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Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por Seiryoku: 2/23/2024 8:09:19 AM

Congratulations Trials Players

I have always been resistant to the offering of free adept weapons to parties I felt hadn't earned them. I know this has branded me as an elitist amongst some of the forum dwellers. I genuinely had hoped people would see it was their mindset that kept them from achieving any personal glory. Glory, if any, to be perceived from within the confines of this wacky digital universe we all occupy. So much discussion of gatekeeping and how the game should be crafted by people that hadn't taken the time to understand it as it was, but thought it should conform to them as they are. I thought that they failed to see they had the power to change and adapt. That there exists immutable mechanics they must bend to and in that, find what they can and cannot control. And so discover more of themselves through the lens of this hobby. With all of that said, I'm glad the [b]Passage of Persistence[/b] exists for those that may have started to lose hope or desire to chase the Lighthouse. I'm sure this choice will ultimately improve player population and retention, which is most important. The prestige of Trials exists only within the hearts and minds of players that have braved pvp. I believe any committed player with focus, disciple, awareness, malleability, and emotional control can accomplish any challenge this game offers. I hope people will persist in their effort to get to the Lighthouse even when they get their adept weapons for 7 wins. I sincerely hope the population continues to better understand the game so we have a more unified vision. Bungie's effort to satisfy every type of player has threatened the game when they implement things that make it feel worse overall. This means it's on the players to be mindful of changes requested. If it helps the player population and leads to more happiness, more participation amongst friends and fosters pleasant experiences, I can't be anything other than fond of the change. Edit: [spoiler]It is good cause it will bring people in sure. I'm glad about that, but the potential cost over time may be steep. I expect most casuals will remain casuals. Like having two mercies. And only needing 7 wins instead of 9. The changes helped some and enticed them for a period of time.... but.. They will get the weapon eventually and then they will leave. And once they leave the numbers will go down again. But the damage to the playlist will be done. This is like giving aspirin to dying flowers to watch them bloom one final time. The weapon as the aspirational pursuit will lose its appeal for the parties the game mode was originally designed for, flawed as the concept was executed. I mean "sweats" and "elitists" over time. Once you have earned the ship, ghost, and emblem if those interest you. It's a win now, but eventually the cosmetics will need to be expanded in some capacity. Or the rewards. Then casual players will demand those too. People that want glows for their armor or to wear all but the Dazzling Iridescence emblem are people that got a Flawless and are still proud to display it. To signal to others, like brand association. [i]Prestige.[/i] That they can go flawless. And that's great. But there exists groups that aren't satisfied by adding to hundreds of flawlesses or wearing these things. Title gilding. It's just the only aspect of the game that still excites them cause the stakes make people play with intention. Those people can assess a player's skill at a glance. Or based on loadout, stat distribution, Elo, KD. They will look you up on Trials report and see what weapons you use most commonly and your accuracy with them. Clans recognize clans. People see the same players that are "gatekeeping". I think those people will need something more to pursue eventually to keep them from existing only to destroy those that felt like "fodder" before all the changes to help them get there.[/spoiler]

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  • There are those that went flawless that didn't deserve it ether

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    2 Respuestas
    • Editado por More Power: 2/23/2024 6:52:13 PM
      I’m ok with good/great gear going to only the good/great players, whether pve or PvP. However, the average/mediocre players shouldn’t have to face the good/great players also wielding the best (unobtainable to them) guns/gear in PvP. The Not Forgotten hand cannon and predatory matchmaking drove me out of PvP. I had no weapon in my inventory that could compete - at my skill level.

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      11 Respuestas
      • Editado por NotCreative123: 2/23/2024 5:35:01 AM
        People play to have fun. Period. For some people, just playing the game is fun. They'll play or not play Trials regardless of the rewards. For others, they need to feel like they are "getting something" for their time. The passage changes are for these players. For those that just want the weapon and hate the mode... Well, I guess the changes are for those people, too. But, like you said, this type of player is going to get their perfect roll and dip. It won't keep them long-term. Can I get a Conquerer Title if I'm bad at PVE? Can I complete GMs? Yes, I can, but it will take a while. Now, Trials is the same. A big theme of the TWID was balance between PVE and PVP - it's why PVP is getting increased rewards, and it's why going Flawless is going to become more achievable for those willing to put the time in

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        4 Respuestas
        • The way I see it is you should have to work for what you want. You want adept gear you go flawless, or run GM Nightfalls or Master raids. The normal versions are just as good as Adept. If you want Adept then you work for it.

