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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
10/7/2018 9:06:54 PM

The Darkness, Pyramid Ships, Races, etc. - What We Can Gather

<Alright, time for another thing about the Deep that is currently making its way to our system RIGHT NOW. To start, I'm gonna need to hook you up with my evidence and previous posts that are related to this topic. The latter will give you some insight as to what my thought process is like and I'll list what has changed from the post I'm linking. [url][/url] Let me start by what's changed and a basic overview of what I believe the Darkness to be. The Darkness when referred to as the Void or Deep refers to a place. This place is inferred to be the lower or even central parts of the Ascendant Plane. The heavy ties to the Darkness and the use of Blight as a portal backs this up. The Darkness when referred to as the Deep, Void, Darkness, or Shadow refers to a power. This power is heavily tied to the Light, or Sky, and is implied to be a balancing force. Just a quick note, when Uldren's Darkness and the Traveler's Shard combine, it makes a purple energy. Usually that color is attributed to Void energy. Considering the Deep has been called the Void before, it's something to consider. Perhaps the true path to balance lies in the Void being pure, but neither the Light nor Darkness is the answer to that. In a way, you can compare the Light/Dark/Void to the Force. In a way, it lies in all things according to the Speaker. Of course, some have it better than others, but it seems the only way to truly unlock that is one of the entities controlling the ability giving you that option. It has a moral presence as well, as Uldren's Darkness came from his insanity and murder of other beings, especially the Awoken. When compared to the Force, the first case of Light-turned-Dark is Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader. I don't think I need to reiterate what happened. The Darkness when called by most of its titles, including but not limited to Queen of Final Shapes, IT, Titanomach, Formless One, Deep, and Phantom refers to the entity behind it all. Like the Traveler, IT is a primordial entity that gives species its power in order to use them as proxies in the interstellar war. However, its personality differs heavily. The Traveler's goal is just, and it carries herself weakly. The Deep prefers to kill anything that isn't strong enough. The issue with that goal is that it will always return unless it dies. This means that all life could potentially end unless they turn to Darkness. The proxies under it also fight amongst each other. The Scorn and Hive and Vex are good examples. Even though the Vex haven't served the Deep in a while, the Hive did fight them when they were. Another example of species of Darkness fighting each other are the Worms (loyal to the Deep) and the Ahamkara (free). So there we go. I won't be discussing the place as I believe the Ascendant Plane deserves its own post and this will be mainly about the pyramid ships and what entities live in them or used to live in them. Let's start with the "shape" of the Darkness. [quote]"Exodus Green to unknown maneuvering object. Please squawk your transponder and ident. Over." Another silent quarter-hour passes in Flight. No response comes from the transient contact twelve and a half light minutes away. The ghost has stalked Yang Liwei for eighteen hours now, closing in each time it appears, and Captain Alice Li is wary of it. Other colony missions have vanished during their outward burns—victims of mishap or hostility—and because of these disappearances, Project Amrita did not hurl itself fearless into the void. Rather, they came armed to the molars.[/quote] This is from Cosmogyre I. The events in Cosmogyre take place DURING the Collapse. Not before, not after, DURING. The Ghost Ship they refer to... well... [quote]The stars have gone out. The universe blackened: a shroud of nothingness drawn over Yang Liwei, its forty thousand sleeping passengers, its nine hundred crew, and maybe even the whole solar system. There is no way to know, because there is no way to see anything beyond the hull. The vacuum itself has become hostile to the propagation of light. Darkness surrounds them.[/quote] The "Phantom Ship" as they called it, or "Ghost Ship" has shrouded them. A quick search of the Darkness on Destinypedia shows this isn't the first time the Darkness has appeared to have the ability to "cover" things in total blackness. Cayde remarked during his vision of the Collapse that tendrils of Darkness held him and everything else down. Calus had total Darkness surround the Leviathan, and that's where he turned and ultimately noped out pretending he was a herald. It also seems that Pyramids are a common theme. [quote]"I was dreaming," Sjur says, wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand. "I saw you on a great black triangle. You split it in two with your bare hands."[/quote] [quote]What if I told you that eons beyond the void lie worlds that do yearn to aid in our struggle? What if I told you there is a way to grant them passage into your mind, to let them guide your eye against our one true enemy? That they have told me that the dusk of the pyramid draws nigh? Would you believe me?[/quote] These pyramid ships, or at least one of them given the first D2 cutscene, are the Darkness. It is the physical form of IT. The Traveler is a being in an orb, the Darkness is a being in a pyramid. Besides the ability to cover entities in darkness, it also seems to have the ability to emit gravity waves... intense ones, too. [quote]But there's no starlight to die in. The darkness is absolute. Gravity waves tug on her line, pulling her back toward Yang and then hurling her away.[/quote] The gravity waves may have been a way that entire worlds were leveled. Think about it, the Deep spreads throughout Sol, darkens skies, holds everyone down in an attempt to show their weakness, then proceeds to launch every -blam!-ing city into the air and bring it back down in one swift motion. It's like Man of Steel but on a system-wide scale. But I don't know for sure if that's the case, so take it with a grain of salt. Anyway, it's wholly unknown whether there WAS one ship during the Collapse or not. The Fleet awakened by the Traveler are Darkness-based, but I'm unsure whether it's the army that appeared during the Collapse or that + a new race. As I've mentioned a dozen times, The Nine are shady, but one particular theory stands out and it's about the survivors of cis-Jovian colonies. From Xur, we can gather that these were the Jovians. The Jovians made a PACT with an ALIEN FORCE TO SURVIVE. I'm just going to draw similarities here towards the Hive and Humanity/Eliksni. The former made a pact with the Deep through the Worm God while the latter were CHOSEN by the Traveler, even if the Eliksni were abandoned. Anyway, the Jovians, like I've said, are LIKE the Awoken but more transformed. Xur says he's hurt by Light, he's a Jovian. Therefore, Jovians are HIGHLY LIKELY to be made of Darkness. As Xur is merely an agent of the Nine, rather than a part of them like the 9 Ghosts or 9 Deep Orbit Warminds, we can assume that there are quite a lot of Jovians. If we were to assume that the Jovians took a trip with the Darkness when it left Sol at the end of the Collapse, THERE'S YOUR ARMY. But wait, Cayde's journal describes shadow entities during the Collapse. Let me introduce you to what I've called the "Shadows" or "Drifter's Bane". [quote]Anyway, this thing—the creature—looked like it shared common bioenergetics with the Hive, but there were no records then or since that I've ever seen of humanity's encounters with them. And the creature had a property the Hive did not have. It produced a field that repressed Light—like a Darkness Zone but contained to a gooey, vacuous form with no head.[/quote] These creatures are made of Darkness. These may be the things that popped up on our worlds during the Collapse. A natural Dark race of these things. There were thousands of them on the world the Drifter saw them on, it's possible there were WAY more, or ARE way more. But they don't seem like the only race. Look at the "green" concept art or [b]Link 2[/b]. Take a good look at that. The Pyramid Ship in the background, the ancient writing and the VERY human-like statues. That doesn't seem like something mindless Dark creatures would make, and the Traveler model in the middle is very suspicious. This could very well be the signs of a SECOND race of Dark entities that inhabit those Pyramid Ships. May I redirect you back to the Jovians and the Nine. I've already discussed some of Xur's choice words, but the Emissary's are... off. So many of her quotes revolve around death and finality. Or this quote. [quote]Yours is a war without end.[/quote] "War is all there is for you" said the Darkness. While I don't think any more Awoken besides the Emissary, 9 missing Yang Liwei crew members, and maybe a couple of agents are with the Nine, the Nine themselves hold signals outside the galaxy. But the Jovians... I believe there's a lot more to them as I've discussed before. It'd explain the human qualities of that image. Alright, I'm done. I've hit the character limit. Thoughts on this topic? I'll reply to what I can thanks to the limit I JUST reached.>

