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Hablemos de Destiny.
Editado por dudeware: 10/23/2014 8:56:59 PM

You need to see this video!

This video is amazing. Literally. It's an eye opener and more people should watch this. I have the limited edition unfortunately and can't refund my dlc, so that's why we need you to help stop this greed that has taken over the gaming industry. Don't purchase the dlc, don't be tempted because the dlc will not change the fact that destiny is repetitive and unimaginative. it will not live up to what destiny was supposed to be back when it was first shown off to the public. We need to stand up so that we can have intellectually challenging games from these dev's instead of dlc hubs and mindless shooters with point and click story lines. Join the cause by [u]not purchasing the dlc[/u].

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  • Wow just watched the full video. This guy make complete sense of this dumb dull game. Bungie is ripping us off. There dumping there more mature audience for younger easy satisfied. Also were the -blam!- is our trading system with your dumbass RNG looting system. There is a lot more in that video, these are just some of the many reasons why destiny SUCKS!!!

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  • Lol don't listen to BS videos like this; they are so full of bias.

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  • Editado por Roe Larry: 10/24/2014 7:33:39 PM
    Narrator of that video sounds like he's got marble-mouth.

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  • Again? This pos video AGAIN? I've only seen 30 posts on it today, don't worry.

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  • If you look very closely, you can see that this guy plays Crucible like a little bitch. Warlock + Extended melee + Shotgun + Blink = A little annoying shit. This cannot be denied.

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  • This guy has enough bullshit pouring out of his mouth to fill a barn.

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  • My hope is that since the story writer left and something happened they went with another story but didn't want to delay the game causing them to lock parts of the game story to rework the "story" to fit the game. Hopefuly released for free I wish the game were just delayed honestly

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  • 1
    Something that would really serve as sending a message to publishers and developers in general that we as a community are fed up with mediocrity and this kind of tactics would just be not playing destiny for an entire weekend. Simply having their servers almost completely empty would show that everyone is getting together and sending a message and that message is: "Enough." That would create enough coverage to send a definitive message across the gaming industry that everyone from activision to ubisoft and EA would hear: Gamers are not stupid and can get organised, they should be working hard to earn our money not false advertising, cutting corners and selling half a game and asking for more money on DLC after 2 months. Things need to change or this trend will only be getting worse.

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    2 Respuestas
    • Editado por UncertainAxis: 10/24/2014 3:17:31 PM
      You do know that the gaming industry does have to make money right? I mean, in 1997 gamefreak released pokemon red and blue. Same game, same story... Only difference was the few specific pokemon you could get in either copy... Why? Because ITS A GOOD WAY TO MAKE MONEY. It doesn't necessarily have to do with greed, it has to do with the fact that games aren't cheap to develop, servers don't just stay open for free, and all the developers of the games you purchase and then bitch about have to get paid as well. You don't like the way the company operates? Well sell your game on eBay and stop whining.

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    • I found the original script for the story

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    • Nice video. I agree that I'm disappointed as well but I already pre ordered the dlc. Otherwise I probably wouldn't. I bought this game because of the story and universe that they advertised. While I do still love playing with my friends, this game lacks in the whole reason why I bought this game. There's no story. If I hadn't preordered the version with dlc, I probably would have quit this game already and just read the story elsewhere

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      2 Respuestas
      • To start, I love destiny and plan to play for a while. BUT.....this video is so true. There is an epidemic in the gaming industry and this guy totally gets it. This game should and was so much more. To be honest, i dont even see the DLC getting it back to were it should be. It was gutted too much. And again, i love the game, it is a great game. BUT.....i could, and should, have been epic. A new standard in FPS RPG gaming around the globe. But its not. Its just another release that is a fun and enjoyable game. But it should have been so much more. There was so much potential that is lost due to what. Greed? Age group? Or just plain playing off peoples gulability. I hope, and prey to god that the DLC does bring this game back to epic proportions. I dont even mind paying for it. I got the DLC anyways in my ghost edition. But i dont see it happening. It will just be another game that i like and will go on the shelf in a few months and i may pick it back up again in a year. But, i also have a very short attention span. Very few games have had me coming back again and again. FF7 and Skyrim are a couple to list. Im sad to say it too. I love the game and what it could be. I just hope that Bungie gets there head out of there asses and give us a DLC that makes the game what it should have been in the first place. I will gladly pay for it so i can enjoy the game like i wanted too.

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      • Editado por Yuyito7: 10/23/2014 10:26:06 PM
        In my opinion, must of the people that are upset about the final game are the ones that follow It's development since the announcement. I only played the Alpha cause I was sent a code by email and I wasn't very impress by it. I pick up Destiny on launch day as an impulse buy ( I'm a big Halo fan). I've enjoyed Destiny for what it is and probably will buy the DLC when it comes out.

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      • if you dont like it dont play it Ive put almost 260 hours into this game and im enjoying it, cant wait to hit lvl 30 on all my characters and DLC ! i hope i hit 30 so i can play some Shadow of Mordor . Fh2/Evil within

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        4 Respuestas
        • How many times are you going to post this

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        • They said themselves that they are working on the dark below as we speak (well Deej said that). I trust Deej more than you sir.And just because you can enter an area doesn't mean that it is 100% done with. Plus if they added it all in at launch people would then complain that the dlc would take too long to come out, and then they would whin and want more. And this Dlc plan adds more longevity to the game. If they added all this in launch over half of us would be done with it and we would have to wait longer to get more content. Just in spite of you I might just buy 10 more expansion packs.

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        • Editado por JasonLeeJames: 10/23/2014 10:19:31 PM
          A small clip of a few trees = Cut content. Empty levels = cut content. Pvp cut content. LOL

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        • I love how the main vocal supporters of don't download the DLC already have the season pass and have days of game play clocked in. I haven't bought the DLC and have played a lot of this game and am near lvl 30 as my interest is dying slowly. As there won't be anything to do except try and get the vex but who knows I may get that in my hard raid tonight

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        • If you have a problem with the game stop playing. You've already clocked 5 hours today alone....

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        • This game is annoying most of the time, but it's all the others devs fault for not releasing ANY GAMES this year! Destiny is fun when I'm with friends and people to talk to, plus I get the season pass free like most, it's in the box

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        • No i dont!!!

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        • The video is trash. Frankly, I bought Destiny not because of some trailer released in 2013, but because of the Beta I played three months before launch. As did most other people. You didn't like the game. You think it's repetitive and unimaginative. Good for you. The majority don't, and that's why 3.2 million people are still playing it.

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          1 Respuesta
          • Buying the dlc twice just to spite you....and its my money to do with as I please.

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          • I forgot about that woods area completely...

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          • I spend more than $35 on dinner in one night, I literally couldn't possibly care less about any of the stuff this guy says, even if it was true. Which it isn't. Plus you are the 500th person to share this on the forum today.

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            • Destiny is fun to me. The gameplay is spot on especially in pvp. It feels good and I want more so I'm getting it. If you're unhappy that's your problem. You can express it. But trying to convince others is where I draw the line. Let people who like the game be. It's not a crime. It's not wrong.

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