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7/18/2017 9:52:35 PM

An interesting observation about D2 Beta Reviews

So I've read all the reviews and opinions on the D2 Beta so far; I've spotted an interesting trend in the opinions from the ones that are saying it's great and are loving it. All of these Bungie defenders have sub 5000 Grimoire, No "From the beginning" node unlocked on Y3 MoT and have 1000 Hours or less gameplay time. You will say Grimoire doesn't mean shit, but it's an uncanny trend that I've spotted. Any D1 Alpha/Beta Vets with 5500+ Grimoire and 3000 Hours logged have anything good to say about this D2 Beta? I'm curious...

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  • 5k+ grimoire, hit rank 3 Vanguard in D1 beta strictly off I'm playing this pretty relentlessly as well. Overall, I enjoy it. Most definitely feel like it has been reskinned to look prettier, but certain core aspects feel like they remain intact, e.g. gunplay. I personally didn't believe in the perfect roll system, or how weapons were individualized to the point where rng became an integral part of a weapon. My beginning in FPS goes back to the DoD mod on original CS, through halo, etc. Not only am I used to static weapons, but it also feels like it enforces a balanced arena style combat system. To that end; PvP thusfar seems balanced, more focused on mastering the gunplay, fps fundamentals, practicing good strategies, and enforcing communication. I am usually with a full team, so some of this doesn't apply when playing solo. Power ammo on individual CD's and NOT shared, I feel is a huge improvement. Games shouldn't be decided in a moment of a group getting spawn advantage, spamming supers, and monopolizing 2 bricks to just poop on their opposition...some will vehemently oppose that idea. Supers and grenades, both in their own respect can be gamechangers and it seems they've been rightly identified as such given their unbearable cooldown. I say that lightly as I very much enjoy the cooldown. Again, it reinforces what I feel are the elements that make PvP fun, well balanced gunplay, an emphasis on teamwork/strategy, and personal skill. One could argue that this was already the case in D1, but to go back to what I said about weapon rng and individualized weapons...I'm fairly sure I haven't been the only person to say "I lost to that weapon" or better yet "this weapon is OP as Hell". Anyway, I could go on and on, but I'm rather enjoying PvP, and PvE just looks prettier.

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    1 Respuesta
    • I started playing Destiny since the early access of the D1 beta. I quit shortly before and after TTK and started to really hate Destiny. I came back a couple of weeks ago cuz D1 was on sale so I bought it again to play with my friend. I'm loving D1 again and I'm having even more fun with D2. I'm confident D2 will be great.

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    • Yes, the game plays good. As it should because it's a sequel. Still have to get use to the new gameplay style. The strike was fun. The new sounds effects were awesome. The guns look good. They aren't the strongest guns, but that sunshot recks in PvE. I'm excited for what comes next. I'm going to play this game despite any gripes that can't handle change. We didn't want the same game put out 3 years down the road did we?

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    • Grimoire won't matter in this case, but hours logged and when they started do

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    • Been playing since D1 beta. Not a fan of the changes. I've enjoyed by never preferred pvp because it wasn't my style. I'm too aggressive, can't shake my pve playstyle. Not to say I don't post decent numbers in pvp. Just have to be in the mood. The balance issue in pvp was inherent due to the nature of the game. There is balancing super powers. "Fixing" it by slashing the powers and ganking the gear system is absurd. If I wanted cookie cutter shooters, I have a ton of options. Destiny was meant to be unique. Now it's turning into a clone.

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    • I've played destiny 1 since beta (on Xbox, not this account) and I like most of the changes

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    • Editado por JeadEdge: 7/21/2017 9:04:59 AM
      Tbh it was kinda hard to adjust fornthe first day but I am starting to really get good at the new style and controls of Destiny 2. It has some issues of course, but wow is it a breath of fresh air. Can not wait for it's release. [spoiler]Over 3000 hours played and 5500+ grimoire here. I have playrd a lot of D1. Beta player as well.[/spoiler]

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    • I uninstalled it from my console and pulled my reserve. Check out the Kotaku article and you will see that D1's story was reworked from Joseph Staten's body of work and it was just fragments of what he initially had in mind. After Joe, Marty and Clay Carmouche ( Lore and story writer of the Taken King) Left... THIS IS NOT THE SAME BUNGIE AND DEFINITELY NOT THE SAME DESTINY YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH!! When you get rid of important pieces like that, the game suffers dramatically. You can tell at how bad it is but no one wants to admit it because we don't want to feel like idiots. But this Destiny is bad that's from a personal standpoint and many others feel the same way. They have the name of Bungie but they do not have the same people who came together and created the spirit of what we all knew and loved.