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  • So Solar is from the power of the Sun, Arc is from energy( like atoms and shit), and Void is a combo of Light and dark. Did I miss anything?

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      I believe the Ahamkara and Worms are at odds because the Worms themselves follow a strict dogma, and actually embody the supposed will of the Deep itself; they speak of it in reverence. The Ahamkara just seem like a chaotic form who seem to just want to feed to their whim, regardless of what the Deep would want. I would not be surprised at all if the Worms themselves resented the Ahamkara and would even kill them. In their eyes, the Ahamkara both squander and make a mockery of that power. Also, isn't a sphere the most efficient form an object can take? That's the shape the Traveler takes, so I wonder what a pyramid shape would symbolize. There's such a heavy level of symbolism in this game. Also, side note, but have you noticed that there are no monuments made in the Traveler's image? For something being mocked by others calling it a false or broken god, it does not really appear to have been worshipped as a god but respected as a benevolent benefactor who stayed with humanity for centuries even before the Collapse and during the Collapse. I really wanna know more about the Traveler. It seems rather dedicated to its craft, to its unintended children despite being called weak and feeble.

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      • I believe in a thing called love... - The Darkness

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        • I just assumed the darkness is the bad guys from Stargate.

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          • Rule of 3. Three queens. Triangles. Pyramids. Three classes Three elements. Three paths. Triangle marks in getting new powers. The pyramidion Three Hive Gods. Three weeks Three queens Three queens THREE QUEENS

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            • Question So would the Hive be our counterparts? They made a deal with the deep/darkness. We made a “deal” with the traveler/light. We were both granted immortality Also, it pretty suspicious that they Traveler awoke at the same time the pyramid ships started to come for us...

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              • Thx guardian. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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              • Never mind all this, what about Nezarec. He lives in the Void. He has transcended light and dark, but is not necessarily evil. He maybe one of the beings 'outside' our known space that may yet help us.

