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10/24/2019 3:10:51 PM
Then another Festival of the Lost event happened in October 2016. A new loot box was added for masks, Treasures of the Lost, and while there were new masks it also had some of the old masks to it's loot pool, which diluted your chances of getting new masks to keep after the event. More to add to that point is that all masks, even those acquired for free during the event, would persist after the event, and that people who had made masks to keep from the previous year were not reimbursed in any way. Along with the masks, like previous loot boxes, there were also exclusive possible drops. An exclusive mask, two Ghost shells, a Sparrow, and two weapon ornaments for Bad Juju. This marks two other firsts for Eververse, Ghost shells, which didn't add any new perks that other Ghost shells could have rolled at the time, and new weapon ornaments being in a seasonal event loot box, although even during the event Bugnie said those ornaments would be added to the Radiant Treasure loot box after the event. Again no knockout list, and besides the ornaments nothing from dismantling items. (showing that loot box's content Not specifically an Eververse update, but an update to refute a bit of a previous point, on October 18, 2016 they had turned people's leftover Horn Relays from the SRL event useless and gave everyone 15 Silver Dust as well as let people dismantle Paper Glue, from the Festival of the Lost event in 2015, into one Silver Dust a piece. The Horn Relay wasn't a specific rectifications to those who had previously used Horn Relays as it was given to all players, nor was the did it benefit those who had used Paper Glue to keep masks only those who had kept Paper Glue up to that point. (update showing that information Another non-Eververse update, but is still semi-relevant to the history of Eververse that I think should be included is Dusty Iron Engrams (I had even forgot about them until I was looking up some of this old information). These were engrams that you could buy from Saladin that had Iron Banner armor from the previous years as possible drops, but were they tie into Eververse is that to buy them you had to use Silver Dust, 5 to be exact, for each engram. The armor from these engrams actually did dismantle back into some re-spendable material, only 1 Silver Dust and only after an update. (found them talked about here (update showing that they dismantled into Silver Dust Another thing to add is that Xur also sold weapon ornaments for awhile, I'm not sure on the exact start of the time frame, but he stopped selling them with the introduction to the Dawning and the second SRL event in December 2016. He sold them as a combo pack where you would get a specific ornament for each weapon he was selling each week. The combo pack would still cost Silver Dust (10? - 15?) for the ornament as well as Strange Coins for the weapon, but this was a way to guarantee getting a certain ornament over trying the Radiant Treasure for that ornament. (The rest of this is purely speculation as I haven't looked for reference material for this point, so if anyone else finds any please let me know so I can edit this and add it in.) (Begin Speculation) The ornament for the weapon would change just like the inventory he offered each week. So while he might have sold the same weapon one it could have come with a different ornament the next week. As well as you still had to pay to apply the ornament for the weapon. (End Speculation) (showing that Xur has stopped selling exotic weapon ornaments At the same time Xur stopped selling exotic weapon ornaments (December 2016) we saw a slew of things happen in regards to Eververse. A new seasonal event, the return of SRL, new items in Eververse, ways to get those items without using Silver, and ways to use Silver Dust instead of for applying ornaments. This is the first Dawning Event to happen, also the only one for Destiny 1, it came with a new loot box, Treasures of the Dawning, which had two armor sets to try to obtain one in the guaranteed loot pool and one in the possible loot pool, for each character. Along with new sparrows and weapon ornaments in the guaranteed loot pool and new sparrow horns in the possible loot pool. A lot more to continue this point, you could earn one Treasures of the Dawning on each character for reach max rank in SRL as well as an additional Treasure of the Dawning each week for doing a Heroic Weekly Strike. So while SRL didn't have it's own loot box to buy from Eververse, the one for the Dawning basically had loot in it that fit for the SRL event. For this SRL event though Bugnie also gave everyone a free record book, like the one people could have bought for the first SRL event. One more thing to add about the Treasures of the Dawning loot box is that there were also two more rewards you could get if you completed an armor set from it, the EV-53 Glimmergold sparrow and the Sunglow Shader, which is a first time there was loot tied to completing an Eververse set. New emotes were also made to purchase directly with the old ones rotating out, but now sometime old emotes could rotate in to buy directly. The free Radiant Treasure was still available to get weekly, it just moved from having to do a SIVA Crisis Strike to having to do a Crucible match. Although the two biggest changes were that you no longer need to pay Silver Dust to apply ornaments and that now there was a store to spend all of you extra Silver Dust on past emotes and on specific weapon ornaments. Ornaments were still on a one time use basis and also still dismantled into Silver Dust. Also loot boxes still didn't work on a knockout list. (show all of those changes that were made One last change came to Eververse in Destiny 1, during the Age of Triumph. When they were introduced, up until now, you could still earn one Sterling Treasure, one Radiant Treasure, and one Treasure of the Dawning each week from their doing a specific activity for each