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Editado por GiantSlayer: 9/13/2020 1:27:20 PM

Dawn’s Forge: An Invitation. (CLOSED)

You are peacefully resting at home, wherever it may be, when you hear a knock on the door. Upon opening it you see a Sentinel silently waiting on your doorstep with an envelope. “//MESSAGE FOR YOU, SIR/MAA’M//“ It says through a speaker. “//SENDER: GIANT; SUBJECT: TOURNAMENT INITIATION; NOTES: MESSAGE IS HAND-WRITTEN FOR FORMALITY//“ You take the note and open it to read the letter. The letter reads as follows: [i]”Hello There, fellow Offtopican. As you might be aware, I am conducting a tournament of sorts with the purpose of granting worthy challengers weapons with which to defend themselves and Offtopic, if or when the time comes. You also might know that I plan to begin on the consummation of the current Arena season, which is as of the writing of this letter in its finals. If you wish to join my little competition, I’m going to need you to fill out a form describing your physical abilities. A sheet with stat balance is included in this letter for that purpose. I must also remind you that you will not be needing any of your weapons for this competition, so as to balance the playing field and to prove whether or not you really are worthy of wielding the arsenal of the Forge. You will, of course, be given a basic arsenal for use within the tournament, the same each one of the competitors will receive. After filling out the stat sheet for me I would like for you to give me a rough description of your base strengths and weaknesses, so that I may accurately judge the outcomes of the competition. I would be most glad to see you in the arena and beyond, oh challenger. Mine forge awaits.”[/i] You see the stat sheet in the envelope with the words “TOTAL SCORE POINTS ALLOWED: 15. MAX SCORE PER CATEGORY: 10” The attributes Constitution, Agility, and Strength are listed in the sheet, with the explanation listed beside them. Constitution is described as how tough or resilient are you, and how fast do you recover. Agility is more easily explained, with It being described as how fast you can move, how good you are at dodging, and how quickly you can perceive threats. Finally, strength is listed as your physical strength and how hard you hit with a melee weapon. “//UPON FILLING OUT THE FORM YOU ARE TO GIVE IT TO ME, SO I MAY DELIVER IT TO THE MASTER. I WILL WAIT HERE UNTIL YOU ARE READY, OR WILL LEAVE IF YOU DECLINE//“ the Sentinel explains, then goes into standby mode. [spoiler]Relax, everyone. The combat system used will be the usual that’s been used in the Arena, albeit with more PvE elements (and no ridiculous “you commented last so you win” rule.) The Stats are just for me to accurately judge the outcome of the fight. Let me know if you have any questions whatsoever, or even suggestions too. I’ll need the stat sheet filled out, a rough description of your character, as well as a list of his strengths and weaknesses. Also, make your answers in RP, don’t keep Toby waiting.[/spoiler]

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  • Editado por FastmanLeFast: 7/9/2020 6:37:11 PM
    Arwel walks up and takes the sheet to write on it. Con - 2 (Arwel heavily relies on his energy shield and skills to keep him alive.) Agi - 8 (Arwel is a master of unpredictability and speed.) Str - 5 (Years of training has made him more than capable at handling a blade.) Strengths: Arwel has honed his skills through both experience and years of training with his trusty cane. He is also a very apt trickster using his doppelgängers and is very creative with his power. Weaknesses: Although Arwel is able to use his skills widely, he is limited to only his skills and doppelgängers. Outthinking him will cause him some trouble in combat. Also he’s mute. Arwel gives the robot the sheet and waits. [spoiler]i probably missed something[/spoiler]

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    • “Crap I’m late!!” *kombu runs up to the robot “ok here are my stats!!” Constitution: 3 Agility: 7 Strength: 5 Strengths Swordsmanship, several jutsu, ninja abilities (naruto based) and finally being a ninja quick ish recovery Weaknesses Chakra limit (kinda like mana), almost no armor other than a flak jacket. Abilities : chakra infusion: can infuse chakra into objects, usually a special material is used to make chakra flow better but can be used and any weapon at the cost of efficiency. Lightning, water, and wind style jutsu. Description Head: green leaf headband, white mask with green patterning Torso: dark green flak jacket, teal long sleeve shirt. Arms: dark grey metal bracers. Waist: several utility pouches, leg guard over left leg (same material as flak jacket) (think half of a star wars Kama with kunai sheaths on it.) Legs: black pants and black sandal boots. “Here you go!” *he hands the sheet of paper to the sentinel.

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      • "sorry, i cant enter, but i can offer giant some obsidian foil for sharpining blades" *budgie reveals a bag full of black shiny pucks*

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        • Con-6 While Blaze doesn’t wear much armor and can’t take too much damage, he is very good at recovering. (Say if I made that too high for the description) Agility- 5: Blaze has some speed, both natural and unnatural, even able to use a grappling hook to move around, and try’s to think in his fights. Strength- 4 Blaze relies more on being able to out maneuver and out think his enemy, but can still do a bit of damage with his attacks. Major weakness: Any type of Solar or magical light. Blaze hands in his paper. “There you go!”

