Hello! We are a mature and laid back group looking for new members that are helpful and enjoy the company of others while saving the universe! Our group has been steadily growing, but we're always looking for more members to join in on the fun! The only requirements are that you are respectful to the other members and that you are 18 or older. The most active members of our group use an app called Groupme to communicate as it sends a notification when someone posts on it, unlike the group wall on the destiny app. It's not a requirement, but it does make getting a hold of the other members a lot easier! Our members are very active throughout the many different things you can do in destiny. Raids, trials, prison of elders, etc... So if your the type of gamer that enjoys having some laughs while completing the many tasks that destiny has to offer, mash that request to join button and come join in on the fun! Happy hunting!
Editado por Stellar Nebulae : 4/24/2016 3:53:20 PMI'd like to join [b]Deadly Gamers Alliance[/b]... would you extend a clan alliance invite to my clan [i]Prototype Merces? [/i] Just visited your clan page... I saw there's a much larger alliance called Dead Man's hand...