of them. Now they were replaced with the final Eververse loot box, the Treasure of Ages, in this loot box for the guaranteed section you could get anything from any of the previous loot boxes, and in the possible section they added a new armor set, some new exotic weapon ornaments, two new ships, and three new shaders. The shaders were a first in one regard in that it's the first time they were added to a loot box. Three final things to add, 1: it also says that this is when Xur started to sell combo packs for 30 strange coins and 25 Silver Dust so I might have gotten my previous point on Xur wrong on the fact that he sold combo packs before (but not about the fact that he sold exotic weapon ornaments) 2: that a bunch new of engrams became available from all Faction, Crucible, and Vanguard vendors as well as two more in the Silver Dust store, these all cost Silver Dust and turn into a piece of gear from previous years 3: no knockout list for rewards was added to this loot box. (showing the final Eververse change (showing the loot pool from the final loot box of Destiny 1 So from Destiny one we saw Eververse go from emotes to anything, as long as it was considered cosmetic, besides that one instance they sold a record book. From having to dismantle event items that you got from Eververse to get parts so you can save their free-play counterparts, to not needing to do that, but also added some of those seasonal item types being only available to that seasonal loot box. From ornaments costing Silver Dust to apply them, to not costing. From being able to acquire loot boxes for free, to being able to get up to 3 a week from specific activities. From not letting you be able to dismantle it's loot to save up to buy something else you want from Eververse, to actually being able to dismantle items and use what you get to buy what you want from Eververse. To adding one final loot box that had the possibility of getting the loot from any previous loot box as well as the ability to buy any emote or ornament that had come out for Silver Dust as well as being able to get any previous years version of an armor set for vendors for Silver Dust as well. Know for Destiny 2 so far....

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  • In season one you can see the return of Eververse and until you hit level 20 you could only get the wares through buying Silver to pay for engrams, the first of which being the Bright Engram. After level 20 though, each time you filled up your experience bar you got a Bright Engram for free and you could dismantle each of those items for Bright Dust, which could be used to purchase from a list of items that was being sold on Eververse that was rotated weekly. These Bright Engrams contained all the usual possible cosmetic items from Destiny 1, minus the sparrow horns which still haven't made a return, and one new addition transmat effects. These are the effects you and others see whenever you load into a zone or are revived. There were something like this for Destiny 1, but for Eververse they were mainly temporary and consumable, only introduced during holiday events and the more permanent ones came from the exotic class items you could get from Faction vendor quest rewards once you hit rank 50 in that Faction. Though some of the biggest changes here from Destiny 1 are that exotic weapon ornaments are unlockable so that once you find them you'll always have them and be able to swap them on or off whenever you want to, we can earn as many of the loot boxes for as many times we level over the max, the addition of exotic emotes (emotes where still a thing you could only get from Eververse), exotic ships (which were only acquirable through Eververse at this time), exotic sparrows (same note as the ships), and a consumable that people thought worked like Three of Coins called the Bright Fireteam Medallion. One more big change from Destiny 1 to Destiny 2 with Eververse was that there was no direct purchase for items that came out that season for just Silver, you either had to get it though an engram or through spending bright dust when you saw it show up in the store rotation. One more small thing to add is that there was also some packages with one time only obtainable loot, the only one I can find is the Golden Sevens bundle for this season, and while it did contain a few thing only the ship was the unique part of the bundle. Some things to note though are that while not technically pay-to-win the only other sparrows you got at this time were after you complete the campaign and they were at the lowest speed possible (140) and the only way to get faster (150) and even the fastest sparrows (160) was though Eververse, so again not technically pay to win in my book since it didn't help you get better gear and only helped you travel between zones faster. The Bright Fireteam Medallion, while supposed to help increase loot drops was also supposed to help increase xp gains, which would translate into being able to acquire Bright Engrams faster, but it was later proven by the player base in the following season that Bungie throttling xp. The engrams of this season also did not work on knockout list, but since emotes and now ornaments could only be unlocked once it lowered the loot pool as you got those items. (the first exclusive item sold in it's own exclusive bundle Then season 2 brought with it the Illuminated Engram. This was just a new loot box for Eververse for the new season. With these new loot boxes though came some thing new to the game though exotic ghost shell. This is actually something I would consider pay to win because they had perks that didn't happen on other ghost shells (you could only get other ghost shells though Eververse as well, but still they were better perks) like Guiding Light, Treasure Hunter, Public Defender, and Omni-Telemetry. It also had some items you could only find in exclusive bundles like the Rolling Start Bundle, which came with the Transmat Preloader perk, which loads your sparrow