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Editado por Unseelie Nil: 9/4/2019 3:07:55 AM

The Nowhere: Boss Fight

As the locks seal, Warlock Holmes stands before the alter at the end of the great hall, beginning the ritual. Holmes begins to levitate as he whispers rapidly in an unknown tongue. To his left stands Sherriff Lee, to his right President Ringleader, both wearing unnerving smiles, their weapons at the ready. The green flames illuminating the hall dim to a soft violet and a bestial roar emanates from the alter. Many from among the crowd of civilians join the roar as they change. Some turn to their neighbors with red eyes filled with madness and sink their fangs into their necks. Others pounce upon them, tearing them apart with sharp claws to feast on their flesh. And a few with those same smiles mold their limbs into weapons of bone and slash wildly at any living souls near them. From the alter, a massive beast of flesh and fur rises, two long antlers grow from the back of the deer skull it wears upon its face. The Wendigo slides its tongue across its teeth as it prepares to attack the survivors. Holmes turns to face the gathered heroes with red eyes. [i]”Our Queen sends her regards…”[/i]

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  • Editado por Unseelie Nil: 9/4/2019 3:11:22 AM
    [b][u]The End[/b][/u] As Warlock Holmes falls, the doors to the Temple burst open, the cold winds extinguishing the flames of the lamps and fire pits. The Witch Queen enters with an entourage of Wights and a sly grin. [i] "Oh dear, you defeated my poor little beasties…”[/i] As she speaks, the Witch slowly raises an outstretched hand, [i] "…but not before they spilled [b]soooo[/b] much blood.”[/i] The blood throughout the chamber begins to bubble and glow with magic, droplets rising before evaporating into red wisps of smoke. The extinguished flames of the hall reignite into raging orange blazes and a maniacal, somewhat mechanical laughter echoes within the Temple. The floor trembles and cracks, then you’re falling into darkness... [spoiler]That's it. Shows over. Scram![/spoiler]

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    23 Respuestas
    • You selected your own answer to be the best... Low self esteem.

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    • [spoiler]I was originally going to put a “are you not entertained”gif here but you know, my app decides at the last second to break and not let me post links. So I’ll say it myself.[/spoiler] *I walk out of the courtyard and into the cold and stormy night. Every inch of my armor is scorched or broken, and my swords covered in blood. My left arm is broken, shattered at the wrist, and in its hand clutches the head of my own partner, Sherlock Holmes. I look up to the sky over the massive battlefield like talking to the horsemen, sins, and gods of the apocalypse themself, and shout, almost a thunderous roar.” “Are you not entertained!!”

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      10 Respuestas
      • I look with regret at the dead body laying on the street among a bunch of broken bottles. Wasn’t fast or decisive enough, didn’t get to the temple on time. Can’t remember what got me at the end. Were the tentacles? Zombies?Flying crabs? Probably all the running around in the cold. My soul, still anchored to this plane, is pulled into the temple. The chaos inside defies description. Dead but not dumb, I look for a place to hide. There’s a bucket nearby, but alas...already occupied. Feeling my window of opportunity closing I dive into the nearest object, a weird statue of a cookie.

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        • For our queen, brothers and sisters of stolen flesh. Make war! *The imposter smiled broadly as he watched the forces collide*

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          • Ah geez, you know I'm not really fit for fighting. I'd much appreciate if we could just talk this out.

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            • [spoiler]*outlaw lee[/spoiler] [i]It is time!! Hehehehehe!![/i]

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              • *peaks out of bucket “Nope” *returns to hiding in bucket

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                4 Respuestas
                • How long will this last? I might try to do it tomorrow. [spoiler]Sorry Partner, but You’ve Yeed your last Haw [/spoiler]

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                  9 Respuestas
                  • I do absolutely nothing at all. For I am a simple taco.

