Dear Comrades in Destiny,
[b]Planet Destiny's Taylor Bair recently commented upon Destiny's fractured storylines.[/b]
For my part, I think of Destiny's story as a jig-saw puzzle that Bungie has torn into shreds. Some of the puzzle is thrown at our characters.....while the rest was flung to the howling winds and scattered about.
I feel that Mr. Bair makes several good points in his article addressing Bungie's multiple failures in telling a coherent story.
[b]1) Player Character & Non-Player Character Interactions are extremely limited. [/b] We can't quiz Xur about his origins, empathize with Eris about her suffering, or flirt with Tess Everis,. Nobody gets to tell Master Rahool what a heart breaker / tool he is...and get a genuine reaction of dismay, aloofness, sympathy or even a "stop whining" message out of him. We can't go back to the Speaker and persuade him to tell the whole story of the Traveller's arrival...and the fall of civilization which came after.
Character interaction options can make the game more fun and more interesting. The Ghost is our constant companion but much of his dialogue has gotten stale. Certain dialogue triggers at incorrect times: "Well - at least it's chained up !" or lacks enthusiasm or novelty.
While NPC civilians at the Tower can talk AT our characters - we can't say ANYTHING BACK to them. We get to know almost nothing of their hopes, their fears, or how they regard the Guardians.
I'm sure you've noticed that player characters never speak outside of cut scenes.
[b]2) Story information has been hidden away in obscure places.[/b]
Why can't we interact with the Grimoire in-game ? Where's the tie-in to the main game ? This game is centuries in the future, yet there is no holographic-library to learn things from.
Narrative npc guides who can tell the story are overwhelmingly scarce or severely underdeveloped. Eris's recent arrival is a notable exception and gives me hope that Bungie will continue to expand npc storytelling roles and voices to pull the threads of the story together.
"I [b]could[/b] tell you of the great battle centuries ago..... ( but I won't ) ~ The Speaker
[b]3) Environments Don't Tell Stories by themselves...! Environments are the STAGE for Stories to Be Told and Unfold.[/b]
I strongly disagree with Mr. Bair on his assertion that environments tell stories. No, environments are the setting, the backdrop, and the foreground. They are the space we move around in. Environments may have clues, features, artifacts, a past, and a present.....but it takes SOMEONE to tell that story or to piece it together. Environments provide the place for characters to enter into dialogue or conflict.
[b]Example of expanded character interactions[/b]
Major: "Here is a city buried in sand... What happened ?"
My Ghost ( could say...) "The Darkness attacked, the people were wiped out. Then came the wind. Many moons passed and now the city is buried. The people are gone....but the Darkness is still here.... !
Reply option 1) "How do you know ?"
Reply option 2) "Should we be running already ?"
Reply option 3) "You're late with the enemy detection AGAIN !"
My Ghost: Reply options:
1) "Look at_____"
2) " Heavy weapons -- NOW ! "
3) "They were CLOAKED !"
[b]4) What this Game needs is MORE BANG BANG ! [/b]
Wait,.......No. There's LOADS of BANG BANG ! I imagine the power struggle that must have occurred for two visions of what Destiny could become. The Bang Bang Faction won the vision quest hands down and Destiny is a game with outstanding gun play and powers. The story RPG faction got thrown into the dungeon in chains....and as a result, Destiny is incoherent, hard to follow, excessively full of mystery and remarks that completely piss me off as well as being transparent evasions of good opportunities to tell Destiny's story.
[u] The Mysterious Exo Hunter before the Black Garden Mission[/u].
[b]"I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."[/b]
<[u] After the Black Garden Mission[/u] >
[b]Major: "Hello there ! Hey - we killed the Blob about some explanations / expositions ? ! [/b]
Mysterious Exo Hunter Babe: [b] "Umm.............................................."[/b]
5) TerraMantis was able to sum up much story lore and details that help viewers connect the dots in the Destiny Universe.
HIs video is marvelous. Bungie could learn from this guy.