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          • I figured the go to wouldve been the type of card matching the same. I haven't read into the persistence card but if it fills the player pool even by a couple hundred or thousand that's a plus for everyone. I've gained many flawless weapons. But I don't see the point in gatekeeping in destiny other than pve. Pvp was already kinda on the back burner till recently. Plus the errors and bugs that happen just kinda kill any desire when you're 5-0/6-0 So this soooorta makes up for the possible slip up. Maybe they'll allow us to keep glows or have new shaders and armor "ornaments" later down the road like with nine or old iron banner, for doing prestigious or high climbing feats in trials (fingers crossed) You gotta make the climb worth it for those still doing it the old fashioned way. And hopefully the persistence card won't allow flawless farming. That way it'll kinda push the freshly flawless player into deeper territory. But overall it should be healthy for the game. Even if it's a small moment in the grand scheme

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          • Its not gonna increase the count by much past the first day

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          • Population will increase the first week, not as much as people are thinking, once people realize the time investment to get their lose to win adept, they will reflect on what their experience was getting it and then the population will go back down to the current numbers, reality is trials is a failure of a mode and should have never been brought back and the pvp end game focus should have been on comp, witch has in the past better participation than trials ever had, granted the guns had a lot of pull og LH/NF was great!

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            • Imagine complaining that Bungiea trying to get more players into trials. If a bad player gets an Adept who cares its no like they will stop using Jotunn, osteo or any auto over it... Bad players get carried flawless everyday.

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              • Okay, this is coming from a person that was never really interested in going flawless, as I actually cared for my mental health and kinda knew my limit so to speak Im okay with having to work hard for the loot, but I never cared for the lighthouse after figuring out the glow was temporary, making me lose all the reason to try, but having this new way to get weapons, might give me a reason to try win matches more

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                • God, who cares? it was terrible and will remain so... being an adept gives you practically nothing, absolutely no advantage + on top of everything and a mod? oh how great this is, maybe now you will have even more people in trials for more farming as guardians and adepts... I’ll continue not to play trials (my personal opinion and I’m not imposing it; for me it’s boring and doesn’t make any sense) but no sbmm in control this is great, it can be a lot of fun

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                • Where do I get the passage of persistence?

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                  • I normaly dont play trails or pvp in general, but i am going to give it a go now for a trails adept weapon. Like i said i normaly dont play it, and following the Forum trails is in a bad place number wise etc. So giving poeple the opertunity to gain one, wil ad to the player count and thats a good thing for trails and the poeple that play it. About adept weapons, i have allot of them that i dont use and are gathering dust in my vault. But am curious about the Trail ones, maybe i can benefit from them in PVE. I hope that they wont end up in my vault gathering dust.

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                    4 Respuestas
                    • Editado por eeriearcade: 2/23/2024 11:29:26 AM
                      I average 0.68 kd in Trials and can go Flawless through perseverance, which devalues it, IMO. Anything that rewards luck and perseverance, rather than skill and performance, goes against a competitive mindset. It’s a really wonky example of competitive endgame PvP.

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                      • I can only speak for myself… the only time I ever play Trials is when new loot is available. New armor I can transmog or new weapons I might be able to find a new roll of I like. I’m not going to go flawless because I don’t have the time to practice to improve the necessary amount to get a single flawless… much less multiple flawless runs. I would love to have that dope -blam!- ship and probably wouldn’t ever fly anything else if I had it. Something like the persistence card will get me to engage in weekends I might be interested in the adept gun roll to see if it improves a regular roll I have… instead of just checking out for the season after about rank 10 on Saint because it’s a loot desert until I PERSIST through enough matches to start getting regular drops each week. Long story not so long… The time investment to loot quantity in Trials is abysmal.

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                        9 Respuestas
                        • As a trials player -blam!- below the basement I'm actually sad that they are doing this. Adept should remain how it was. Don't get me wrong I'm going to go for them if I have time but they won't feel earned.

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                          5 Respuestas
                          • Longer than expected read, but I fully understand and support this opinion. I’m not a big trials player anyway, but if someone wants to go into a high end pvp mode, they should expect high end opponents.

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                            • What is the point of this post other than saying “You don’t deserve it and you failed in the original challenge because of your mindset but from a pragmatic standpoint of saving the game I agree with the changes so you have my blessing in picking up the weapons you don’t deserve”?

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                              19 Respuestas
                              • Anyone who still can’t go flawless after these changes, needs to seriously consider playing something more their speed like Cooking Mama

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                                • What caught my attention more than the adepts was how running with a full team increases the chance of getting the weekly weapons/engrams to drop.

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                                  • Poop head

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                                    • I’m glad I now have an avenue to wear the armor I like cosmetically without the stupid glow and still get the adept weapons.

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                                    • I’m just gonna run this passage from now on I’ve gone flawless hundreds of times guild my seal 11 times this will be nice just to farm here and there with some friends

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                                      • From what I understand they don't go to the lighthouse on a loss on the persistence card. So flawless is still a prestige thing they are just making it more forgiving with the ferocity card. The persistence card still get flawed after a loss it just drops an adept weapon on the 7th win. The cosmetics and shades are still part of the trials presitge.

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                                        • as a pvp player that can go flawless every week and farm adept guns with no problem i like this trials changes. A very rare double week W from bungie

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