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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por Snow: 11/26/2022 9:41:55 AM

I have to say, it actually feels like Bungie is not even trying anymore.


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  • I just want to know where in the actual hell the artist from D1 went? You look at concept art from D1 for many aspects of the game from armor to destinations. And compare them to D2. You ask yourself, is this the same person that designed this? I mean come on! Titans have several armor sets with a Fridge for a gauntlet. I might as well wear that giant onion armor from Dark souls.

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    • Stop buying cosmetics. They are literally and admittedly just using this game to fund their new project. 1 skin for whisper funded a whole secret mission. But making secret missions is to expensive now? Yeah, but 30 cosmetics a season is funding....what? Bug bugs bugs and no fixes.

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    • I cancelled my Lightfall pre-order. I just can't do it again. Every expansion, I expect Bungie to do something new, innovative, better, different.. But they never do. It always seems like they've done something unique, like these grappling hooks, but then it always ends up being limited and cheap in that very [i]Bungie[/i]-specific way. People expect these grappling hooks to change the way we play Destiny 2, but I can promise you it'll be a cheap Bungie gimmick, just like usual. We won't have that ability on any other class, so it can't be too special.

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      • I disagree!!! I really believe both the people they have working on this game are deeply passionate and committed.

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        • Agree 100% Lightfall will be the first release I am not buying since D1 launch. They either don’t care or are incompetent. I have zero desire to log in to Destiny any more and I used to play a lot.

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          • Oh now you idiots get it. I felt that way when D2 came out and 90% of the exotics were reused D1 weapons. That is why I played 2000 hours of D1 and less then 300 hours of D2.

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          • Editado por Wheelaa1: 11/25/2022 1:51:47 PM
            'Bungie' no longer exist. 'Bungie' were talented, passionate, creative, the experience mattered first and foremost. Instead we now have 'Bungo'. 'Bungo' are not 'Bungie'. Instead of passion, talent, creativity, there is greed, laziness, stagnation and repetition. And lots of dresses to buy. Bungo also ask you to throw money at the screen, turn up to community events in pjs, and constantly lie over years and years. How's that renewed PvP focus - we first heard about a couple of years ago - going?

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          • They don’t have to. They just have to make Eververse items and watch the money roll in

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          • If we could keep going to the same slot machine and roll triple 7's each time, would you change that? We're the "triple 7"s. We keep buying their content, no matter how mediocre it is. They have a winning formula, and it's up to us as the consumer to change it. Until we do, it's all talk. And won't change.

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          • It feels like the end of every season. The content is exhausted and people are mad and insisting that the game is dying and Bu tie doesnt care….

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          • Editado por THE SARGE 01: 11/25/2022 7:13:50 PM
            FACT Why would they? I mean, all they have to keep doing is rotating the same content in and out of the game, and keep milking Eververse. Blame all the player who pre-paid for an entire year’s worth of content. Problem is that the same sheep 🐑 will do it again for next DLC.

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            • I mean, they nerf a bunch of stuff but ignore certain weapon bc Bungie chooses the meta.

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            • [quote]Title[/quote] Because they put Christopher Barrett and The A-Team on the net ease " Matter project". Essentially most of the original Destiny team is working on the next project and not destiny.

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              • They aren't. They are building a new game and likely a phone game. Those are not side hustles those are all a company like them can manage. Look at how many times they discussed how hard it is to build for this game. How much do you think those other projects have taken manpower resources away from this game. They have made like ZERO crucible maps in years and on the latest twab focusing on the bright future of the crucible they state hey if you can build maps we are hiring.... I mean it doesn't take a genius to read the tea leaves surrounding the running of this game.

