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11/28/2023 10:50:32 PM
My Caliban hand build seems absolutely fine



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  • I have unlimited nades with my Nancy kit... If you understand how to build, ability spam might be stronger. And you can spam Orbs with Ager's Septer in combination with the artifact perk. Like a lot of orbs. Crazy orbs... that never end, because you can cancel... top off, rinse and repeat.



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  • I have unlimited access to your mom, but I’m not bragging by the way she wants to know what you want for dinner. And we should probably talk about that Nancy kit it had a different meaning in the 90s, but I don’t judge just wanna make sure that you are sure. Also stop sniffing my underwear



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  • “If you understand how to build” I literally have solo gms and build guides on youtube…



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  • Well then you should know... the abilities nerf was way overblown and exaggerated.



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  • [quote]Well then you should know... the abilities nerf was way overblown and exaggerated.[/quote] Agreed. The orb generation nerf is annoying. It’s going to make carrying a bit more difficult.



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  • Modificato da Lini Fox: 11/28/2023 11:16:49 PM
    Okay mister rank 8 no raid titles no flawless raids no trio clears; you definitely known the game so perfectly



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  • Oh don’t get into your feelings because you’re failing to stay alive in at-level content



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  • Don’t get in your feelings that I’m in your mom



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  • I was talking about them u can check my rr it is absolutely cracked



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  • Raid report doesn’t even matter lmao, raids are even more easy to farm than PvP



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  • Raids aren't really endgame... never have been. I don't raid at all. That's why I'm rank 8. It always goes here... your supposed accolades that are supposed to represent credibility mean little to nothing. How about instead of hoping on the hate bandwagon less than 8 hrs after reset... maybe go test some things. I have you the hot tip respective Ager's, kinda' easy...



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  • Modificato da Orcen17: 11/29/2023 3:14:49 AM
    [quote]Raids aren't really endgame... never have been. [/quote] If raids aren't endgame then what is? what is the point of getting all this gear? gms? please gms can either be cheesed or just removed for being "too hard". id love to see your nancy build trio a raid while drunk or do a flawless or any solo flawless ever.



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  • Modificato da jhermannITJ: 11/29/2023 3:49:40 AM
    I'll explain why I said that in detail. In respect to challenge... and unfortunately that IS partially reflected in the loot. I don't know if you want a thoughtful response but I'm going to give it to you. How do people raid? Let's talk about it.... are they playing the encounters as designed... are they playing the individual encounters at all? The most common lfg posts are Raid boss ck points. They'll exploit any and every encounter if possible... and Master can be over-leveled. They farm spoils for hours using the most broken metas on the easiest encounter... because that's easier than earning the drops. It's the same loadouts, the same tactics... regurgitated from some tuber. There's rarely any creativity seen, or flexibility given... and some of these fake tryhards will kick you if you prove them wrong. I don't play that way. To me endgame starts at the most difficult content.... and raiding ain't it. It includes and inspires players to min-max their builds and skillsets because the content demands it. Raids clearly do not. Generally, the most difficult content grants the most exclusive rewards... and for a few examples... I'll give a point or two to the raid loot tables. I don't like to do boring things, and the most efficient way to raid... is still not worth my time. That might change with Party Finder, but I still won't consider raids really endgame. Day 1 Contest, absolutely... after that, not really.



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  • why don't you come raid with us sometime and and open your mind to things, we don't cheese we are just very good



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  • Modificato da jhermannITJ: 11/29/2023 3:34:31 AM
    I see the way you treat people, your priorities are on full display. It's okay though... I'm good 😉. I don't take any of this personally, I don't have an ego about this stuff. I'll tell you what I would have told your clan admin, who DM'd me... I'm used to it. They were very considerate & nice though. And I'm not trying to start any drama, but I can't send DMs... which coincidently is related to why there are such glaring deficits in my tracker. I don't raid anymore... not ever. What if I told you this is my casual... solo account? It's not anymore, it's my only account now. I still stand by what I said, I don't like raiding... I think as the most expensive development resource... it doesn't really offer the variety and replay-ability it should. Could Party Finder change that, maybe... I hope so. It did for WoW. Still, I think encounters and mechanics need to more difficult but tuned for 4, 6 for normal rng... enhanced for 4man, reduced for 8 man. That covers accessibility and spans the skill gap... incentivizing players to get better, to play the encounters as designed... and the loot could reflect that. The value for your time and skill could be better respected AND raids could be more challenging. That's why I don't raid anymore.



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  • you are the one who started with passive aggressive vibes but alright suit yourself, angry is not an admin in my clan he is in a sister clan of ours.



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  • No, you took something personally that was just a point of fact given the information I had and the topic you made. I also apologized for it respective the ambiguity. Thanks for clarifying your relationship with that person... what are you saying exactly... with that clarification? Have fun, we need not argue anymore 😇 👍💠.



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  • they have A been banned and B their clan is no longer a sister clan of ours and C they are the type to get mad in raids (they are the best player in my server and in their clan as well so I can understand why they would get frustrated sometimes) they just dont support my opinion of ability nerfs so they tried to stir the pot here and in my discord chat they are named angry for a reason i guess. all well a shame really



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  • They're better off without you. That's for sure. You cut ties with them because they were nice to me 😬? They actually didn't reference the nerfs, they didn't bash or insult you either... they were just nice. I don't even need to say anything, your actions wail like a trumpet; or more like a kazoo.



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  • Idk what they said but they were very vocal about it in my server, you are the one who started out on a high horse, and the one who started belittling my intelligence. You are the one that started to go to insults. All of your initial lines of dialogue were incredibly backhanded. Enjoy being wrong and trying to seem better than everyone else while doing it.



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  • Nope.



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  • “If you understand how to build” “then you should know ability nerfs are exaggerated” “you will go mad without your crutches” calling me a liar, stupid, and a cheater from the get go. You are the one who treats people poorly and after people from my clan saw this post (only the people who heard me mention it in voice chat went to see) they saw what you were saying and responded accordingly it has nothing to do with me. You are an aggressive man and people like you don’t deserve to go around unopposed. The only support you garnered were from other aggressive men who are toxic elitists who are overly passionate in thinking that the game should be more weapon oriented . I can’t control the urge to argue with you for whatever reason and I have infinite free time so I’m going to have to block you and forget about you so I don’t Waste any more time thinking about this stupid balance changes that have ruined my week in a hobby I clearly take more seriously than you do



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  • I don’t want to continue talking to a brick wall so I am going to stop responding to this thread but think what you will



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  • It's not conjecture... it's based on math. Wait a few days, your discord crew will do most of the work for you... you'll be set 😇👍💠.



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  • Modificato da Lini Fox: 11/28/2023 11:27:55 PM
    I spent all morning testing with 11 other people…. I doubt you tested every ability with every kickstart and ability mod like we did. I’m on no hate train you are just playing a game of politics if that is what you think I am doing. Some mods are straight up useless now when paired with most abilities that is a fact. I went from being able to generate 10orbs every 10 seconds to 1-3 depending on mods i’m not saying that it should he as high as it was just not nerfed this much. Again artifact mods are temporary l. Also why don’t you play the whole game before you talk like you know whats what



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