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    • Editado por Khârn the Betrayer: 7/21/2017 7:00:48 AM
      D1 A/B player with 5k grim. First off, how the hell do you all have time to get 3k+ hours in? That's just under 5 months of non-stop gameplay... That could be the big problem for anyone with that much time committed, you've overplayed it. That's probably why D2 lacks the ability to impress you, you're actually suffering from burnout? Secondly, I like the iterative changes we've been presented. Right down to the small details on feeding legendaries and shader locations. Yes, the game is a bit slower paced, but this isnt unreal or quake. It feels evened out for power curves, but we only get to experience 3 exotics and 5ish weapon varieties with limited customization. Did you check out the options for customizing your elemental gear? Kind of cool. I will never be able to burn that much time in a game, too much going on in life for that to happen. So hats off to the people with great time management skills.

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    • I joined immediately after Dark Below came out. Idk how many hours I have, but my grimore score is 5440. It will be 5450 in about 3 days. I'm excited for D2.

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    • 5195 Xb1 3605 PS4 My quick take:

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    • Editado por VierXTriggers: 7/20/2017 6:28:50 AM
      5510day 1 Xbox player here and I will not be purchasing destiny 2

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      1 Respuesta
      • Not quite at 3000 hours but been here since day one. PvP feels a lot better though the maps could be bigger from what I've seen at least. PVE is pretty fun and the patrol spaces look very in depth. From what I've play it looks to be what I wanted from Destiny 1. More exploration and more balanced crucible.

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      • Had beta got the game day one played a lot year one and two, not so much year three. Played the beta yesterday and so far I'm being cautious. I'm not preordering because I'm waiting for the full game reviews to come in. For example, I'll probably be watching Angry Joe's review of d2 when it comes out then deciding whether to buy it or not.

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      • I don't have 3000 hours but +5000 Grimoire and been playing since D1 beta. I really like the Countdown PvP mode and like the 4v4. I was skeptical about no more 6v6 but I think it keeps PvP less chaotic. Also easier to coordinate as a team. This coming from a primarily PvE player. Definitely catered towards full fireteams though. Wouldn't play it solo queuing. Like what I've seen so far for PvE but looking forward to having full maps to explore. My only real complaint so far is that abilities take too long to Regen, especially in n PvE. I find you have to hold on to your abilities until it's worthwhile to use them. I am assuming this is what Bungie was going for though. Playing the beta has me really excited to play the full game.

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      • Don't feed the trolls.

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      • Yea I think Bungie is trying to get you guys to back off and take a break.

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      • [quote]So I've read all the reviews and opinions on the D2 Beta so far; I've spotted an interesting trend in the opinions from the ones that are saying it's great and are loving it. All of these Bungie defenders have sub 5000 Grimoire, No "From the beginning" node unlocked on Y3 MoT and have 1000 Hours or less gameplay time. You will say Grimoire doesn't mean shit, but it's an uncanny trend that I've spotted. Any D1 Alpha/Beta Vets with 5500+ Grimoire and 3000 Hours logged have anything good to say about this D2 Beta? I'm curious...[/quote] I think the pvp is a 1000xs better. I do not like 4v4, but i hated 3x3. I do not like search and destroy, which is all the new game mode is. Ppl complain about getting team shot. This just in you shouldnt be able to win a gun fight agsinst multiple ppl very often. They say its "slow". Its not slow, those are the ppl sitting in a corner, run around a little bit and ull see its not "slow", its you.

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      • Editado por RoninPhoenix650: 7/20/2017 2:51:37 PM
        I've also noticed a trend. People who use irrelevant "stats" like those are the same type of people who say absurd things like "iron pups". [spoiler]They are also elitist clowns who derive meaning from looking down on others without legitimate reason. [/spoiler]

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      • Gotta say I'm surprised people don't recognize you and manage to take you so seriously.

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      • I love the pve but the pvp is one of the worst experiences I've had on multiplayer game. If I have to I'll play the pve of Destiny 2 and the pvp of Destiny 1. I'd much rather be sprayed down by sidearms and stuck any day than be team shot by two different pulse rifles.

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      • Im over 5000 grimore and love the beta

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      • Max grim day 1 here, not a elitist, but the beta is pretty fun, the pvp can be laggy but all and all it's pretty balanced *cough* better Devils *cough* as a Titan main I love the fact I still have my bubble...

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        1 Respuesta
        • Y1 Alpha here, this beta is fine. It is short, which I hope is not them trying to hide that it is like a good chunk of the core game like the first beta was. That said, the pvp changes are good in my opinion, and PvE is still fun. However, and this may be just getting used to the new movement, my Titan feels sluggish, very sluggish when compared the Y1. The supers are fun, and, at least for defender, being able to use your super either as a bubble or as Captain America is a very interesting combination. Opens up a lot of tactical possibilities. Titan barrier needs to be nerfed, as that shit can knock back my shield throw which i think is idiotic.

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        • I don´t like the beta. Over 3,000 hours logged, over 5,000 grimoire score

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        • Too easy

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