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          • Agility: 8. Pencilsnake is quick, both in body, and (much to the dismay of the pun-weary) in wit. Constitution: 5. He’s in good shape, and has always been a fast recoverer from any damage he takes. Strength: 2. In combat, Pencilsnake has always relied on his musical magic and vintage firearms. So if he needed to punch something, he might be in trouble. Pencilsnake hands the form back to the sentinel and grins. “Man, I gotta start writing some new spells- I mean songs!”

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            • When does the sign ups end?

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              • [i]I take the form, and quietly fill it out before my brothers can see.[/i] Constitution: 2 (as a Kobold, I'm not that hardy) Agility: 4 (I'm a litte quick, nothing too fast) Strength: 2 (I'm under 3 fee tall, kinda strong for a kobold, but not really in human standards) [i]I hand the form back to the bot.[/i] "I look forward to testing my skill. Give my best wishes to your commander."

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                • Sorry, no more tournaments.

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                • Editado por Guardian4225: 7/8/2020 4:35:07 PM
                  *fills out the form* Constitution: 5, focused on versatility to allow for skill in a variety of combat scenarios. Focusing soul allows for wounds to heal. (can be improved with charms). Agility: 5, shade cloak allows for easier evasions for the most part and can be dangerous if sharp shadow is equipped. Strength: 5, about average strength but skills with the nail can prove to be a genuine threat. *Hands to the bot*

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                  • Editado por Beastmaker129: 7/8/2020 4:40:00 PM
                    Constitution:5. Mainly being good at regenerating tissue, bone, and organs, Crowley is a tough person in terms of ability to take punishment and recover quickly. In terms of tanky-ness, he is quite squishy. Agility:4. Crowley is slightly fast, and can perceive threats easily due to being rather paranoid. Strength:6. Crowley doesn’t have much in terms of brute force, but the lethality of his sword work balances that out easily. Elegance, and ending a fight as quickly as possible, along with making sure the opponent doesn’t get back up is his main strategy.

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                    • Geo fills out the form, and hands it back. Agility: 9 Strength: 4 Constitution: 2 P.S. Please note that I’m am reliant on my gadgets. I can elaborate if you wish. [spoiler]Yeah, if Geo doesn’t have her usual gear, like her jump kit, she’s kinda screwed. Without those, her stats would be lower.[/spoiler]

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                      • Constitution: 5 Agility: 7 Strength: 3 Appearance: A kinda short, brown haired, young adult in a brown cloak with a short sword strapped to his back. Strengths: Excellent swordsman, and good with a bow. Weaknesses: Hand to hand combat, Brute force, [i]most[/i] poisons, magic

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                        • Cobalt: Constitution: 6 Agility: 3 Strength: 6 Cobalt at the moment, is an average sized man clad in normal clothes, wearing a Kevlar vest under a brown duster. Strengths: -Marksmanship -Hand to Hand combat Weaknesses: -Dodging

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                          • BUwUnp

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                            • Editado por D, Hunter of the Dead: 7/8/2020 3:19:57 PM
                              [i][b]One-Eye Bucky[/b][/i] Constitution: 1 Agility: 8 Strength: 7 This is going to be interesting... [spoiler]Description is coming[/spoiler]

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                              • Editado por Sylver: 7/8/2020 2:50:07 PM
                                [i] Sylver, for his part, seemed rather uninterested in entering any competitions for a weapon; Luck is occupied and Ambition is currently somewhere outside of existence. Rather, he has now been pestering the Sentinel about weapons for about half an hour.[/i] “Y’know, I make [i]really[/i] good weapons, myself. Swords, spears, hammers, [i]bombs.[/i] Speaking of which, you look an adventurous young robot; would you like a weapon? I’ll give you a, quote, ‘Really big and threatening high-powered light machine that only makes lights and is definitely not—nope not not a death ray it’s not a death ray only a light machine that makes light and not death,’ [i]if[/i] you give me access to your data banks.”

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                                • Editado por Silas Mori: 7/8/2020 3:12:54 PM
                                  Character: Anarchë - Constitution (5): Anarchë is able to adapt to most situations with ease, he’s well rounded when it comes to survivability and awareness - Agility (5): He is moderately agile and can dodge 40% of his enemies attacks, his running speed is that of the fastest man on the planet - Strength (5): His strength is relatively good, all things considered. He can cut break a block of concrete with immense difficulty though, and he cannot fare well against stronger opponents. - Appearance - “Melting” black skin, dark red eyes, and a dark gray cloak. His voice sounds deformed, cracked in some way. He seems to be an extension of some higher power, it’s bridge to our world.

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                                  • [spoiler]Well I’m going to be writing a story, and this could take place in between stories 31-42. Then again I don’t know who to use for this, certainly not Nightshade. [/spoiler]

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                                  • “Hm.” [spoiler]Due to reality technicalities, this is a week before Crowley turns evil. Which means I am perfectly willing to destroy my own timeline for plans because screw not joining an RP. [/spoiler]

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