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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
11/28/2023 12:45:27 PM

The least excited I’ve ever been for a Destiny DLC release.

Have loved Destiny and been playing since the D1 beta. Besides a couple of stints in Call of Duty this has been the only game I have played for the past 10 years. I’m in my early 40s and just play after my kids are asleep and in bed. More of just a social thing to hang out with buddies. Only 2 of them still play Destiny. I have never spent a penny at the Eververse shop. But I have pre-ordered and purchased every DLC over the last 10 years. Normally on the eve of a new dlc release I am pumped and so excited to play. But I just don’t have that feeling today with Wish releasing. I’m sure I will play some because I did already pay for it but that feeling is just gone. Anybody else feeling the same way today?



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  • Modificato da A_mo: 11/30/2023 8:50:57 PM
    I'm super excited As some of you may be able to tell. Why do the balancing machine matches feel like they're meat to make controller look like it's all about autobot? No one wants autobot aim assist in quickplay. There's becoming too much autobot . Autobot everywhere. And they systematically applied it to most of, the guns... Autobot and aim assist are not the same thing mnk people.



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  • Been with destiny since TDB in D1 and I've skipped the last two season because I am just burnt out on the poor choices bungie continues to make to thos game...I might come back and play it bit but I seriously don't care at all for Final Shape...



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  • Yes been here since beta as well and they have just completely killed it for me the fact they have put dragons breath in as your new exotic and nothing else but old re skins is just at this point another f u to the players



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    1 Rispondi
    • [quote]Anybody else feeling the same way today?[/quote] No, not really. Game's had its moments but has been growing more and more tired since Beyond Light. When I first heard this season was based on story bits from Forsaken, I thought "A season based on D2's best era isn't going to mean the season will be any good". Not if it's following the same model that was worn out a couple years ago.



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    • Modificato da SnakeEyes734: 11/29/2023 4:04:34 AM
      It's still going to be awesome! I appreciate all the great fun with friends I have had over the years thanks to the people at Bungie even if it is a disaster lol. * Even if it's amazing After Final Shape I am not sure I want to play anymore..... lately the abundance of bugs, server issues trying to play, and 7+ pages of patch notes every other week makes it hard to keep up with everything......I am so frustrated I kind of do not care anymore



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    • Yeah, same here. I did the story bit with all three characters and then did the Riven thing. Stupid spike jumping puzzles. I hate that kind of filler stuff. Everything else was standard room full of ads and a boss. Never liked the Dreaming City either with all that black drippy stuff and no easy way to get around. No way can I stomach a whole season in that dump. I've got over 5,700 hours in the game and I think that I'm about done.



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    • I'm the opposite, I'm excited as hell for final shape. The reason being: since destiny began, whenever people are screaming doom/gloom and bungie's backs are against the wall, they drop amazing content (ttk, forsaken, wq). Currently, doom/gloom is at its highest, and their backs are touching the wall. I got a feeling we in for something special.



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      38 Risposte
      • I'm in a comparable situation (dad, played off and on for the past ten years) and what I'm seeing about how atrocious the ability and orbs nerfs were really dissuades me from wanting to play. That, along with no new exotic armor, another boring and stale seasonal activity... what an awful state for Destiny.



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        2 Risposte
        • So much that you ran here to post about it.



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          10 Risposte
          • Not a single one of the guns has me excited, no good rolls, even the exotic bow they just had to use that ugly design frame again



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            1 Rispondi
            • There's a Life to live. A video game shouldn't monopolize it. Just take what you can have fun with it and leave it at that.



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              12 Risposte
              • Yeah this seasons release has been the lowest season day 1 player numbers in the past year including seraph



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                1 Rispondi
                • Yeah I’m feeling you I paid for lightfall and the season pass and season of the deep was ok but all seasons have been stale even the previous DLC I bought with the season pass and played one or 2 seasons The problem is the way they have set the game to be a “subscription” I preferred the way D1 was with DLCs but now if you don’t have the current DLC or season pass the game is useless and Bungie have the hide to put previous expansions on sale so we can buy the cheaper not knowing they don’t actually do anything (sure they mention it) but it ain’t clear



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                  1 Rispondi
                  • I played within an hour of the new season and for the first time there wasnt a queue to get in. Normally I would have 3 plus pages of friends playing today it was a little more than a page. I joined a party with some friends who literally had no idea the new season had released and honestly couldnt be bothered to switch over from COD to play it. This is the least hyped season I've seen in a long time.



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                    1 Rispondi
                    • I feel you. I usually have excitement the day of release but logging on and seeing no new exotic armor and reused undying weapons really put a damper on it for me.



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                      1 Rispondi
                      • Good for you that you still had motivation after lightfall released the way it did. Just know it's ok to feel this way and just take the season easy. It's going to be a long one, if anything try to enjoy some different games maybe even a single player on the side.



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                        3 Risposte
                        • Modificato da Quaddity: 11/28/2023 1:46:48 PM
                          I wish Destiny would get better. I sure enjoyed D1 and a few years of D2 with my clan. Other than a couple events I played some rounds of this year I quit playing before Lightfall. I haven't missed it. I log in on Tuesdays to see if there's anything I want in the store for brightdust. I still have about 40,000 of that.



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                          1 Rispondi
                          • Not even new/old destiny 1 exotic armor this season. What a joke.



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                          • No craftable garden weapons no exotic armour and weapons undying weapons were the worst in vanilla era of D2 In game its worst start of the season like bungie should had rethought their strategy better



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                          • No one asked



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