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Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por NeonPropose: 5/30/2020 7:38:29 PM

Eligibility for the title of Kell of Kells: revisited

So; not long after the launch of Forsaken, I made a post analysing the prophecy create by the House of Rain, as a means to try deduce who would be most eligible to take up the mantle of Kell of Kells ( ). Well, about a year and a half later, stuff has changed, and we have new candidates, as well as updated events/realisations that should allow us to make a more accurate judgement. So; lets remind ourselves what the prophecy was: (to understand how we got this, read the previous post linked above) [quote]”The Great Machine will marvel, moves by might, and come to crown him kell of kells, Before him, foes will flee or fall. But he will heal the houses, make them whole, what whirlwind whisked away will be rewrought, and every kell and ketch will kneel before the kell of kells.”[/quote] So. Does anything regarding our candidates change? yes, a few things. Firstly we can update the actions or fulfilment of the prophecy for those we included previously, and secondly we can add new characters to the roster. so lets get started: (all of the characters who didn't make it onto the previous list will remain off this list because not a lot has changed with them). [b]Variks, Kell of Judgement:[/b] So, in the previous post, I forgot to mention this key piece of information from the Most Loyal lore book, entry "Two Cells": [quote]Petra called for not one, but two cells. Variks finished his Ether, considering. Perhaps Cayde had finally found Fikrul—and for that, Variks would need every drop of strength he could muster. His strides were long and slow as he allowed the Ether to course through him, his posture growing taller and more commanding with each step. At the top of the maxsec wing, his hands flew over the controls. He prepared the two empty cells and ordered extraction Servitors into place, all the while reveling in the thought of the judgment of Fikrul. Finished, he stepped back and waited.[/quote] This means Variks is no longer in a Vandal state, and is at least the size of a Captain, if not bigger, being the size of a Baron or maybe even a typical Kell. So this would've meant that Variks stands more of a chance physcially, opposed to what I stated back in 2018. Edit: ok upon further examination, and the input of others, it would seem my initial view back in 2018 was correct, his stature had changed. So ignore this part, he’s still weak af. [b]Mithrax, Kell of Light:[/b] Mithrax hasn't really changed all that much, from a character stand point. From a chances of him unifying the Eliksni pov, I honestly think his chances have lowered. This is purely based on the events of Zero Hour. Now, we know that it was him who infiltrated the Devil's Crew who committed the heist during Zero Hour: Outbreak Perfected lore tab: [quote]"I don't like this," the Hunter says lowly. "We should be there with him." The Warlock chews on her lower lip. She doesn't like it either, but they've argued endlessly with their Captain and gained no ground. "We have to trust him," she says finally. "This is what he wants." "Trust him to die?" the Hunter hisses. [b]"Let's break down how stupid this is: not only does he wants to infiltrate the Tower without us, he's planning to wear Devils colors to interrupt a Devils heist to reclaim SIVA.[/b] And instead of leaning on us, his good Guardian friends, he's banking on some stranger—"[/quote] but we also know that Eramis is onto him, and given that we know of his actions, it's likely the baroness leading House Devils knows of them. [quote]There is a deafening boom. The holoprojection flickers; the whole Skiff tilts seventy degrees off-kilter. The Captain holds tight to the table, reaching out with a secondary arm to snatch the Hunter as he goes toppling by. The Warlock is not a concern; she has Blinked her way to a secure handhold. The Captain calls to his crew, speaking Eliksni too fast for the Hunter or the Warlock to follow. Someone calls back. The Skiff tilts nauseously, then stabilizes. "Eramis?" the Warlock asks. The Captain nods. Letting go of the Hunter, he disappears through an access hatch to consult with his crew.[/quote] I personally think this event lowered his chances of a unified Eliksni. Or at least lowered his chances of getting those under Eramis to switch sides. But this might change. [b]Eramis, the Shipstealer:[/b] Now, once she was introduced, she has since started causing major problems for Us, House Light and House Judgement. Mainly because she seems to have a way of making her house members show more loyalty to her. How she does so? not a clue. But when we've fought the House of Devils in D2, both the European Aerial Zone and during Zero Hour, the main bosses Phensis and Siriks have both had the title "Loyal to Eramis". This makes me believe she has a higher level of trust built around her by the Eliksni, and this is likely because of the ruthless and more violent nature the Eliksni have been accustomed to. Variks and Mithrax seem to prefer diplomacy and more importantly, pro-Guardian ways of living. Which I believe will give her a boost to gaining their trust. However, does this mean she technically fulfills the prophecy? well, apart from the pronouns used in the prophecy being against her, which I'm going to ignore; I believe she has a shot. Uldren and Craask destroyed the houses, leaving only house Dusk in it's place. I reckon her actions of reforming the House of Devils, could give inspiration for other's, maybe those left over from House Wolves like Yevik or others from house Winter, Rain, Scar, Kings, etc to reforge their old houses, for her to then unite them through her inspire. We could then be left with a second Battle of Twilight Gap, if that happens. Which would be Humanity's downfall, if they win, leaving the Traveler to them, it being moved my might. If anything, this should serve as a warning of her potential, Guardians. What I stated about Us in the previous post, does remain true, but I have chosen to remove us from the list here on a basis that we just couldn't accept it (in game). And so that is where we will leave it off. Mithrax, Kell of Light. Variks, Kell of Judgement. Eramis, the Shipstealer. Which do you think will become the Kell of Kells?

