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Hablemos de Destiny.
Editado por Ghostfire239: 5/31/2016 4:21:08 AM

Question about the "Wombo Combo"

Why do people think it's OP? You use a melee and a grenade to get a kill. That seems fair enough. I don't hear people complaining about Sticky grenades and they kill you in one shot without the use of a melee. It's not that hard to get out of either, unless your directly in the middle and in that case the fella who got you simply did a good job. So I'm a bit curious as to what makes people think it's OP? Perhaps it's something I'm not seeing. [spoiler]Now before people say that I main a Hunter and that I use this "wombo combo" I just have to say that I use Nightstalker because of my dream to one-day be able to get a group of enemies tethered (while I have bloodbound) and actually get the kills NOT for some melee grenade combo. I hardly ever get lucky enough to tether a large group of enemies and when I do I end up getting killed before I land :([/spoiler]

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  • people say it's OP because they've been killed by the wombo combo which makes it something to complain about. it's not hard to see someone do TWO throwing animations and move out of the way. smoke doesn't cover that large of an area and it's pretty easy to avoid. if you stand in it walking around in circles then bro, you deserve to die haha. but having to use both your grenade and melee charge is definitely a fair trade off. (and I'm not going to say that 90% of these salty replies main warlocks... but...)

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  • It's a little op because if you get caught in it, you're pretty much dead no matter what. That being said, the fact that you have to use both charges balances it out, imo.

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  • Because warlocks bitch at anything it only kills if both placed under the feet I main hunter and only use night stalker for pve golden gun pvp and blade for 3v3 and fun pve

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  • I just don't understand why it slows the person trapped in it. Other than that, the combo doesn't bother me at all.

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  • It is not OP. People calling it OP don't know how to dodge.

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  • I'm confused... tripmine, one shots. I've seen people get triple with one nade. Lightning grenades also destroy teams. Firebolts are also crazy. Guess what, you still have access to your melee. Warlocks get shield, and life regeneration Strikers can just one shot you with just you taking a bit of damage. Defenders can suppress you, shotgun you and get a shield. Hunters can still blink strike and kill you from the front, gun slingers can still throw their knife. For the night stalkers grenade to be effective, you have to use your melee charge as well. That sounds like a good trade off. Specially when you realize that every other class can shit on you with their strong grenade and has their melee charge. Sorry, but no... it is not over powered. As a matter of fact, most people get away from the wombo

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    • I think people just FEEL like it's cheap because the smoke slows them down and damages them and takes radar and stuff. The smoke trolls you in other words. It's more frustrating I guess to feel trapped than it is to just die instantly. Kind of a dumbass thing to complain about really. The nightstalker grenades are not OHK's, and they trade any actual melee for the smoke. That's actually why you see stuff like this. It's literally the only way you can actually get a guaranteed kill with either the grenade or the smoke. Most of the bitching comes from PVP. No one bitches when they're being bitch slapped by a Captain and I toss them a smoke to trap and damage the thing so they can regroup. But if their feelings get hurt in the Crucible, they'll come here and whine. That hasn't changed since the beta. The wombo actually takes a little aim and placement to pull off. I've maybe done it twice. Been killed by it... zero times. I don't actually ever see it. If you are constantly in range of the same nightstalker to get double grenaded like this, you're doing it wrong.

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        • Stick it in her arse

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        • I think it's time to stop calling a combo,let's face it it's the smoke that does all the work.If someone is in the smoke then simply just shooting them is enough rather than wasting a grenade too.I would wager that most complaints about it stem from ToO where salt runs that little bit more,and teams stick together making this combo even more deadly. Same thing with sunsingers,ToO will be where it originates due to whole teams getting tagged easier due to how close they stay together (actually tbh IMO it's not the DoT damage that is the deadliest part,it's the fact that you get wallhacks whilst it is active allowing for an easy chase)

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        • Because hunters actually killed a warlock one time with it, and warlock mains can't be having that nonsense.

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        • I dont have an issue with it, I like that all classes kinda have their quirks and edges

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        • Editado por Decayed_Persona: 6/1/2016 3:25:19 AM
          It's not op actually, I agree that it is very effective. I do think you are spot on that at the cost of a nade and melee it's fair, but too many people think it's not even though I will give a balancing comparison. A sunsinger can loadout with full discipline,strength, longer radiance and two fusion grenades and with claws on... you have two one hit over shield melee with crazy range, two one hit grenades that you just throw in the area and they jump at you not to mention the radiance duration increase to further annihilate everyone with. How is the nightstalker wombo more OP than this combo? Imo it is not.

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        • It's just that it takes mobility and damn near blinds you.

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          • Mainly because there is no way whatsoever go fight back or flee. You get hit with a firebolt you can back off or fight, you get hit with a lightning grenade you can back off or fight. Get hit with the wombo combo and you're better off putting the controller down. Also, using both a melee and a grenade to obtain a kill on another class means younare generally pretty close to your enemy. Meaning you could very well be killed. Nightstalkers have a throwable melee ability, thus having far much more range than any other class.

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          • The combo by itself isn't, but when you add tier 5 to discipline and strength, however...

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            • I got you Vortex grenade: Messes up aim on impact Ruins sight lines Already good dps Easy to aim and throw Or alternatively, void wall: Tracks guardians based on throw Blocks areas Good dps Blocks movement Now factor in smoke: Block radar Hurts Block abilities Ruins aim Ruins sight Extremely easy to throw accurately Factor this all together and you get something just as easy to throw as a firebolt with way more damage and it will block abilities and your radar. Gfys, and good day.

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              • It's a little OP in the area coverage and the time it lasts. Cooldowns aren't the issue.

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              • Everything is balanced ... yeah smoke makes gunfights easier if you plant it right, truly, but skilled enemies tend not to get caught in the small radius, if you don't predict them well enough. Assuming you use it right tho, smoke will get you more kills with guns and grenades, but really this only makes up for the fact that the super won't get you kills nearly as consistently as others will. The thrown melee in the first place I feel only helps to balance things, Titans can skate extra fast warlocks melee extra far, Titans shoulder charge warlocks shield punch, hunters have other stuff too but not tryna name and compare everything .I just think all 3 are fun and have their differences that make them unique some will say it's op I guess

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              • Wombo combo alone isn't op. The nightstalker subclass as a whole is op because it has Wombo combo + tether + evade + enhanced radar.

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                6 Respuestas
                • By far nighstalkers have the worst grenades in the game. Nighstalkers aren't able to deal a large amount of immediate damage with their melee or their grenade. Nighstalkers can't gain an overshield or regenerate health with melees like almost every other subclass. It's amazing how something always has to be op in the eyes of the community.

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                  • Editado por XM3RKDX: 5/31/2016 10:55:45 PM
                    I think people who call it wombo combo are the cancer of forums

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                    • Just the smoke needs a change imo. It turns you into a turtle once you're caught inside! Except turtles still have a sense of defense. Once you're caught in the center, there is nearly no getting out of it.

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                    • "Its not hard to get out of either" The damn thing blinds you and slows you to a crawl. My joystick must be broken, you're talking as if you can jump out of it with no hassle

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                      • Probably because that ain't Falco

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                        • Editado por Dreams: 5/31/2016 5:38:06 PM
                          Smoke imo does way too much. Takes away your map Slows you down Deals damage over time Blinds you Honestly if I had to take one thing out it would be "Slows you down", logically I don't see how it could even do that. Takes away your map makes the most sense, the poison that damages you over time I guess some how creeps in to your suit and gets you but why the hell do we get slowed down?

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