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Editado por a_dmg04: 1/22/2018 10:57:06 PM

Does everyone just complain?

Is there anyone that doesn't complain about this game? Everyone's whining about how now everything's terrible and broken when in reality that's what makes a game a game. D1 had so many broken things but it was and still is a good game. D2 isn't any different, we're still going to have those moments where the games crap but those moments make you appreciate it when those issues get fixed. So for anyone that bothers to whine, go play a new game or just be content and keep playing, it'll get resolved eventually.

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  • Here is a thought. Give us what we paid for! Then there would be less complaints.

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    25 Respuestas
    • Editado por Nil Dovah: 1/23/2018 6:05:35 PM
      You’re complaining about people complaining... If you don’t like it, mute ‘em or don’t read their posts. Go to another forum.

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    • Editado por Smeeds: 1/24/2018 7:40:22 PM
      Theres a lot to complain about and you just cant see the reasons. Simple as that. Now go play your eververse dress up doll game.

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      6 Respuestas
      • Who was asking for a story that lacked any replayability? PvP that relies on playing like a complete pussy with your team? A lower TTK across the board? Watered-down abilities? A lack of rewards across the entire game? No random perks? Only 4v4? I see posts like this a lot, with people like me being called iterations of pussies, but I payed for a game that would build off of the good of Destiny and fix the bad (or even make an effort that would take less than a fukcing year after release). I payed for a game that should have been complete from the start, not some boring, watered-down Destiny. So far the only people I’ve seen who actually enjoy the game are those that (and I mean no offense by this and I’m sure there are some exceptions) are of a significantly lower skill-tier. I let my kids play on this account and they enjoy it (shooting aliens and flashing lights and all). My personal account ended Destiny with a 2.3 KD (I say this not to show off, but to support my next point). That puts me in the upper echelon of all players, and regardless of the (in my opinion) absolutely stupid changes to special ammo in the last Destiny, I enjoyed and played PvP all the time. I got to Destiny 2 and suddenly everything was focused on teamshotting and waiting. That’s not fun for me (and obviously the majority of other players on my level), so I quit early on. There was no point. It wasn’t fun. Overall, Bungie didn’t listen and made a game worth maybe a 4.5/10 if I’m generous. I don’t see any merit to posts like yours. If you enjoy the game or don’t like the criticism, good on you. But understand that most everyone sees this game for what it is: a half assed, poorly produced, watered-down Destiny.

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        6 Respuestas
        • I just play a different game, Bungie messed up, and they know it, but who will admit that? They went one way when the community wanted another, and they know that. They want money, an unsatisfied community does not pay, they will fix the game, they have the foundations for a great game, they just forgot they did.

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        • Thank you! I honestly like d2 a lot better. Story was great, music's amazing, good armor and weapons, and I know people complain about there being no lore, but if you actually pay attention to the adventures, quests, the one million things your ghost wants to scan, there's a LOT of lore already given out.

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        • Editado por I-SLaTS-I: 1/24/2018 5:18:46 PM
          Its the world we live in today....full of millennial cry baby spoiled liberal bitches...especially the gamer community

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          • Lmao some causal, batting on the community even though he’s never played destiny one. That’s how you know bungies supporters are getting desperate I’m only here for the juicy memes as I watch this failure go down the drain. Bungie has already destroyed my appreciation a as fan I have nothing left but supreme disappointment how much water does the average being need to consume a day and bewilderment at a game that could have been.. and yet for all it’s second chances could not deliver on the least of them. You ask me why we all complain? 😂 It’s because the same company that said it didn’t act bureaucratic or corporate ended up becoming just that. Lmao so I ask you this... Why do you care if we whine?

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            • People complain about the game and we get information like the massive update coming. People like you complain about complaining and accomplish absolutely nothing. Youre my hero

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              8 Respuestas
              • If there was nothing to complain about we wouldn't if there was nothing halfway to complain about we wouldn't. it is about 70% crap and it's dying

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              • Destiny 1 NEVER had these many issues over the course of three years, including the severe lack of content. Even the Destiny 2 Beta lacked the content of Destiny 1’s Beta. Even if so, Bungie has had THREE YEARS to learn from their previous short comings to improve on it. They literally cranked out a $60 game plus $30 expansion with an absolute dead end. Broken consumable systems, same roll weapons, reskin after reskin , broken loot system. Catering to casuals?? Really? They simply do not care. The loyal fans of this franchise have a right to be upset and disappointed. And at this very moment, I can’t even log into the game due to some issue PS4 connection issues that Bungie undoubtedly help facilitate. They have gotten their money by putting a bow tie on a turd.

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                7 Respuestas
                • Yes.. all people do is bitch and moan about a freaking game. It's a game folks. Everything in life isn't gonna go like you want. Get over it. Don't play. Who cares!

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                  • Perhaps you should use your brain and ask yourself why everyone is compaining. Really don't know how you think paying $100 for crap makes you appreciate paying another $200 in DLC for the game to get good.

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                    1 Respuesta
                    • D2 is actually VERY different from D1. Stripped down skill trees, weapons feeling more mediocre, a weapon system that leads to spending most of PvE pecking at things with two primary weapons, our gear is now cookie-cutter carbon copies of each other with minimal variation - which sucks the satisfaction out of grinding. Nobody asked for any of this. It's very fair for paying customers to have criticisms and frustrations over the state of D2. You, on the other hand, are just complaining about complainers.

