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Editado por Turbothomato: 11/6/2019 9:01:04 AM

Gift Izanagi's Burden, we have waited enough

Since launch of "new light" the quest for obtaining Izanagi's Burden is bugged. After more than a month you come with a "fix" that bugs it even more(???). Since the issue seems so difficult to resolve, just autocomplete the steps or modify them from scratch, it is useless and inefficient to make us wait undefined amount of time to get it and to create more workload on your bugfixing team. JUST AUTOCOMPLETE THE STEPS LIKE YOU DID FOR THE BUGGED QUEST OF IRON BANNER. UPDATE: Guys, this is not about "having the gun handed" this is about finding an easy reliable solution to a bug that is obviously hard to fix. UPDATE: looks like Bungie took the issue seriously and all will be fixed the 7th November, let's hope they don't bug it even further :)

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  • Pretty bummed. Races home from worked didn’t check forums and Destiny ate my key mold...

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    • After this much time is the least they can do in respect to players. Can't fix, then don't - but do something ASAP. This kind of slowness only attracts more and more attention to a thing that could be irrelevant and fixed in moments anywhere. But hey, the Eververse is working just fine... why bother with something else?

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    • I support this too. I've been waiting since Shadowkeep launched to get this gun. I had to wait 2 days after the quest step was fixed just to find out one of the next ones is also broken. Give it to the people who have the Black armory key or have used it already. The worst part is.. they are probably gonna nerf the dang thing by the time they fix the quest.

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      • I've been waiting a month for this. It's super discouraging. I wish they would do something sooner. I waited for a while to have the quest unbugged, then had to wait 2 days for the right forge to be in the rotation, only for it to consume my black armory key... I'm going to check out the new CoD.

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      • Editado por Komsha: 11/5/2019 2:15:38 PM
        No. I have the same problem but I don't want it gifted, I want it fixed. While we are at it, I just want to point out, the only reason I want that sniper is because it is BROKEN. All the people use it for cheese, the best dps comes from it. That is the same reason I grinded for Recluse and now I can't use any other energy weapon, because Recluse is the best one. TBH, I would rather see weapons like these removed because they limit the playstyle, and don't tell me to just use something else, I will use what is the best as much as the other guy. I just wish I had more options. Sure there's a bunch of guns in the game, but everyone knows what kind of loadout is the best. Also, I would rather have Izanagi locked until it's quest is fixed, like Telesto is right now, because the fact is Izanagi is not accessible to everyone, and just by that fact it is not fair for only certain amount of game population to have it.

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        9 Respuestas
        • Hi there, [quote]We are aware of new issues regarding the Mysterious Box quest for Izanagi’s Burden and are currently investigating. Players are encouraged to not use their Obsidian Crystals or Forge Keys until this issue has been resolved.[/quote]

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          • Editado por Ghostrick: 11/1/2019 2:03:38 AM
            That's what I told my clanmates last night. Who is genuinely going to be upset that Izanagi's would be given out? I put the time into the quest to get it back in like... Joker's Wild I think? I won't care. Hell, it'd be nice to have everyone in my raid team actually have the gun now and people willing to do Heroic Menagerie.

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            • I have Izanagi and I support this forum post.

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              • Dude while I agree don't hold your breath. Bungie has been "aware" of the bug to Warlock melees for 3 years now and its not fixed................

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              • I'm not gonna redo this stupid quest even IF they fix it

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                • this is a big issue especially since izanagi's is the meta dps weapon right now. they really should just have xur sell it this weekend

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                • Only if the rest of us that already earned it get 1 exotic engram as compensation for actually doing the work to earn the weapon when it dropped almsot a year ago... Also, what if they don't fix the bug anytime soon, does that mean anyone that starts playing going forward just automatically gets it as well?

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                • The best part about the bugged quest was waiting 4 days to do each forge and hope any of the keys work, read they "fixed" the quest do all of the forges again to get the keys and be disappointed that they lied, and also lost my black armory quest and will likely have to refarm it.

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                • Editado por Praxis: 11/1/2019 11:57:45 AM
                  I agree. This weapon is essential for high-level content, yet we've waited a month (or more) trying to unlock it and still can't get it. They need to gift it for a limited time to those who put in the time to unlock as much as possible before hitting this wall, because we would already have it by now without these bugs, and if you don't have Izanagi's then you can be flat-out rejected from raid groups and highest level Nightfalls. The Forge rotation days are a BAD IDEA. I eagerly waited for Bergusia to roll around again just to find that the black armory key mold is still BROKEN after max tempering. What do you want to bet that they'll fix it, then I'll have to wait AGAIN for Bergusia (3rd time), then STILL have to wait for a rare bounty. This issue is close to turning my and others' positive Steam reviews into negative ones, because after a MONTH it's ridiculous. Very disappointed and frustrated with Bungie right now.

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                • I don't really know how to say this but for some reason I had genuinely no issues with this quest line, I was unable to claim the key mold directly from Ada-1 but i was doing a sherpa for leviathan raid and when we were doing the underbelly I was getting "watcher lenses" and all of a sudden in my quest tab on the very last page I kinda just had the step sitting there. I don't know of I was the only person to experience this and I really don't understand why this happened, I wish I did so I could help with a workaround of some sort. i think I may have un-intentionally found a workaround without realizing however I do fully support this idea, not only did the quest for one of the most demanded late game content weapons become locked behind a poorly designed time-gate with the now rotating daily forges (which was a terrible choice IMO) it also involves RNG for a bounty. (also dumb IMO) The way I see it is if you want an exotic to involve RNG make it an RNG drop, its rewarding to get and its the main driving point for various activities. However if you make an exotic a quest then its a QUEST, meaning there are set in stone steps which the end result is the exotic, dont mix the two.

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                • 0
                  No one wanted this gun until the quest was broken

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                  • I agree, bump'd

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                    • I agree I’ve been on the quest for months cause I had the stolen black armory gear and the quest was gone and I couldn’t delete it to get my key mold

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                    • SERIOUSLY GIVE IT TO US. This isn’t right man. So just wasted time because this proper d*******s can’t pull their heads out. COME ON I WAITED A MONTH FOR A PATCH TO THE QUEST AND YOU GUYS STILL F****D us !!!!!! #screwbungo

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                    • No, this is a silly idea - fix the quest, not hand out a free exotic

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                    • Editado por Adeel: 10/31/2019 11:52:01 PM
                      Don't gift the gun at least open the damm box for those who have done it just spent 2+ hours doing it without looking here and only came here because my box didnt open wtf at least have in game notices or something saying not to use the key.......going to be so lame if i have to do that all over again.

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                      • You should have gotten the gun earlier. Bungie doesnt fix things.

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                      • Earned not Xur'ned!

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                        • No way they do it. It’s just too OP for 980 nightfalls. Atm 980 nightfalls are the ONLY challenging thing in pve, with everyone running around with this Japanese sniper it’ll ruin that

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