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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por Shadow, The One and Many: 2/28/2019 9:04:16 AM

Perfection: Mission story 2 (Pt1 of 2): Escalation

Dialogue names: Efrideet: (E) Shiro: (SH) Saladin: (S) Ghost: (GH) Guardian: (G) Shaxx: (SX) Arcite: (A) Redrix: (R) Josef: (J) Story Mission 2: Escalation (INTRODUCTION) (PT1) *Saladin, Efrideet, Shiro, and the Guardian return to Vostok. Confused and frightened as to what just occurred, Efrideet speaks* E: What in the Traveler's fūck was that?! *Shiro, standing still, almost as if he was contemplating, stared at the group with wide eyes, muffling under his breath* SH: That was something I've never seen before. *He raises his voice* SH: The best thing to do right now, regardless of whatever we just saw, is find a solution to this nightmare. S: This is just as bad as when Rasputin wiped our team. *Suddenly, as if the Traveler had just woken up, Ghost speaks* GH: Rasputin! It can help us! G: You're right, if Rasputin can still control SIVA, then this battle is over before it has begun. And I know just who can help us... *The screen fades to black and transitions to the Guardian flying their ship to Mars.* GH: I don't understand, if Rasputin still had control over SIVA, why hasn't it done anything? G: I could think of few: Rasputin, from what I can remember, has begun to only think of his safety. "If I'm not in danger, then there shouldn't be a reason for me to intervene" is probably what it's thinking. Another reason is probably that the Fallen can control SIVA and Rasputin doesn't have control over it anymore. *The Guardian takes a deep sigh* G: And the last one, and hope that it isn't the case, is that SIVA has become sentient. GH: If that were the case, why would fallen still have it or even be able to utilize it the way we saw it on the moon? G: It could be the other way around. What if SIVA is using the Fallen to exploit them for their resources, knowing that the Fallen wouldn't turn down an offer such as SIVA. GH: What could its end goal be? G: Don't know, but this is sounding like this won't be easy. GH: That's why we're here, hopefully she can help us. G: Yeah, same here bud. *The Guardian flys over Braytech Futurescape, ready to land* ************ *Back over at Vostok, Saladin, Shiro, and Efrideet are discussing plans to strike back. Efrideet walks over to the rekindled fire that sits at the center of the room* S: This battle isn't just for the Iron Lords, its bigger than all of us. E: You're right, we can't do this alone. I still know a few Guardians that are willing to get out of retirement, I'll give them a call. SH: I have my Midnight Assassins; they should be able to help out. *Saladin walks over to the exit and looks up at the sky* S: I know one person that might help, though I would prefer a Thrall instead. ************ *Meanwhile at the Last Safe City* SX: THIS IS AMAZING! A: Indeed! SX: Look at this hunter! Showing the rookies how it's done! A: What is her streak sir? SX: 48... 49... 50! This is a first! Give me the medal! A: We don't have a medal for a 50 elimination streak sir! SX: WHAT?! FINE! I'll do it myself! *Shaxx grabs a blank gold medal from the back and brings it out to the front of the monitors. He grabs a marker and begins drawing a smiley face on it* SX: I never said I was great at drawing. We usually have these things. * He walks over to Arcite and hands him the medal* SX: Give this to her when she returns. A: Will do. SX: She's astonishing! Looks like Redrix and Josef finally have a challenge! *Josef and Redrix enter* J: I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that, you said there's a challenge. R: Haha! I'm gonna try to forget you said that, otherwise I might need a reset. SX: Well, she's dominating the field, and has a 62 elimination streak so far. *Josef and Redrix halt there laughter and suddenly, tension succumbs the room* R: I might seriously need a reset. Did I hear that right? *Josef and Redrix begin discussing plans as to how they should develop new training regiments while Shaxx's laugh echoes the room. Arcite receives a signal that has a familiar voice* A: Sir, the wolves are calling. *Josef stops listening to Redrix for a brief moment, for hearing wolves brought back a few memories of his time with Luna and how great they were together, but it was a brief moment nonetheless; Luna wouldn't want him to be upset. He continues to listen to Redrix's rant* SX: The wolves... If he's sending it, then it would need to be serious. I'll be on my way. *Shaxx points at Redrix and Josef* SX: You're both coming with me. R: What was that? J: Sure thing. SX: When that match is done, Arcite, tell her to meet us in Hangar 7, and to bring her best weapons. Don't forget the medal either. A: Copy that. *Shaxx, Redrix and Josef begin to take their leave* J: Mind telling us where we're going? SX: You're going to meet an Iron Lord. R: There's only 3 that I know: Saladin, Efrideet, and that one Guardian that helped him stop the SIVA outbreak. SX: Then this should be easy for you. *As they depart, Arcite turns back to look at the monitors, studying the Hunter known as Tera Xahn. [i]-The One and Many[/i]

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