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                      27 Respuestas
                      • Bungie made d2 for casuals, but now the casuals have moved on and the players that actually care about this game are the ones that are still here. Sad thing is that d2 is so mediocre, most of those casuals probably wouldn’t buy d3 except now bungie has alienated their core player.

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                        • Editado por MrGunslinga: 1/23/2018 8:03:47 AM
                          I don't want a effin miracle performed overnight that's simply impossible and I don't think everyone expects that unless of course they are delusional but most people have grown tired of the fact that most fixes that are in the works are things that should have been in the game to begin with and would rather of had Bungie just leave the game till it's ready but no there's an extra easy 80 quid in dlc and Activision can't have that. Just think of how tired of this crap people are if they went through it with D1 been there got the T-shirt so Bungie should have known better for D2 no excuses then with TheDivision pulling the same stunt as D1 and getting destroyed for it and now back to the same sh!t again with D2 only Bungivision feel that they wont suffer as bad a fate if not worse than TheDivision, where does this shit of lying to people to create a false hype/hope train end and I suppose we'll throw in NoManSky aswell to make it extra spicy because all those games when promoting what you where getting came out with false promises to lure more people into buying them by claiming that thay're the best thing to ever come out since sliced bread it's complete manipulation. I'm not saying it's a downright awful game that has no chance of being fixed it can be but will it be fixed in a decent way? who knows. The real question is should we have to pay for their mistakes again because with all the fails they kept knocking out of the park on a weekly basis with lack lustre dlc, half the dlc gear going in eververse, xp throttling, posting up a job for someone who has great ideas on how to monetize the game more, locking players out of base game content unless they buy the dlc, saying there listening while hiding away and not saying FA, getting caught and saying it was a mistake how did that get in there, bringing out an event like the dawning that's solely built for eververse a Christmas event during a time of "giving" where you got 3 free engrams a week which was generous but also included the illuminated engram loot so even harder to get the dawning gear loot so then your only option was to buy more if you were unlucky enough to just get ghosts and I was lucky to get the armour set and exotic ghost shell because of all the useless purple sparrows and ships I had lying around that made up 4k (100 bright dust per ship/sparrow) yet all this content that was "too hard to make" was easily enough put behind a "paywall" and not as reward as high-end end-game activity rewards like in D1 because if they moved it all to eververse and you can't get anything decent "cometic wise" anywhere else in the game and there is no reason to do the hardest activities in the game apart from a emblem, shaders and some glowing armour as a reward then people will just say eff it theres no point, complete it once and proceed to just throw money at Tess. With all this sh!t we're meant to act like they don't give a pish about our wallets and only care for the game? If actions speak louder than words... Also I have played many truly great games and never has the things that are broken with it made the game what it is LMFAO most of the great games never had problems throughout the whole game and neither did they have to be updated on a regular basis because of being released, rushed and full of bugs because they were great to begin with so maybe it's just me but either you only just started playing games and haven't played or know any truly great games or what a proper game is like or else you've just been playing all the wrong games. If you want I can tell you a bunch of truly great games that are fun to play that you can actually improve by playing them with a little intelligence and skill but they can be hard AF but what's the point if there's no challenge if you don't want the challenge go watch a movie (although there are some great games that aren't as challenging that make up for it by having an exceptionally great story, destiny not being one unless your into the grimoire lore) or watch some fool on youtube play it. So therefor you should in no way being using D1 as an base example of a "good game" when in fact it was more a forest fire that they just about managed to put out, simply put there are really great games that have came out that in the past and D1 vanilla was not one of them.

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                        • [quote]Is there anyone that doesn't complain about this game? Everyone's whining about how now everything's terrible and broken when in reality that's what makes a game a game. D1 had so many broken things but it was and still is a good game. D2 isn't any different, we're still going to have those moments where the games crap but those moments make you appreciate it when those issues get fixed. So for anyone that bothers to whine, go play a new game or just be content and keep playing, it'll get resolved eventually.[/quote] Yes that is all everyone does and it is actually very frustrating. There is alot of us that enjoy the game.

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                        • Why does op’s topic say “edited by dmg04?”

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                          2 Respuestas
                          • Yes because there's nothing good to say except sound and visuals. That's about it.

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                          • I like D2 but it is missing that fun factor that D1 had. That feeling of your guardian being extremely powerful. D2 Watered down too much of D1. Mayhem clash was the best thing to happen to D2 don’t know why they don’t just leave it in.

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                          • Short answer... yes. They're all pussies

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                            • I have seen a lot of kids complainning here about pointless stuff

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                            • [quote]Is there anyone that doesn't complain about this game? Everyone's whining about how now everything's terrible and broken when in reality that's what makes a game a game. D1 had so many broken things but it was and still is a good game. D2 isn't any different, we're still going to have those moments where the games crap but those moments make you appreciate it when those issues get fixed. So for anyone that bothers to whine, go play a new game or just be content and keep playing, it'll get resolved eventually.[/quote] That’s right you entitled bastards. If you’re sold a product that promises to blow your socks off but instead induces comatose states then why aren’t you stripping naked and dancing in the streets with joy? Also this post sounds kinda like you’re complaining. Isn’t that reprehensible?

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                              3 Respuestas
                              • I don’t see all these raid competitions and destiny 1 experience you say you have! And you have this big of opinion? Lol

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                                • Snowflakes and buttercups

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                                • How dare you be so reasonable! Are you new to the internet? The answer is, "YES!" - everyone complains - that is what internet forums are for.

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