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publicado originalmente en: Question about cheating...
Editado por JoeConk: 2/16/2016 1:31:07 AM
If you play enough of any of the "cursible", then you will see much of the same going on. Teams where there is a group as a fireteam, and the advantage that the lag of one or more of that fireteam creates is spread among the entire fireteam. I've seen it time and again for over 11 months now on both Xbox 360 and PS4. The damage you take is immediately interpreted by the Bungie servers yet the damage you do the the opposing player is not registered for several seconds later (as many as 15 seconds I have seen). For example: It becomes painfully obvious you are being cheated when you put over a clip into a lag player with an auto rifle where half that clip from the same auto rifle would have normally killed the most armored Titan and yet that lag player keeps on moving and shooting and kills you with only a few shots and then dies from the damage of your auto rifle about 3 to 15 seconds after their damage killed you. I've seen the same thing happen with Machine Guns. It is because your connection is solid and registers the damage normally while their connection is lag or very poor latency and the damage is taking longer to register or not register at all. The lag is an unfair advantage and Bungie should consider this a cheat whether it is intentional or not because the lag player gets a great experience getting a nice k/d while the solidly connected player gets crap. Bungie is currently rewarding lag players or cheaters as I call them whether it is intentional or not. Then when you couple a lag player with the lag compiled by Bungie servers you get a really messed up experience. Bungie must fix this issue or suffer the losses in number of players. Bungie should take a lesson from EA and DICE. Peer to peer networking does not work on a large scale player base, even if it is hybrid and you use partial server base with it. [u]Only total dedicated server based connectivity will ensure fair connectivity[/u]. Those people with solid connections should not have to suffer loss in game experience because other players don't have as good an internet service. You can't be socialistic and put everyone on equal ground. Some people pay more for quality internet service and some don't or won't. Going dedicated server based would help to weed out all the cheating by lag basis because then, if a player lags, it is the laggy player who would get the bad experience not the well connected player. Also, matchmaking in PvP should be primarily connectivity based, then skill based after. If anyone red bars during the match they automatically get "contacting Destiny servers" and if their connection doesn't improve then they get kicked to orbit and can't enter matchmaking until their connection improves. That is only fair. But we'll see if Bungie makes any improvements as they said they would. * "Cursible" is my coin term for crucible, pattent pending.

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  • wait DICE? Battlefront has a ton of cheaters on it and they don't even have a reporting feature and on PSN you can't report through PSN because you could lose your account over misreporting. I agree with you on P2P networking and it being shite. I have dealt with one too many lag swithcers in my day. Not only that but now you have these USB sticks like Titan One that allow for programmable scripts so you can have one button press do any number of button presses at one time. Want to use a mouse and keyboard with the same precision as PC? You got it. People who think that there is no cheating on consoles and they are safe are ignorant.

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