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  • Does it specifically say the Kell of Kells has to be fallen? Cause this seems like the kind of thing right up the player character's ally.

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    • As far as getting recognized by The Traveler...I'm banking on Mithrax....mainly for virtue and the like. Obviously most Fallen will vote for Eramis for obvious reasons. Variks has the shorter end of the stick....If anything he might get recognized for survivability. It's extremely unlikely...but if those three were to work with each other...a lot of progress could be made.

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    • Editado por AsthenicKarma74: 5/31/2020 3:26:09 PM
      Anybody else wonder what it would be like if Spider somehow managed to take the title? Also side note - I’m still going to drop another name in the hat, considering it is absolutely still a possibility, Uldren, Kell of Dawn. Though they might not be happy he’s a guardian now, during Forsaken, it’s noted that the Fallen allowed him to walk past them to the shard of the Traveler. There are still many under the House of Dusk that served the royal family in the reef, before the Wolf uprising. For the most part, the Wolves served willingly. The only real reason they betrayed was because of Skolas. If the Fallen still hold Uldren with that much regard, I could see some standing with him. He may not know why, but I doubt he’d be willing to turn down a family after he’s basically been an exile of the Guardian community. Also, House of Dusk. Dusk being the transferring of day to night. The most Awoken word you can get other than Dawn. If he survives the coming battles, I could see him taking over, and reforming the House of Dusk as as the House of Dawn. Either that or just teaming with Mithraax in the House of Light.

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    • Thing is, despite Variks attempting to become Kell of Kells I doubt he'll object if it's proven that another fallen holds the true title If Mithrax turns out to be Kell of Kells I'm positive Variks would declare loyalty

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      • Variks is definitely the best candidate for Kell of Kells. He wants to restore the Eliksni to the days of peace and order. Eramis wants to restore their days of piracy and Mithrax wants to gather the Eliksni who are willing to join Humanity, but neither is set on uniting the species or restoring what was lost in the Whirlwind. I think everyone is jumping to an absurd conclusion over Variks’s size. The Most Loyal book states that Variks has low amounts of Ether and is rationing himself to just enough to survive. The excerpt you presented shows the effect/feeling of taking a dose of Ether, similar to how any human would feel when something gives them energy and strength, but says nothing about increasing his actual size. It’s ridiculous to assume that a single ration of Ether would be enough to automatically bump him up to the size of a Captain, especially because we know he’s been taking minimal rations. On top of that, Variks’s earlier conversation with Groks the bounty hunter shows that even several bales of Etheric Helix is an insignificant amount. Large Fallen are larger because of long periods of time consuming large rations of Ether. Even when Variks left the Prison with all the Ether he could take, he would of course still ration himself because he had no source of new Ether. He doesn’t have any means of stuffing himself up to the size of a Kell. If anything he is still the exact same size as before.

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        • <I feel that Mithrax would eventually become a Kell of Kells, despite Eramis's and Variks's eligibility. Though this is partially because I see Variks taking on a more "advisor" type role. Eramis... I don't know. Out of the three, she's the "bad" one, but she does have the popular vote. If the Darkness does its thing, if it succeeds in blowing the City to hell and ESPECIALLY if it kills the Traveler, then perhaps Eramis could change roles. It would also be much easier to get Mithrax and Variks working together since the former dislikes the latter.>

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          • Just looking forward to a forsaken sized dlc with this huge fallen civil war. Eramis gets her hands on SIVA along with the rest of her Devils. Maybe House of Judgement becomes an enemy. House Dusk sprinkled in. And Mithrax to help us. Could make for a hell of a story if done right

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          • Just my guess, but what if the Traveler’s recognition is being chosen by the Light? Mithraxx as the first eliksni Guardian?

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          • ... I think we should kill the other contenders and establish Mithrax as top Kell boi, I'd be down to be an enforcer... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]

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          • Editado por Shadow_Sov: 5/30/2020 6:53:22 PM
            Ok hang on, one thing here. Variks didn’t grow, at least not in that page. Petra had reminded him to increase his intake, because he was looking “gaunt.” All he did was bring himself back to health. I’m 90% sure he was still the size of a vandal at that point. Perhaps when he left he became captain size, but I think at no point yet has he become Kell sized. Variks never even wanted to be a Kell, secondly he hates the greedy nature of his people and would probably distribute the ether evenly among his house. So I’m just trying to say he’s probably no bigger than a captain, at least not when he left. As far as Kell of Kells, I say it’s Variks. Or at least, he is who deserves to be Kell of Kells. [spoiler]ps, misraaks is a dick[/spoiler]

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            • mithrax.

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