with a push of a button instead of having to hold it down. This season also saw the first holiday event for Destiny 2, only in so much as there were holiday themed items that you could only get from Eververse anf the only other thing was being able to throw snowball at people in the tower. You didn't get a seasonal event engram for this event so the only two ways to get the items in this event where by either buying Silver to buy the event engram (which even if you did, the loot still wasn't on a knockout list) or hope you had enough Bright Dust when it came around in the store section. This is when Bungie started to make promises to change Eververse, including to stop xp throttling. Like adding cosmetic only rewards to other sources in game as actual gameplay rewards, provide players a way to earn each of the season new cosmetic engrams, including event engrams, and all the loot they contain, and a way for players to have a way to directly purchase the items they specially want. They actually did follow though with the second point during the next event in the same season. For Crimson days you could earn the seasonal event engram, the Crimson Engram, whenever you would earn an engram from leveling up. You would even still get the regular leveling up engram, so you got two engrams everytime you leveled. What's more the Crimson Engram loot worked on a knockout system, so if you got loot you wouldn't get that loot again until you got everything else possible from that engram. What's more, what's more is that you could dismantle anything from the seasonal event engram for Bright Dust including the duplicates of loot you got after getting all the loot once. This is the first time in Destiny 2 we see an actual knockout list for Eververse loot boxes. (list of changes they promised to make it regards to Eververse (crimson days event engram Then comes season 3 and with it you see a new engram, the Prototype Engram as well as the Prismatic Matrix. The new thing added with these engrams were exotic armor ornaments. The prismatic matrix was Bungie's new crack at allowing people to buy specifically what they wanted. Each week they would have 10 items from the season on the prismatic matrix, each week the first well rested level your character earned you got a Prismatic Facet for that character. So you essentially you could get 3 items on the Prismatic matrix for free, if you wanted to try to get anything else on it you could try to do so for 200 Silver a try. Not really a way to pay to get what you specifically wanted but a better way to try to get what you want. Something else to know about this though is that once you got something either from the seasonal engram or the Prismatic Matrix you couldn't get it again from the Prismatic Matrix ever again. So now you had the Prismatic Matrix working as a rotating knockout list for stuff we could get that season, and you could dismantle the stuff you got off it into Bright Dust just like as if you got it from an engram. You could also save the Prismatic Facets between weeks, up to 3, so that if you didn't see anything you wanted on it one week you could use them for something you might see that you want in any of the following weeks(although to note, the Prismatic Matirx only ran for part of the season). With this season we also had the first Solstice of Heroes which came with it's own seasonal event engram, the Solstice engram. This engram again followed the rules of the last seasonal engram, where it worked on a knockout list, you got it in conjunction with the regular seasonal engram, and all rewards from it, duplicate or not dismantled into bright dust. One more slight change was that the amount of items being offered for Bright Dust in Eververse was raised from 14 to 18 this season. During this season we also saw one more feature pop-up briefly, the ability to buy old emotes for Silver. It was called Temporal Surge and during it you could buy certain previous emotes directly for Silver, as for the exotic ones, while they functioned the same way as their previous counter parts they were also a recoloring of those emotes, so as "to allow the original version to retain their uniqueness." We also again saw a few unique and exclusive bundles this season, this time as the emote Salute to the Iron Lords, to, in Cozmo's own words said this about it, "We have received a lot of feedback about making more Eververse items available for direct purchase. Currently, this emote does not drop anywhere else.” During this season something old was also seen released in a new way. There was a secret quest to get an Exotic called Whisper of the Worm, and once you got it you also saw two new bundles in Eververse that hadn't previously been there that each had an exclusive ornament for the weapon, a few engrams, and some shaders. (Prismatic Matrix information (direct quote from Bungie (Cozmo's quote from one of his Reddit posts

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  • On to season 4, the engram at the time was the Steadfast Engram and with it we saw something new added, Ghost projections. These are images you can see being projected above your ghost whenever you pull it out or use it to scan something. More ornaments were added for weapons and this time it wasn't just for exotic weapons but also for some legendary weapons as well. We also saw something entirely new for Eververse as well, the addition of bounties the reward of those bounties being Bright Dust. You could undertake these bounties for a varying amount of Eververse notes, which for every regular season engram you turned in got you one note. The more notes the bounty cost to start, the more Bright Dust it was worth to complete, a 1 Eververse note bounty would reward 20 Bright Dust on completion, while a 6 Eververse note bounty would reward 150 Bright Dust. The Prismatic Matrix was stayed around for the whole season and the Prismatic Matrixes were given there own Eververse bounty that only cost 250 glimmer and could be completed