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                7 Respuestas
                • I am secretly hoping we face the inverse of guardians. Badass dudes whose health/shield regenerates, who have powerful gear and weapons collected from centuries of combat, and supers/grenades/melee abilities that charge over time.

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                  • Not related to the thread, but as I've found you - TYVM for uploading Rivens boss theme. Its a fantastic piece of music. 👍

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                    • Spooky Mind I just gotta say you are one of the good people who actually looks up and learns the lore for this interesting universe and then comes to the forums to educate the uneducated on your own time... I salute thee..

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                      • You make some valid points and i agree that eververse should be removed fromt his game.

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                        • I scurred

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                        • I don't know what they look like. But when I'm done with them, they will look like something got shot in the face.

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                        • I think there is a void that isn’t the dark or the element. I think there is a space where light and dark meet and that is the void, and that is where the 9 are.

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                        • [spoiler]He... he killed the younglings...[/spoiler]

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                        • Honestly Bungie has no plans to follow the pyramid ships as that was the original plan but was scrapped when Bungie had to redo their story to fix the mess they made, they may later on bring those ships into view again but for now, they are but lost in the stories of old. I am excited though to see this new darkness rise up and show its self

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                          14 Respuestas
                          • So what your saying is [spoiler]nerf fusion rifles?[/spoiler]

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                            • I get a heavy feeling of #chemtrails in here

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                            • Does anyone know the darkness is coming?

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                              • Holy Wall of text Batman.... I jest . Impressive. Have an up arrow.

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                              • Editado por FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 10/8/2018 4:58:45 PM
                                [u][b]DANGER:[/b][/u] [spoiler][quote][i][u][b]FAN FIC ALERT![/b][/u][/i][/quote][/spoiler] [armory]TURN BACK![/armory]

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                              • Yeah, i think you're on the right track here. To me, the eternal battle between the objects we call The Traveller and The Darkness is a celestial entity representation to the Entropy system of the universe. If you read up on physics, you'll know that we live in a entropy based reality. The Destiny universe is a "personified" story of that entropic system.

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                              • So this makes me consider another source for the syzygy or “God Wave” on Fundament. It seems entirely possible that Fundament was destroyed by the Darkness, not the moons lining up, or as some like to think, the Traveler?

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                                • You my friend have way too much free time

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                                  • I think the darkness is dark matter/energy, and those that have been influenced or evolved within it are agents of it. Destiny writing seems to take one step into fantasy with one step into science to draw two themes together. The Planet the Drifter is on, I believe, is Mike Brown's undiscovered Planet 9. Its a mathematically predicted to exist planet orbiting our solar system. Its predicted to be larger than all of the Kuiper belt objects (10 times the mass and two to four times the diameter of earth) - enough to pull these bodies into similar orbits. The orbit of Planet 9 is theorized to be between 10,000 and 20,000 years. Its so dark that so far we're unable to physically detect it. Its theorized to be an ejected Ice Giant - a mixture of rock and ice with a small envelope of gas. Conspiracy theories and ancient texts that talk about Nemesis (Nibiru) - a planet or star that enters our solar system over millennia and causes massive extinctions. This theme is also present in Destiny lore through the Nemesis Star weapon from the mysterious Nadir foundry, the Light Beyond Nemesis warlock helmet. Flavor text: "What is the answer when the question is extinction?" A theory its thought that when this planet passes through the Oort cloud, its gravity pushes comets towards the sun and is responsible for the various mass extinctions throughout earth's history. This planet may have remained undiscovered into the Golden Age because of the "Anti-light fields" that the Drifter talks about. Being a man who is a bit of a crypto-archaeologist, the mystery of an undiscovered dark planet would be something he'd want to explore. So this planet's orbit may take it out so far that it exists into the void/darkness or millennia. Creatures frozen in ice, waiting for a thaw as the orbit draws closer to the sun. Feeds on the mass extinction, then goes back to hibernation. Much like a cicada - (rolls into the traveler gardener theme). So with your post about the darkness, It looks like it is something physical - like dark matter. Its a philosophy - like Darwinism. Its also an environment where beings evolve to feed on light. So I think this story of the Drifter is to teach us is the survival behavior of organisms that evolved in the dark. This may help us draw the motivation of the enemies of the pyramid ships who evolved in a similar environment. Something unrelated I noticed about the Drifter and his folks losing their light when everyone gained theirs back: [i]One day, when we had settled in for the night in another monolith, something swept over the planet. I later learned it swept across the system. All'a you hearing this felt it. You were there at the source. All four of us lost our Light. And we knew it. We looked over at the monolith-creature in its frozen cage. It seemed to stare right back.[/i] "Something swept over the planet. I later learned it swept across the system" is referring to when the Traveler woke up. Not when it was captured - everyone just lost their light, nothing swept. "All four of us lost our light." It reads like they all lost their light when everyone gained theirs. Its also subtly saying the planet they were on was within the system.

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