So my birthday is coming up, and my parents are getting me an iPad pro, very thankful! The main relevance with this is that I can use apple pen! Before, all my art was done with my fingers. [b][i][u]MY FINGERS.[/u][/i][/b] So I am very happy to be receiving a bigger canvas and a new tool to work with
So I'm excited to see if I'll be able to improve! This could help me with drawing on real life too. While I sketch in real life every now and then, I have gotten out of touch with how it feels to draw with a pencil or pen. Very pumped, and as usual I'll keep you guys updated
[spoiler]I may even get another Character Sketch out soon[/spoiler][spoiler]may[/spoiler]
I realized burnt myself out with them awhile ago, and now that I have gotten more creative juices flowin', I think I might be ready to get back into the swing of things! (With a apple pencil)!
Anyways, onto the art for today. Inoskue from demon slayer (again, demon slayer. Once again, if you haven't seen it yet, check it out) Mainly did it for a lady who is a big inoskue fan. Zenitsu is most likely next from my plans. Toaster wants to see Naofumi, and I think that's a cool idea too.
Excited for the future, hopefully better than this shitty present!
~Your Magnum D[b][/b]ong Sheriff
You gotta draw the Thunderclap and Flash scene