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8/30/2022 3:33:45 PM

Looking for a raiding clan, tired of LFG

Looking for an active and supportive clan that is down to run raids and help players learn raids.

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    Come check out the brewery.

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  • [u][b]Lets Welcome Everyone To Season of the [b]Plunder[/b]*Witch Queen* [/b][/u] A Clan is like a gaming family and that's what we are We Help and look out for each other regardless in raids/crucible/milestones We are not a "Focused Trials Clan" We are a Mixed Bunch Our Personalities are extraordinarily different that is what makes us awesome. This Clan has been alive and well since Season 1. And we are open to meeting new people and new faces. Those who are oblivious to Destiny overall. No worries! We Definitely have time for those to teach and grind the ways of Destiny. As you can say We are Definitely the Sherpa Clan. Yes, People. Sherpa. :] Our Rules are Very Simple Don't go offline for more than 2 weeks. And Don't be Disrespectful. Yes, we may not agree on things but -blam!- does?. This is a place where we can Game and Talk all the Gaming crap. We Are PDT/UK/EST Friendly [b] We Communicate Through Web Application/Mobile Application[PSN] Group chat available    Try us out. I am sure you won't regret it [/b] [b]Direct Clan Link:  [url][/url] When Submitting: Send a Msg to Me to Confirm the Request                               Make Sure you leave any current clan your in before applying                                                                                      [/b] [b] Check out our Clan-Intro Season 5. Short 30 Seconds [url][/url][/b] [b]Into Tiktok? Well.. [url][/url][/b]                                                   [u]Can not Wait To See You, Guardian.[/u]

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    so many fakes smh - antiguos

    TheDivineBeast is recruiting Players and or Small Clans to join our Clan/Community Expand to read about TDB [spoiler][b][i]Joining is simple:[/i][/b] [quote][b]-[/b] Be 18+ [b]-[/b] Join the Discord and Fill Out The Application for clan/community role [i]Random request with no application fill out = denied, posting on here you want to join.. is fine make sure you join the discord and still fill out the form.[/i] [b]-[/b] Join and Remain in our Discord [b]-[/b] Upvote this post so we can maintain visibility[/quote] [b][i]TDB Clan/Discord Links:[/i][/b] [quote]💬 > [url=][/url] 🕋 > [url=]TDB Clan Page[/url] 🕋 > [url=]TDB2 Clan Page[/url] 💬 > [url=]backup discord url[/url][/quote] [b][i]We only have a few requirements:[/i][/b] [quote][b]-[/b] Join and be active within our Discord server - this means using our LFG channels to create fireteams, joining up on queued activities or even creating your own and participating in conversations [b]-[/b] Be Active in Destiny - We aren't expecting any lifer levels of activity, although we have several that do (me included) but we ask that you are active a few times a week. [b]-[/b] Is engagement with clan and community members, We know social anxiety can be hard. As I'm the Owner and have issues myself. [/quote] [i][b]We are looking for in the clan members and community members![/b][/i] [quote][b]-[/b] Be 1550+ Light on one character [b]-[/b] We are seeking dedicated Guardians (gamers that are active, wanting to do all content) [b]-[/b] If you can do lowman, Gm's without Issues.. And more (that's great) [b]-[/b] End Game/Harder Content Gamers (if you can do raids/gms or master raids-cps, end game stuff) join.. even if you cant still apply.[/quote] [i][b]What we are looking for attitude wise in members![/b][/i] [quote][b]-[/b] Excellent sense of humor [b]-[/b] Respectful gamers [b]-[/b] Willing to talk,teach and just support people not of your skill level.. Not bash them.[/quote] [b][i]What We Offer:[/i][/b] [quote][b]-[/b] LFG channels in our discord to arrange activities between our clans [b]-[/b] Weekly raids run by community leaders and members, experience is only a bar to entry if we’re already running a Sherpa for another member, but we will make sure you get a raid if you want one and teach you new roles if you don’t know them. [b]-[/b] PvE content helps, we’ll help get those 100k nightfalls done, run with you through any dungeon, take on Vox Obscura or just stack up for Gambit because it hurts playing solo. [b]-[/b] Teach raids and help you gain experience [b]-[/b] Guide you through dungeons and support you on exotic quests [b]-[/b] Dedicated Safe Space channels gamers, LGBTQ+, terminal or chronic illnesses and Mental Health Issues to talk, support each other and arrange activities. [i]We aren't saying the rest of the discord isn't safe for everyone, we just know sometimes its nice to talk to people who understand you a little better, just let us know so we can give you access[/i] [b]-[/b] Giveaways and competitions for members of our clans.[/quote] [b][i]One Thing To Follow:[/i][/b] [quote]TDB is a family, your not a number to us, your a family member when you join us. So engage and be active is all we ask (failing to do so at all in weeks/two weeks time = removed) engage a few times a week its not that hard.[/quote] [b][i]A Community That Knows How To Help Others - So Long As You Ask[/i][/b] [quote]TheDivineBeast sits apart from most other Communities because we genuinely want to help as many people as possible achieve as much as they can during their time with us. [/quote][/spoiler]

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  • Clan [b]DΞSTINY[/b] with dedicated Discord server is recruiting. 💠 Our main goal is to create a friendly, non-toxic environment for everyone who wants to enjoy a healthy gaming experience. [u]There's no place for hate, racism and discrimination of any kind in [b]DΞSTINY[/b].[/u] 💠 Your K/D and number of raid clears don't impress us, the most important thing is what kind of person you are. 💠 We don't have any ridiculous requirements. We'll accept everyone, regardless of time zone, gaming platform and skill level. However, we welcome Guardians who show a certain level of maturity (age 20+), and are willing to use Discord. [b]If you're interested, please leave a comment or contact us on Discord. There's no verification process. No one will ever force you to use a mic either. We use Discord to co-ordinate, share information, and just hang out with the amazing community we are building. So pop in and say hello![/b] 💠 [u]Discord :[/u] [b]See You Starside[/b]!✨

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  • How's it going? We are a small group of friends, looking to add a few more members.. All of us are either in college or working (ages ranging from 19 thru 36). Some of us have families, kids, etc. So we understand busy home life. We are looking for cool people that wants to run end game in Destiny. That are at least 18+, willing to build our clan and able to enjoy some trolling and understand that some days we all have our lives and stuff happens. We would be happy to have you, we have people on PC and Xbox, so feel free to stop by. Hit me up via the clan or discord.​ v/r Mason

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  • We are a clan just looking for more active fun members that just like to game and hang out!! Although the discord is heavily based with destiny we do allow other games and topics!! :) make sure you bring A good sense of humor!! Cause we be weird! Only requirements be 18+ and join the discord! You do not have to be in the clan to be in the discord! :) everyone is welcome! Join up on the discord and then we will send you a clan invite! :) Mainly looking for more active raiders! We are more than willing to teach raids to new players!!! :)

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  • I dont know if you are still looking, but if you are, I have a small clan I am actively trying to grow that focuses mainly on Endgame PvE content. Dungeons, GMs, Raids, Challenges, Etc. We have a discord as well, where we coordinate things, but participation isnt mandatory, so if you want to lurk and chime in when something interests you, thats perfectly acceptable. Zerø Squad [NA/EU] 18+ please

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