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Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por a_dmg04: 11/19/2019 6:16:01 PM

Vex Offensive: Final Scam

So what the actual -blam!-...? Weeks of build up for "roadmap content". The Final Assault: Undying Mind. Sounds pretty -blam!-ing cool doesn't it? Well I got a -blam!-ing surprise for you. They REMOVED the old Vex Offensive, Added "Final Assault" to the name, made the mobs just a little bit harder, re-modeled the boss and thats it. Go have fun, heres your final roadmap content for this season. Same -blam!-ing tactics as old vex offensive, excatly same objectives. It's like they didnt even try. Oh.. your getting tired of Vex Offensive? Let's slap some new paint on those mobs and release it again. Yeah that should do the trick. -blam!- you Bungie, where do I refund my shadowkeep? Edit: I would be fine with it would it be free content, but to actually charge money for this garbage is so unreal it baffles me.

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  • I can say 2 words that would've made the entire thing WAY better... IMAGO LOOP

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    • Editado por WHISKEYJ0HNNY0: 11/21/2019 11:45:25 AM
      Well that’s a bummer. I haven’t been on to play it yet. I just finished The Outer Worlds. I was expecting a new strike or dungeon type thing. Oh well.... 😑😔 Is there new loot at least?

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      • Editado por HellfireEclipse: 11/21/2019 6:51:07 AM
        Ok bungie Take the witcher 3 and make it destiny. Then take PvP and turn it into fortnite. Also add the Kingdom hearts gummi ship game.

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      • Was hoping for somethimg new. Kind of like the other side quest for juju or something. Just anything new instead of reskinning an activity. Really disappointed in this garbage and glad I spent my week playing Jedi Fallen Order.

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      • Editado por xSchacki: 11/20/2019 4:24:25 AM
        Get rid of Luke Smith. Thanks.

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        10 Respuestas
        • Lazy Development. This mentality has been prevalent from Forsaken onwards. Reskins and minimal new development. Majority of Quests you grind the old content. Nerfs to weapons and armour to slow down game play. Minimal pinnacle activities to slow down character progression. Overall simply a half baked release.

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          • What's the point of Ikoras portal if we aren't even going to use it?

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            • I was kinda hopping Imago Loop would drop from this boss.. but missed opportunity there...=/

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            • give us dedicated servers and i might forget this joke.

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              • If David Samuel had been in charge, shadowkeep And Vex offensive would’ve been a blast

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              • So you guys are disappointed the undying mind returned in such lackluster way, but yet this gate Ikora's working on is still not finished...Do you guys know what this means? It's a secret exotic mission! I bet we'll be venturing into the black garden for the 'No Time To Explain'. No one get your hopes up as this is just a prediction, but they always do these when people aren't expecting them.

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                9 Respuestas
                • Editado por SHOCKWAVE 134: 11/21/2019 11:22:56 AM
                  Hordes of zombie like casuals coming out of the woodwork to bash Bungie over a side quest. You should consider graduating up to a Titan if you feel confident in your skill and try some endgame content.

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                • The pit alone was worth the price I paid. I agree that the undying mind was a let down, but the Black Garden may not stay among us for long. Something has begun to repair the schism torn by its destruction. Vex now flood the Garden channels to protect it. We must stop the weavers before they seal the Garden and begin to summon back its heart.

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                  • I don't know why you expected anything different. The road map literally says we will fight the undying mind. How did you think it was going to be something different. Stop crying. Play another game if you are that upset. We got tons of content this dlc and you still complain...

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                    7 Respuestas
                    • Since Shadowkeep dropped you have almost played everyday....a lot everyday... Was the final Vex Offensive a letdown?...YES So you deserved a refund?...NO

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                      • Honestly I was just embarrassed for bungie playing through that. Literally just a boss swap with the same mechanics. It was like watching the kid having to present a book report in front of the class that he clearly hadn't read. We are all forced to share in his shame.