[b]Bungie.....can you find a way for this story exposition to happen IN THE GAME ? [/b]
[b]It is my hope that Destiny finds it's storytelling soul...because at present that soul is lost in the Void.....waiting to be found and brought back into the Light. [/b]
Byf and Jadeite's recent efforts to present more of the hidden backstories of Destiny are most admirable, and go a long way to filling in the background to the hidden storylines of Destiny.
Yes, absolutely. That's what I thought I was buying. Why the high paid actors with so few lines. There had to have been more. A side needs to be chosen, even if it's the wrong one. Was that a clue from the Stranger? Have we aligned with the wrong side. Is that why no one will tell us anything. Why did the Queen not trust us before, aren't we on the same side. They were pretty hostile to us earlier. You know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
completely agree!!! well said guardian!!! :D
Omg this is amazing!! Just like an interactive world like in Skyrim. For example in a part where you have to hold a certain building or something. There you have to fight with other npcs. But then their captain gets injured and he you have to decide if you want to go save him but then you'll lose the building or you sacrifice him and control the building. Of course when you sacrifice him his troops won't like you and then there will be more enemies in that area but if you don't your rep will increase and he'll like you. It makes everything more dynamic and you can use this in a lot of different scenarios :D
Halos epicness ( opinion incoming) came from the story and enemy engagement. Remember the first time those banshee fly over head and then proceed to chase you and shoot at you while a battalion of covenant close in on you. And you can totally run or slay them all. running in to enemies that are sleeping, or get surprised and jump into their banshees. Destiny can of course blow all that out of the water.....but it doesnt.
I made a post similar to this a while back. It was a question for Deej as to whether the story and aspects of PvE related to story and background were issues important to Bungie. I was basically asking if the lack of life was something they even cared to address. The post got a lot of support. It wasn't as well written as yours is. I hope they listen but sadly I doubt they will. Destiny is currently very much in line and on par with Activision's other titles in terms of style and content. I [i]truly[/i] believe that they don't care. It isn't as if they don't realize their story is fragmented and nonsensical etc etc.... They just don't care.
Yea, story and npc interaction needs some major attention! That video you linked was great!
"I could tell you of the great battle centuries ago, how the Traveler was crippled. I could tell you of power of the darkness, it's ancient enemy. There are many tales"......but "I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain".
bump, hope they will see this post
Editado por cbrstar: 6/2/2015 7:42:41 AMMeanwhile at Bungie’s studio’s….. Actor: (In Shakespearean voice) “Petra Venji my dear, if thou does not give me the Keys, then I shall be forced to commit sexual depravity’s against thy Eye Oribital, not twice but thrice” Dir: “Cut, cut! I said I wanted you to sound more British, not comically accurate 1800’s British!” Actor: “Sorry gov, I was just trying to class this smut a bit up” Dir: “Ok from the top!” Dev1: “Wait stop! Did he just say what I think he said?” Dir: “Yes now stop interrupting” Dev1: “But this is a children’s game, why are you doing this?” Dir: “Ask the Boss. After releasing ToO, he still doesn’t think were edgy enough like Call of Duty, so he asked me to create a controversial scene but there isn’t much to work with” Dev1: “Well if you’re going to rip our benefactors off, why not do it blatantly?” Dir: “We can’t kill all the civilians off, they are already dead, and I’m pretty sure the ones at the tower are not real, as you can walk right through them, maybe they are a ghost or holograms? We’re going have to copy Mass Effect, but we need to do it in a extreme way” Dev1: “Still that’s just ewwww “ Dir: “That’s perfect!!, I think we just found our next Petra Venj!!” Dev1: “But I’m a guy” Dir: “I know….”
Destiny story was DOA. It will never recover. You can't make gamers start caring about stupid enemies or ghosts or speaker or tower or anything else in this game 9 months after it was launched. It's somewhat surprising that company behind Halo produced this meaningless garbage of a story. Maybe it's Activision who made Bungie destroy a coherent story and sell it to us in bits in pieces, but it's not important anymore. Destiny story is dead, no one cares what or who he or she shoots at, all this is is grinding for gear and weapons, period.
