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Hablemos de Destiny.
12/5/2015 11:52:40 AM

On The New Destiny

It's essay time! Prepare thy self for a wall of text. Let's start shall we! The enjoyment I once had in playing this game has been slowly dying since as far back as I can remember and I would imagine that I am not the only one that feels this way. The reasons for my lack of enjoyment is as follows. The game and its development appear to have this unwanted philosophy that it's okay for a player to never make a long lasting and permanent decision about their experiences in the game. The community while it can be very powerful in terms of creating change in the game just appears to be too immature to fully understand or wholey care about the impact it has on the experience this game offers. In my opinion there is a severe lack of careful development and enriching content in the game: First of all, I want to detail why the development philosophy has effectively pushed me away from having fun. The development of Destiny is still ongoing and this is to be expected. The problem seems to be that the development routinely trivializes your in game efforts and goals by constantly switching between different philosophies instead of giving the player a reason to make meaningful and permanent decisions about their character. It was only a few months ago when Bungie expressed a clear desire to create a Titan Sub-class that feels like a strong mobile and aggressive competitor to other more dominant threats in the play space. We are now experiencing a almost knee jerking backpedal on that philosophy. They are effectively crippling sun breakers for one reason. That reason is "sun breakers are doing well". This kind of development can be seen across the board with the other area most impacted by wishy washy development being gun balance. Don't get me wrong, I believe balancing the game is important but what they do isn't balance. It's power shifting to give every pebble it's day in the sun. That's wrong in my opinion. When I pick a gun or a particular ability I want the feeling that over time I can grow as a player and become an expert or specialist with said weapon or ability without fear of a patch trivializing that decision and making me feel like my play style needs to change because I'm now penalized for making one choice but incentivized to change into something I had no interest in. The community is another big problem in my opinion. As a whole the player seems to be capable of making huge changes to the game and that's wrong for a variety of reasons. For the sake of time I'll only mention two. The first reason is pretty simple and that's "some people just want to see the world burn". Whether it's jealousy or anything else there will always be that player with the idea that they are going to attempt to get what they want by crusading about until someone takes notice of them. I've met them in game and on here. I don't have a problem with these people from the perspective that I disagree with them and therefore don't like them. My problem with them is actually a problem with Bungie. Bungie consistently gives these illogical players a platform to change the core game and usually for the betterment of no one. The second and most important reason is a bit more complex as it deals with social constructs. Content creators such as you tubers and streamers have the capacity to change the game dramatically and they do it quite often. Sometimes for good but mostly for bad. This problem is two fold. On one hand it should fall to the responsibility of content creators to at sometimes censor some of their opinions due to the laziness and gullibility of their audience. In a similar vein sensational views should almost always be frowned upon. Content creators seem to lack tact and understanding in the sense that they are in many ways impacting real people everyday and that some people will follow said creators to the ends of the earth. Basically it's a lack of leadership and proper mentoring behavior. This is my opinion and mostly pertains to those whom don't really have any real goals outside of monetizing content they create. On the other hand once a infamous content creator say like "my name is Byf" says X weapon is bad and Y weapon is op it then has this domino effect with the community where now every time you're killed with Y the game needs to change. So it seems as if the community as a whole could be much more mature in how it addresses outlying balance issues in my opinion. Finally, I'd like to mention how Bungie seems to be lacking in both the content creation and planning/execution of said content. I believe that Bungie is actually running out of content. They are releasing content incrementally on a smaller scale now what with certain exotics not shipping with the expansion. It feels like most of the exotics feel less exotic now too. Every class has a exotic that gives them a perk that's already in their skill set. Exotics that increase glimmer production are another example of the lack of creativity going into item production. This doesn't give players interesting choices of armor that sort of makes their play style unique. On the flip side items like twilight garrison do feel unique. On top of that the game has these timed events that often don't go smoothly and feel buggy or riddled with lag and network manipulation. Honestly that's an every day occurrence now. I can't play any crucible playlist without someone red barring. It's just plain unenjoyable for a player to feel helpless in terms of having a coherent experience. Overall, I feel like this is the end for me. I love watching certain people play it mainly because I've made friends by being a part of the streaming community but for the points I've outlined above the game is pushing me away by not offering much fun to be had and more frustration. If you read all of this thank you! I appreciate your willingness to see this game through my eyes. Let me know what your opinion on destiny right now is?

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  • Editado por Chilly S0ul: 12/12/2015 2:25:57 PM
    Bump for more info. I removed destiny from my library. Trying to get chaperone is frustrating thanks to network instability. Sparrow racing highlights more problems with the game like a poorly crafted physics engine. Sun breakers are awful. I played one game of mayhem clash and never wanted to play the subclass again. Meanwhile hunters are now everywhere again. It's almost as if Bungie doesn't want me to have fun and be proud of my purchase or support them with patronage and content. Destiny hates it's player base it seems.

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