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                        • I mean, I'm still going to be playing the game for the rest of the year but with Shadowkeep being out meaty content for the year and what is honestly not a super impressive season, it does make me nervous for the playerbase because not everyone loves the game like I do. I fear that if the other seasons are on par with this one, we could be headed for another big dip in our guardian numbers. I really hope the next couple of seasons are a bit meatier and hopefully they are since they aren't releasing them alongside a large expansion...but only time will tell. Please give the playerbase a reason to play for the rest of the year bungie, I don't want to be waiting 10 minutes for heroic strike matchmaking lol

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                        • So stop playing.

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                        • I'm kind of indifferent. I do understand where people come from especially when you frame the situation as the VO was THE activity for the season pass and only look at the pass. I'd argue that the quality of said activity in it's entirety is better than escalation protocal/ritual. Better than the forges. But maybe not as good as menagire. I feel like the impact of this wouldn't be so severe if this was just an extra thing to do with shadowkeep. It's been made pretty clear that budgeting is the answer to why things are the way they are (in regards to vendor refreshes, NF exclusive fear, etc.) Implying they have to sacrifice some of that stuff for other content because they can't continually pump out new unique gear for every new activity. I'd have been happy with shader/emblem/ghost/sparrow or something to signify me being there for the return of the undying mind.

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                        • Editado por kinga: 11/20/2019 11:21:23 PM
                          We have all placed so much hope in what Destiny could be over the years. We all listened to the first whispers of an open world shoot and scoot in the early days of D1. We all saw the stops and starts in those early days but stuck with you until you got your feet under you, started crawling, then walking. We were all proud of your accomplishments at the middle of D1 and mostly thankful to be a part of your created universe through its conclusion and with D2 anticipation you were running. We all at D2s launch were running with you excited at the prospect of a continuation of all we had built in this awe inspiring world only to stumble. We all who have loved this world, investing thousands of hours of our time, some for the community, some who just want to test their metal against other guardians and others just looking for story and hope. We got much of that through D1 and in early to midlife of D2. We unfortunately kept the hope of those early interviews, articles or TWABs to long, repeatedly tripped up by you. We all have believed in you and to your credit this last season has been a positive step forward over a few past poor decisions. We have had so much content available over the years but so many times while you had us running alongside you we got our feet cut out from under us. I believe three times having to rebuild our characters and gear was to much to ask. We may have had expectations which were excessive in many respects but we got those expectations from you. We saw so many positive in game areas removed which should have been updated with story elements as the world evolved. We saw cool ideas in game shown to us and abruptly ripped out of the world and replaced with collections which would be okay if you could pull minimum standard roles for gear received for that random role. We look at collections and think trophies as it is now and of little use but still with so much potential. We want you to succeed and we believe making money on us is okay but not at the expense of the game world we hold so dear. We with the thousands of hours played, devoted to your vision, not always understanding your path or our place in it. We your guardians deserve your respect as much as you deserve ours. We have been here for the ups and downs, missteps and triumphs but are finding it hard to remain positive when from our point of view we don’t really matter unless we have out wallets out. We remember years ago what was told to us, envisioned by you. We want you to please remember what Destiny could be, the all inclusive open world, update after update with content which evolves over time with new discoveries and secrets as you imagine the story should go but the only rebuilding will be not of our characters and gear but for humanity and hope for the future of a game world were there is not just the latest baddie to slay. We want Destiny to be more and once it is gone remembered as epic. We have spent so much time learning secrets and sharing with friends and family Destinys legacy deserves that from all of us guardians an from Bungie. Please be more with real world, thought provoking playable content. We believe in DESTINY not TESSTINY..... We don’t want Destiny’s last years to be remembered as anything less then great gameplay and definitely not that the last months of development were on E-verse and not the wonderful world you created.

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                        • I was expecting a different vex offensive area not the same area to be honest. Oh well though

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                        • Just an fyi, Bungie doesnt take non-constructive feedback. Collecting feedback goes both ways with what was achieved, and what could be achieved in the future. Feedback such as "Omg, where is all the content that wasn't advertised but assumed to be more than what was presented? Lies!" Make real suggestions on how what was presented can be improved.

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                          3 Respuestas
                          • Yeah pretty lame.

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                          • So much hype... So much meh.

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                          • I am both vexed and offended. Good job Bungo.

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                          • Tf? Not that many people on this forum give constructive criticism,... it's more like screaming and cussing lol.

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