If Bungie where able to limit the support for last gen systems ( like Diablo III does) would we see more of a improvement in both the game and story? System limitations did a lot to shape the game we got today and I get a feeling to lead to a lot more than map sections getting cut and the limited vault space! Not to mention the amount of time and resources it takes to manage and programme for 4 different systems. Also I think Destiny's to singe player missions suffers more from poor structure than lack of story. Good mission structures usually leads to good stories ( or vice versa). In a way it is funny, I have play a lot of games that had great story but suffered with poorly optimised gameplay. In Destiny it feels like it is the other way round!
I beat wolfenstein. What a good storyline. Actually tho it had me by the balls. Same with Dead Space 3. 2 games that werent that popular.
Editado por Valencewolf: 5/24/2015 2:56:17 PM1) ([i]regarding NPC dialogue[/i]) Unless those dialogue options are changed and updated regularly, they too will become stale. That is a Band Aid solution at best. 2) ([i]regarding Grimoire[/i]) No disagreement here. The Grimoire should be available in-game, hands down, no question. 3) ([i]regarding terrain as story[/i]) I think you're both a bit correct. You are right that terrain is the setting (stage) in which a story takes place, BUT terrain done right can also tell a story on it's own. You may recall the attention the Blast (in the Cosmodrome) got during the Bungie ride-along. There was no NPC that told us what happened; no Grimoire card to read or in-game notification to receive. The terrain was designed in such a way as to let the player know that a large explosion had happened there. Granted not much of a story, but it shows that terrain can tell a story. Remember: a picture is worth a thousand words. 4) ([i]regarding action vs. RPG[/i]) Yes and no. Ultimately, Destiny is an FPS; without BANG BANG BANG, it would wither away. That being said, there does seem to have been a big disconnect between the two sides, and the FPS team won. At the end of the day, I don't believe Destiny's story was meant to be told the same way stories are told in other games. I think of the "story" in Destiny more like background fluff: it's there to flesh out the game world, give flavor to what would otherwise be just another game. While finding out more about some of those bits of lore would be interesting, I don't need to actually live them; sometimes the lore is interesting on it's own. In my mind, Destiny was intended to be a toolbox from which players could draw in order to tell their own stories, "Become legend" to use their own catchphrase. While they have had some success, there is a long ways to go in that department. The limited map size, the numerous kill-walls/kill-timers, the blocked-off DLC areas (even after purchasing said DLC and completing the associated mission) all contribute to a feeling of being locked inside a very beautiful, but very small, house. Destiny's "story" (or rather our stories) will be greatly enhanced with more places to adventure in and more variety in the events that transpire in those places. Gamers are creative; we will find interesting things to do with the tools available. But so far the toolbox is comprised of a hammer and a screwdriver. Not enough to build a house with, but perhaps enough to put up a framework.
Bump Well put Well explained And i agree with you
Story??? There's a story??? Maybe the bar is too high. I mean, video game stories that's asking a lot.
Editado por RPG-Grrrl: 4/1/2015 3:47:13 AMBump. Well said Major. Bungie missed a wonderful opportunity to move beyond the Halo franchise and make Destiny it's new flagship IP. That said, we, as the end user were sold something completely different during the pre-order hype. What we bought is not what we got. 'Tis sad to see corporate politics play such an impactful role on what could have been an epic game. We all know business is business but, when it comes to that, it is bad business to alienate your customer base. In the end, everyone suffers. The developer, the distributor, and most importantly, us, the gamer.
Love this. Give me story !
Pvp! Doritos! Mt. Dew!
No one cares
You should definitely be able to interact with npcs in dialogue and have the grimoire in the game. Those 2 additions alone would go a long way. I also think the 3 races should've had their own campaign intro missions that also talk about their origins, instead of everyone dying at the exact same place. Factions should have their own mini-campaigns that flesh out their philosophies and motives more. Your Ghost should also explain the world around you instead of just opening doors, have dialogue with him in the select screen. We're not asking for mass effect level dialogue trees(though that would be incredible), just a way to interact with the world that doesn't involve shooting it. With a coherent story of course, can't stress that enough. C'MON BUNGIE!