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Editado por SmokingOKAPI: 12/24/2015 2:36:20 PM

Hand cannons need a slight buff

I've found many year 2 hand cannons slightly unusable. I like hand cannons but Bungie went a tad too far with changes. The problem is the range and I know what you'll say "they're a close range gun" but the thing is guns like pulse rifles wreck at almost all ranges (close to far-mid) while hand cannons are very restricted on the range of effective use. Then there are scouts which you could argue have some difficulty at close range...easy solution...use a shotgun for that small area of range you are not very good in and use your scout for everything else; but for a hand cannon its not so simple, you can't necessarily just fix the problem by equipping a sniper...I mean it works but I feel it changes the a player's play style too dramatically while equipping a shotguns is just as a backup plan. And if equipping a sniper is already what you surround your load out on then the only very viable pick is a hand cannon that is the best at putting out lots of damage really quick at very close range...last word. That to me is kind of a problem, if hand cannons are meant for close range then why pick anything other than last word which does give a shit out range (im not calling for a last word nerf). Other hand cannons like hawk moon which are good because of their range were shut down with hand cannon range nerfs which in my opinion were too drastic. In crucible specifically scrimmage I found hand cannons very hard to use because of they're lack of versatility and adaptability...they one thing and that's close range while every other primary class (except maybe auto rifles which I also think are a little weak for the most part) have range advantage. Now according to Bungie we should pick how we want to play and be able to do it good. I love gunslinger and I like hand cannons but by picking gunslinger it rids me of movement the other too classes have like blink and evade which allow to get closer so that hand cannons are effective. So the choose is stop playing gunslinger or drop hand cannons. Simple. Now in the raid hand cannons are not very viable. I went in with a hawk moon and independently with an ace of spades. Ammo capacity was a big problem because Bungie decided that to make scouts and hand cannons more different they would lower ammo capacity which means you run out of bullets all the time, I had to use primary synthesis I mean seriously. That is another straight up disadvantage no other primary class has and its really stupid. You can spray and pray with another primary and not have to care one bit but hand cannons are precision which means you have to strategically plan every bullet spent (sarcasm). What the actually -blam!-! And I don't think I forgot about range which is a giant handy cap in the raid like in fights like war priest, etc. Sorry if it turned into a rant, but please give me feedback whether no you agree and don't be troll like "noob git gud scrub." so in general the changes I think need to come for hand cannons (other than the last word) to be competitive is another buff to accuracy, a mid way buff to range so they are much more versatile and a huge buff to carrying capacity. Suggest your own ideas with hand cannon changes as well. I love to collaborate with the community.

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