I recently achieved Atheon's Epilogue, I was excited and had been working on it for one or two days now. This morning however I got on and saw my gun wasn't the one I equipped last night, Atheon's Epilogue, I went to my inventory and tried to find it, checked the vault, lost items, and even my other character. I know I [b]did not [/b] dismantle it as I had no extra materials as if I did. The gun was simply gone, and though very disheartened I couldn't post this until now so after a half hour of moping about I went back to playing. That's irrelevant. What can I do and can anyone help me? Hoping staff or a GM or something can lend a hand.
[spoiler]Half way done too. lw;ekjbrpeiourgb[/spoiler]
Thank you for reporting this issue. I will make sure that your information is included in the team's investigation.
Side note: What's with microphones randomly not working between certain people? This appears to be a Destiny-only-issue.