on each character once per week. Also during this season it was possible to start reacquiring Eververse items that you already had gotten from seasonal engrams (except for the new armor set because armor started to have random perk rolls) from collections for Bright Dust (although this did allow you to reroll perks on other Eververse items, mainly Ghosts and Sparrows). Festival of the Lost happened for the first time for Destiny 2 and we saw it have it's own seasonal event engrams, Ephemeral Engrams, happen like the the previous two seasons' seasonal event engrams, drop engram drops with the seasonal event engrams working on a knockout list. During this season though we also saw Bungie implement a new system for the seasonal engrams, where it would stop you from receiving back to back items of the same type, like two ghosts of the same rarity, but you could still receive two items of the same category, like a ghost and a ship of the same rarity. As well, if you receive an item type the next time you would roll the category that item type is in you would have a greater chance to get an a different item type in that category. This is still working the same currently and was also in effect for each of the following seasons. During this season the release of another exotic weapon tied to a quest was released, Thunder Lord, which also saw the release of more bundles that contained exclusive ornaments for the weapon that only became seeable after you got the weapon. (Eververse changes for season 4 (explains how engram loot works (and a Bungie page about Destiny that has some actual useful information) Season 5, had it's Etched Engrams more of the same usual Eververse stuff as has been previously released except for a new type of emote. Interactable, syncronized emotes, emotes that you use, that others can interact with and cause a more elaborate showing. While they weren't possible rewards for the regular season engrams they did appear in the the Dawning Engrams, and these engrams had followed the previous seasons' seasonal engrams, you got one with every regular season engram, they worked on a knockout list, and everything you dismantled, duplicate or not, gave you bright dust. There was also the return of Crimson Days this season, and while it did have it's own seasonal event engram it still had all the same stuff from the last Crimson Days. During this season the Prismatic Matrix was still in effect like the previous season, it was active for the whole season, you could get up to 3 Prismatic Facets a week, and the Prismatic Matrix worked like a knockout list where only seasonal items would appear that you hadn't already got from the Prismatic Matrix or the seasonal engram itself. Season 6, had it's Notorious Engram and in this season it can be seen that Eververse makes some cutbacks and changes. This season saw the removal of the prismatic matrix with Bungie saying they "can do better" when it comes to offer players more direct ways to buy what they want from Eververse. Although it should be added that any left over Prismatic Facets could still be dismantled for Bright Dust. The way to let player came to buy more more directly what they want came in the for of even more bundles being sold, and there were two types. Some bundles sold stuff you could already get out the seasonal engram but as a guaranteed buy (you also got some engrams and some shaders with those bundles). Other bundles sold stuff you could only get in that bundle (they also came with the same amount of engrams and shaders as the other bundles). Two more other things of note for this season are The Revelry and Arc Week. The Revelry added it's own seasonal event engram, the Jubilant engram, and it still worked as previous seasonal event engrams. That was the plan at least, the problem was that if you got finished the armor set on one character then Bugnie's system would have it count that engrams knockout list as complete for you entire account. Therefore making it pretty had to get all the loot, armor and non-armor. This was so bad they had to release two fixes the first came as fixing the engram after event and retroactively award people as many engrams after the error started effecting that account. The second fix was just that if you were still missing pieces of armor from the armor set you could get a free package that game you all the remaining pieces you were missing. On a small note related to The Revelry, sometimes when you turned in material for the event package you could get a helmet ornament for the seasonal event armor, so this is a first time that an Eververse item could be affected by a freely obtainable, non-Eververse item cosmetically (besides shaders). Although also to add to that point, the helmet ornament was only active during The Revelry event itself. The only point to note about Arc Week in regards to Eververse is that we saw Eververse sell class specific emotes by themselves, showcasing that classes arc talents. Also another secret weapon quest, Outbreak Perfected, two more exclusive weapon ornament bundles. (removal of Prismatic Matrix and Bungie being quoted (showing issue with Jubilant Engrams (under season of the Drifter: The Revelry 2019 Season 7, last season saw a new type of engram, the Best of Year One Engram, and a drastic new face to Eververse. This was the first engram to not actually be able to give anything from the current season. Instead it could only give select loot from any engrams from year one. So you couldn't even get all the loot from the year one engrams. We also saw Eververse change no longer was there just the option to buy bundles and engrams for silver, now you could a lot more items for Silver, although those items were just all from season 7 itself, some were only available during certain weeks, especially for Silver. You could still buy some stuff for Bright Dust, but a lot of it was also never sold for Bright Dust. All in all the changes to Eververse are currently like how Eververse currently is in season 