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                • I think you’re on to something there

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                • Editado por TheShadow: 11/26/2022 5:08:47 PM
                  Actually, they are so hear me out. I would hate to work for this business, not when it comes to the benefits of being able to drink on the job, come to work in your jammies, etc... From what I understand the devs are well taken care of, but in other areas not taken care of well at all. What I'm referring to is how some players have this illusion that the devs working on this game make the calls for whatever takes place, not even any director gets to do that or this game would have been in a much better place than it is now. The devs have to bust their a.., mainly because of the higher-ups that actually make the calls. So saying "Bungie doesn't care" when it comes to who is actually running this business, you would be 100% correct, but when it comes to the employees it's actually quite the opposite.

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                  • Editado por Evo: 11/26/2022 1:43:17 PM
                    Yea I agree I've stopped playing d2 for a month now moved onto other games and feel way better. I played pvp heavy and the fact that d2 is a hybrid game of both pve pvp. Us pvp players have gotten one map, with no loot incentive in other end game modes. Trials doesn't even feel like trials anymore for the amount of problems it has it will never be peek d1. Iron banner is such a joke it's ridiculous there's no point to do it the weapons are boring and they can't figure out what game mode they want for it that keeps player retention. Then this comp rework their doing is stupid they're trying to make a non-competitive game.......competitive? Doesn't make sense especially with the rewards if you get to the top of the ranks as number 1 and just get cosmetics and nothing else what's the point? At least we need adept weapons or five exotic engrams. I don't care if the casual player can't get it there's supposed to be challenge in video games its the point. Just imagine if you could one shot everything in god of war because people were complaining how hard it was. Don't get me wrong light level and xp gains is a whole different issue which I understand but we're talking about when you get to end game. Bungie should implement rewards for top end pve players then imagine if you 2 man oryx its a guaranteed touch of malice for both players on hard mode with 3 adept weapons rewarded?. Or soloing a grandmaster nightfall you get double rewards and if you do it on the double rewards rotation its triple? For too long bungie has been appeasing to the casuals with hard content and it just pushed me as well as many from the game. Trials having freelance was so dumb and so anti destiny it didn't make sense that was what destiny was all about bringing people together and now when I used to play NO ONE TALKS TO ONE ANOTHER. Because why do they need to when they can just go in solo and not have fun or learn to get better with other people? I don't know destiny has just become more than lack luster it's become sad to see a game that I've made life time gaming friends on go down a terrible world no matter how bad it got it still brought people together. But with all these changes it's just been anti-gamer and wasting everyone's time with losing the light it once had (no pun intended).

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                  • "feels like" is the understatement of the year. It's an obvious fact they don't. Bungie is putting their entire resources into other projects. More important ones. They know D2 is sucked dry, they just can't entirely abandon their literally ONLY live service game as of now since it's a massive source of income. So they are just milking loyal players dry to min max profit with the least effort possible until their next game release is ready. Net-ease and sony didn't put that much money into Bungie just cause they are saints. Obviously they want their money worth. And it's clearly going towards other projects than this f2p gacha game thats running on an ancient engine. Activision ditching them was the death sentece to the quality Destiny game we loved. "Bright days are ahead" is what they love to say. Yea bright days for their own pockets. Destiny tho? Nah. Will most like be dead after the final shape. (yes i know the interviews that theres more in line after for the destiny universe, who said that's not gonna happen in a p2w gacha mobile game spin off tho?)

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                  • it almost feels like minimum effort for max price tag

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                    • It sure does seem like they are regretting the 10yr franchise they sold everybody on.

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                      • Hey, at least we have arbitrary ranks to grind in PvP 😂

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                        • For a company that's hiring constantly it sure feels like they got the janitor who can't code making some of their changes

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                          • Because they arent. Lightfall is going to be incredibly lackluster and i'm calling it. Their entire marketing stategy is going to be focused on Strand, and it'll end up being op, then nerfed and forgotten about.

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                            • Someone said this before "the only destiny-killer out there is called Bungie..."

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                            • Yeah. The passion for the Destiny franchise is gone. We need this franchise to be given to a Dev team that loves this game & wants to make the best game possible - not the most money possible.

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                              • They trying to kill the game and the player base, make room for their new games

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