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                    • *I aiming down the sights of my Kraber fire a shot right at Warlock Holmes.*

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                      • Editado por Warlock Holmes: 9/4/2019 2:28:12 AM
                        [b]Motes of fire and death[/b] A cloud of gas reforms in the sky as Warlock Holmes. The vampire seems like he took some damage and his wounds try to heal himself. Rage filled on his cold undead face he starts casting a powerful incantation but finds himself stuck on the last word. Like he wants to say it and it won’t come out. [i]inside warlock holmes mind[/i] The vampire paced around his mind searching for the root of his problem. Of course this was the actual Sherlock. Even in a vampiric the wizard had enough willpower to split off from the vampire. Unfortunately not enough as the vampire assumed control. “I will not let you do this” The wizard thought “i know what you are casting and i will not let it happen” [b]”it is going to happen. I will finish the spell and they shall perish in the night”[/b] the vampiric amalgamation of the wizards darker side said. “You know who i am! You know what i am i can stop you. I have the power to stop you and i will use it” [b]”silly being. You come to me through fire and war and yet expect yourselve to win, this is a gift you should embrace it, how long has it been since you cast a powerful spell like this and wathced it destroy your enemys.”[/b] “I will stop you. For you are just a vampire me and vampires are easy. Plus you know what i am. I am very hard to possess” [b]”but we are the same thing since we share the same biology. I am all you are but stronger.” [/b] A spell duel then proceeded to occure in Holmes mind. Now this conversation didn’t take to long in the real world. Only from ending on the second to last word of the spell to him stuttering on the last one. But the warlock did put down his arms and it seemed like he stopped casting. Until four flaming motes descended from the sky each of them erupting into massive roars of fire and explosions each with a 40 foot radius and massive damage. Fire rising high and burning all around in a massive inferno and rubble falls down in a quick and deadly speed. with loud crashing. The entire spell is very devastating as it launches large chunks of rubble and the flames engulf most of the room. The vampiric Holmes cackles with glee. He starts floating down to his next target, John Watson, as his right fist starts glowing with energy, in which the wizard clenches. [spoiler]May have made this two long or two powerful but this is why you don’t mess with a wizard who has access to ninth level spell slots. But i am out of those now.[/spoiler]

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                        39 Respuestas
                        • BuNp

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                        • *I step out of a green glowing portal.* "Thanks dad. I'll be back soon." *The portal closes* "Now, to fulfill my purpose." *How many hostiles?*

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                          38 Respuestas
                          • *quickly gets to cover and draws dex sybaris.*

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                            6 Respuestas
                            • The wizard formally know as warlock Holmes floats above the ground and high into the air. With his spellbook in one hand he cast protective spells on himself, splitting himself into multiple illusionary duplicates and warding himself. A blood hungry smile washes across his face and two fangs retracted from his mouth as the vampire reaches for some spell components, flips some pages, and starts casting a spell.

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                              • [b][i]Its time to d-d-d-d-duel! I challenge Lee the Outlaw![/i][/b] [spoiler]Of all the stuff I’ve read on here, this HAS to be my favorite series![/spoiler] [spoiler]The Veggie has spoken[/spoiler]

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                                2 Respuestas
                                • Ok. I could make some more chaos for everyone by using a few powers that came from my resurrection, or I could use normal powers, I'm going to fight the wendigo lord so I'm going to let you decide Nil.

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                                  • [i]I sit in the corner and drink hot chocolate with an ungodly amount of cinnamon.[/i]

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                                    15 Respuestas
                                    • I charge at the Wendigo Lord unleashing a volley of Force Lightning as I ignite my lightsabers

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                                      • *a flash and a bang emits from the ceiling and suddenly... You hear screaming. A figure covered in snow falls from the sky like a white angel of fear holding a remote in one hand and a sword in the other. I land face first on the floor...* ooooow... *i slowly get up and pick up the remote and put it away* Freakin snowmen... [i]why do you always push that thing? Sure it works but someday it WILL get us killed![/i] Eh, I’ll work on it later! *looks around* Oh! Fighting. *sits down on a bench* I guess I’ll rest for now. Do we still have that slice of baloney? [i]yes. I wouldn’t eat it though, that thing should be weeks old[/i] Nonsense! *pulls out an old slice of baloney from trench coat pocket*

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