8. There was one more thing to happen with Eververse in season 7 another Solstice of Heroes. This was the first seasonal event not to have an engram since Destiny 2's first event back in season 2, the Dawning, that would be awarded along with the regular season engram. Although it was said that during the event all of the items that could be obtainable though the Solstice of Hero engram from Eververse, along with the armor glows for the armor you could acquire for the event, you could not acquire some of the Ghost projections that were shown to be possible loot from the engram at anytime during the event, even when it was extended for an additional week. It was not until late into that last extended week that any comment about Bungie was given about that mishap, telling people that although it was true they were never sold for Bright Dust, that all of their current attention was being given to the launch of Shadowkeep and that sometime after Shadowkeep's launch they would eventually come up for sale for Bright Dust, as of 10/24/2019 that has not happened. One more item to note in Eververse is an emote, Consult the Archives, when this emote first came out many people thought since it was being sold for Silver and since Bungie talked about it would only be available for a limited time, those who bought a certain book from the Bungie store, Grimoire Anthology 2, that it would only ever be available once, and only ever for Silver at that. A few weeks later that was proving to be false when not only the emote showed up again in the store, it even showed up for Bright Dust. While not a change for the season itself it should be said that for a long while before Shadowkeep's release it was said that after season 7 Eververse items would no longer dismantle into Bright Dust and that there would no longer be any bounties you could get directly from Eververse, instead you'd be able to get Bright Dust for doing bounties for stuff that you would normally choose to do while averagely playing. One more thing of note, but not specifically for Eververse, is that this season also brought with it a use for Bright Dust that wasn't Eververse itself, and that was with buying some of the tributes for the Tribute Hall.

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  • Season 8, the current season we are in, and it's engram is The Best of Year Two Engram. Like the season before this engram shows nothing of this new seasons Eververse cosmetics and instead offers a handful of selections that were available from engrams during year two. This season is also showing the effects of the previous season warning of future Bright Dust changes. Mainly that there are no longer Eververse Bounties to do for Bright Dust and that loot acquired for the seasonal engram also doesn't give Bright Dust, just glimmer. There are bounties that you can do for Bright Dust still 2 from each Zavala, Shaxx, and Drifter that award 200 each and can be done on all 3 characters a week. There are also additional bounties that you can get from the same vendor that you can hold up to 5 of at a time, expire a day after buying, cost 3000 glimmer to buy, and award only 10 Bright Dust each along with some experience, which as long as you're not holding 5 additional bounties from that vendor you can buy and do as many as you possibly can in one day. Speaking of experience, the experience to even receive the seasonal event engram has changed. Where before everytime you would have previously gained a level you would have received a seasonal engram, now it takes 5 season pass levels to acquire one seasonal engram. Bungie has also stated that there will be even more stuff that you will only be able to buy for Silver each season and that it won't go up for bright dust. The last thing to note is the upcoming return of Festival of the Lost. Cozmo has said that no seasonal event engrams will be awarded during the event for leveling, but that all items will be available for Bright Dust from Eververse. Some stuff I didn't go into any detail about, but I've seen talked about many times before, would be price points for how much buying Silver costs, the Silver Costs of Destiny 1 loot boxes and singular items, and the exchange rate of money to Silver to Silver Dust/Bright Dust converts to. Final note, I wrote this to try to give an accurate, and as free of bias, history of Eververse as I could. Some of it could possibly read as biased to some, but the only parts I could see after writing all that in some of the notes I left in parenthesis. I also know I left off adding any sources for the final two seasons, I did that for two reasons, 1: their the most recent seasons, season 7 ended only about a month ago and we are still in the early part of season 8, so I thought if you follow the game at all those points would have already been known 2: after writing all that I also couldn't push myself to put any more citations down. If you have any sources to further prove or refute this information please let me know and I will add it to the relevant section. If you think any of this is wrong please tell me what and why you think it is so, if possible I try to find a source that points one way or the other on the issue.

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  • Editado por Mario91658: 10/27/2019 12:47:40 AM
    jayozranger showed me a great point I missed to the history of Eververse. The Taken armor set in the Sterling Treasure, in Destiny 1, was actually a reskin of the armor set that you could get from Prison of Elders. He even went on to add that the Prison of Elders armor from Destiny 1 is actually in Destiny 2 as the Tangled Web armor. I didn't know myself because I don't pay too much attention to how armor looks most of the time. (a video showing the Prison of Elders armor set (an image showing the Taken Armor set from Sterling Treasure (collection's thumbnail images showing the Tangled web armor for Titan , Hunter , and Warlock

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