visiting D2 now, but I will never live there again



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  • Never understood why so many people act like they're forced to play this game. There's been quite a few good games that have released this year but people act like Destiny 2 is the only game that they should be playing.



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    33 Risposte
    • “Some of ya’ll need to expand your gaming pallets” Dude, don’t bother getting upset at people complaining at Bungie. The People still playing Destiny who are upset about everything going wrong with Destiny are addicts who are only playing Destiny like it’s the only game that exists in the entire world is purely out of either addiction or blind loyalty. We got Gamex like Remnant: From the Ashes, Remnant 2, God of War, Cyberpunk 2077, Jedi Fallen Order/Jedi Survivor etc. there is a whole roster of games people can play but most of the Destiny community does not care at all. Destiny is the only game they will play as though those games I listed don’t exist and that is the sad reality of it. Let the addicts do whet addicts do.



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      2 Risposte
      • Modificato da FataLVisioN_Oo: 9/27/2023 8:52:20 AM
        Don't blame the players, Bungie is the one that created the drip feed fomo addiction model



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        2 Risposte
        • 7

          Non Active - 7/26/2024 1:06:43 AM

          I played Cyberpunk 2.0, Gran Turismo 7, Cuphead, Witcher 3, Red Dead 2 and more when the servers were down. I play them even when the servers are up shockingly enough because anyone who plays this game, and this game only, is missing out on some great gaming experiences. I just did the " weekly story" on my three characters and then some pinnacles which all dropped in the same 1810 slot on my character. One of only three 1810 equipped slots on my characters. I'll be back on next week for the end of the "story" and then straight back to playing games that don't have a progression system designed to work against you. Every week it's the same .. predictable "story" morsel then it's "go do exactly the same stuff you did last week". Yawn. Destiny is just not worth all of my time anymore.



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          1 Rispondi
          • “I hate destiny, it’s my favorite game.”



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          • I do and have been enjoying multiple, but once a week I usually play destiny for the seasonal content I paid for. It is frustrating to not be able to play it and I do believe DDOS can be prevented, but some people act like drug addicts lol.



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            1 Rispondi
            • Naah bro. This forum is pretty full of D2 addicts. Haters n lovers...addicted neverhtheless.



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              5 Risposte
              • Imagine trying to tell people who paid hundreds if not thousands of dollars on the game at this point, that they should calm down and its not a big deal the game they paid so much money on isnt working FOR OVER A WEEK. Man foh with that stupid bs



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                6 Risposte
                • Why does it bother you that people advocate to receive the service for which we paid? Seems odd.



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                  3 Risposte
                  • When you are asked to spend this much money on a game, you expect it to be high quality. I don't know how that's crazy to you



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                    1 Rispondi
                    • Hey, look at what community outrage did for Cyberpunk 2077. Kept CDPR from delaying a near perfect game again.



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                      5 Risposte
                      • [quote]I was under the impression most destiny players had side games to play when stuff got dry for destiny. [/quote] I don't believe this because this forum has been like this for years, and the first time I remember it being this way was back in D1 when they nerfed auto rifles.



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                      • 2k24 and MK1 couldnt have dropped at a better time. ever since the funny guns. Servers have been a shyt show lol



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                      • I've been playing other games and I still agree with those people. Not that the game is -blam!- per se, but from a billion dollar AAA company you should expect more. But most of y'all are less than 18 years old and have no idea just how badly we have been screwed by this game. There are indie games coming out that are less predatory than this game. The only thing left with this game is the story. They nerf everything into the ground so it's barely fun and it's always been a chore list. Anyways back to baldurs gate 3 and the cyberpunk dlc.



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                      • I already expanded my palette years ago when Activision threw this broken game in the trash. I did too and never came back. Playing all the other better games and having a blast! This game is hollow. Now it’s hollow and broken. 🤣 Absolutely nothing here but a shamble mess of shallowness!



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                        2 Risposte
                        • [quote]Because -blam!-, I have seen some unhinged stuff popping up on this forum for the last week. We get it, servers bad. But no amount of calling bungie greedy scam artists is bringing the servers back any quicker. I was under the impression most destiny players had side games to play when stuff got dry for destiny. Hell, we all know roughly when the season is gonna get dry, but for some reason the servers being a mess for 1 week has hit some of you like you've been deprived of a -blam!- hit. I guess it's no wonder some of y'all hate Destiny so much, it's all you bloody play! It ain't healthy.[/quote] I dont want to bother to learn another game, the character types, abilities, play styles, weapons.. no.. i will stay here. I work all night until morning. I teach all day until night. I play when i can....



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                          2 Risposte
                          • Whether you play the game 10 mins or 10 hours, the complaints on the servers are still valid



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                            1 Rispondi
                            • So you want paying customers to stfu just because "theres other games"? Your mentality made it possible for scamming minimal effort capitalistic companies like Bungie to get away with it. I myself barely play this game anymore since Bungie has given up on it (i play for 1-2 hours per week on reset if even these days, used to play for like 30 hours a week until like a year ago) I still complain about unacceptable greed and lazyness while claiming full price from their customers. This company is treating their loyal players like ####. Obviously people express their opinions. Stop trying to censor them. The game is barely on life support these days. Low tier, low count devs allocated to D2, same with server quality and quantity. This "DDoS" attack might very well be Bungie trying to test the waters on how to min max the server cost by reducing resources heavily. I would not be surprised AT ALL.



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                              2 Risposte
                              • Your profile picture describes you perfectly



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                                2 Risposte
                                • Modificato da Bell: 9/27/2023 3:26:10 AM
                                  I have "Stockholm syndrome" with destiny



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                                • Finally got a PS5 and been playing remnant 2 Looking forward FF7 rebirth



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                                  4 Risposte
                                  • Some of Y'all need to piss off



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                                    1 Rispondi
                                    • No other interesting games though. (That i find interesting)



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