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11/28/2023 5:22:02 PM
I'm the opposite, I'm excited as hell for final shape. The reason being: since destiny began, whenever people are screaming doom/gloom and bungie's backs are against the wall, they drop amazing content (ttk, forsaken, wq). Currently, doom/gloom is at its highest, and their backs are touching the wall. I got a feeling we in for something special.



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  • Modificato da MC 077 Lasombra: 11/28/2023 9:04:50 PM
    Except this time around the best talent in the studio is working on a different game, Marathon. So to expect the same with the B squad skeleton crew is insane. Especially preordering. I can see waiting and seeing, but to preorder is silly at this point.



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  • Lol if you think they not gonna be all hands on deck, you're tripping. Yea, the best pvp crew was working on marathon, but that's gonna take a break to get the cash cow back healthy. Just like the best pve crew will be working on final shape. Even with that said, I don't think they will be alone. Sony will probably lend them help from the smaller studios. The better destiny does for bungie, the better bungie does for Sony.



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  • You’re the one tripping, forgetting they already put Destiny on the back burner. Help would of been good a year ago. By now it’s mostly done, it’s delayed to finish and polish. Not enough time for other studios to get in, learn the stuff and make content. I don’t care about Sony. Bungie doesn’t care about Destiny beyond income. Thinking anything other is ignoring the reality of how Bungie has been operating.



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  • Modificato da whateverman7: 11/29/2023 6:37:36 AM
    No, I'm not ignoring they already did that. The problem though was the game they thought was gonna be able to help make money for them isn't ready to go yet. So they gotta make sure the cash cow is still healthy enough to keep making money till other games are ready. That's why the game delayed, to make it better. And yes there is time for other studios to help. I don't know why yall think they would be building content from scratch lol. Do yall really think the other studios that helped before had a lot of time with bungie's engine and were creating content? No, they weren't. That's why they still care about destiny. And that's why by default Sony cares since they partnered with bungie. Sure they can sit back, let them crash and burn to renegotiate the partnership, but I don't think they there yet. Of course they want the game to make them money. Every company that creates a product to sell wants that lol. The best way to do that is make sure the product you selling keeps selling.



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  • Lol High Moon Studios and Vicarious Vision did make content. Forsaken ring a bell? They helped make content in D1, base D2, Forsaken and other things like cut scenes and what not. That’s why quality started sliding when they left. Yeah, they’ve always wanted it to make money and yet you readily admit they continually let the game get in bad shape before pulling it back up. So you can’t sit there and say that solely because they want to make money they won’t screw up, cause they do all the time. But to act like the other studios didn’t carry them through their bad decision making is revisionist history. Destiny would of crashed and burned without those two helping them as far back as TTK. And acting like a support studio isn’t going to make content? Then what exactly are they doing genius? As for Sony, depends on the terms of the contract. Which we don’t know.



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  • Modificato da whateverman7: 11/30/2023 6:12:10 AM
    What are you talking about? I've said VV and high moon helped. It's in response to another person. But you're wrong about what they helped with. VV only concentrated on the PC port; and high moon only contributed to forsaken. Just like I told the other person. If you doubt, you can check their website which shows all the games they've worked on. Destiny 1 isn't 1 of them. The game was making money until lightfall, so it didn't fall off that much lol. What you think of the quality doesn't matter. They made money. Hell, they made money with lightfall, just not as much as they projected. No one helped them with ttk, that was all bungie. Not giving bungie their credit is revisionist history. You doubt what I say, you can look it up. They only got help with forsaken. Studios that help can do just that: help. They don't have to make content. They can do all the extra stuff while the main studio works on content. Or they can with on the pc port while the main works on other stuff. True, we don't know the terms.



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  • I misremembered when ttk came out. Sure. But you can’t say that they don’t help make dlcs when you correct me by saying they worked on forsaken. So if you cite a support studio working on a dlc, then argue the current support studios wouldn’t work on a dlc, you seem to be contradicting yourself.



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  • I have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't said studios can't help. I've said the same way Activision got studios to help bungie, I think Sony will too. As to what that help will be, I don't know.



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  • I hope you’re right man! Like I said for the past 10 years this is basically the only game I have played so I do love it and would love to have that excitement again sometime!



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  • Modificato da whateverman7: 11/28/2023 5:56:58 PM
    Just gotta hold on till April for the final shape preview. Think you'll get that feeling again.



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  • Problem is all the other times like ttk/forsaken etc. They were being carried by Activision. Activision actively put multiple studios on the project to help bungie. For example, forsaken had seen Activision apply 2 of their studios to help bungie finish it. As it stands bungies track record when working by themselves is bad and they haven't really had a solid release except witchqueen, which had a pretty crappy ending and the following seasons were pretty lazy and boring.



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  • True, they had other studios help them. Which I think is going to happen again, with the help of Sony. I think Sony will get some of their smaller studios to help beef up the the dlc cause in the end, the better it is bungie, the better it is for Sony.



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  • It's possible sony may pawn off a studio on bungie, but I also don't see any of their studios being particularly helpful seeing as how bungie uses a modified engine and assisting studios would need to learn the engine before being any help and there just isn't enough time for that



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  • Sony has studios where that is their job: to help other studios get things out. Just like Activision. Trust me, if Sony decides to help, which I think they will, there is nothing to worry about.



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  • You got it twisted, Sony are taking bungie staff to work on Sony games, that's why they bought them.



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  • Lol no they aren't. They partnered with them for 2 reasons: 1. To get their knowledge/info/input about gaas. Despite what people say, destiny has been very successful for 10 years in that space. 2. Bungie needed someone to help foot the bill. Sure, destiny is successful, but when you paying for everything yourself, it adds up. So the partnership helps both of them.



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  • It's not a partnership btw, Sony own them now.



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  • Lol no they don't



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  • Last one before I mute you for stupidity ;)



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  • You're wrong, but I guess the words from bungie and Sony themselves mean nothing lol. Just go read the announcement of the deal from both companies, there is nothing about owning. Never mind, just mute me lol



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  • About: Bungie, Inc. is an American video game company based in Bellevue, Washington, and a subsidiary of Sony Interactive Entertainment. Subsidiary meaning: a company owned and controlled by a holding company. "a subsidiary of Cable and Wireless"



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  • They are not owned by Sony. Sony has invested and partnered with them, but they still are they own entity. It's just like sony's deals with epic and fromsoftware. Sony is invested and partnered with them too, but they don't own them. Seriously, if Sony owned bungie, do you think they would be letting them create potential multi-plat games? No, they would be first party games.



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  • I dont see it honestly. Sony has no studios proficient in the modified tiger engine as well as no studios proficient in good first person shooters.



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  • Lol if you say so. You just wanna think negatively, that's cool. Have a good one guardian



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  • It's not negatively. It's realistically. Sony doesn't have first party FPS studios on par with the likes of Activision. It's just the objective truth. Naughty dog hasn't even done multiplayer stuff since 2016 Poly does gran tourismo Asobi does playroom The old guerilla games that did kill zone is long gone and haven't done a multiplayer or fps since shadowfall back in 2013. Not to mention the devs from back in the killzone days are long gone Insomniac hasn't done a fps since resistance 3 Santa Monica did God of War a melee brawler Sucker punch does ghost of tsushima None of these studios do FPS games let alone large scale multiplayer. The best option would be sucker punch since they have the most recent experience in raidlike mechanic building and multiplayer. But as far as I'm aware they are working on their own large scale project. Sony just doesn't have the talent to assist in a multiplayer first person shooter.



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