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Editado por Shiloh Ivy: 11/16/2015 6:48:26 PM

An Honest Opinion about Fallout 4

[u]Preface[/u] Hello community! I'm here to give an honest opinion about Fallout 4 for people who haven't purchased it yet or just to discuss the game. What makes this opinion honest is that this is my first Fallout game and a lot of the positivity going on about it is coming from people who were already expecting the game to be good, I came in with no expectations, no background and no opinion, now I have all three. Here's a link to an honest opinion on Black Ops 3 multiplayer as well [b]THERE ARE NO SPOILERS IN THIS REVEIW[/b] [u]The Good[/u] •The Story -Story in a game is something most games are getting away from, but Fallout 4 nails the story well. Without giving any spoilers, it drags you into the story early on that made me swear vengeance. I love how the choices you make impact the story and they give you the choice instead of a linear story. •Good atmosphere -It's easy to call it a wasteland, it's another to make it feel like it. It definitely [i]feels[/i] like I survived a nuclear fallout. From everything from the battered highways to mutated animals and even zombie like mutants that are cleverly placed and sometimes provide a jump scare, it feels like a wasteland. Not only that, but it feels sort of new-old feel. Like the apocalypse came in 1950 and clunky future tech came about. •Customization -There is a lot of ways your character can look. You can personalize them how you want and "mod" them, making the armor you want stronger. Not a lot to say here other than its good. •The open world -It's huge, the map you're given is deceptive, the world seems twice, maybe three times bigger than the map suggest. It seems like there's always something dynamic going on. One thing that I absolutely [b]love[/b] is that I could just be walking somewhere and hear gunfire or get attacked by a mutant bear. It was nice. •Fantastic lore -While it's not the most original setting (post apocalyptic), it definitely sets itself apart with the little lore that I read. I'm glad to see it didn't just say "Nuclear War, now you're here". That there were some factions, turf wars and explanation for things. •3rd person -I love 3rd person, it allows me to see the customization and I think games that allow for such deep customization needs to have a 3rd person view. [u]The Bad[/u] •The gunplay -It's most notable in 1st person, but often times it looked like I shot the enemy but the shots didn't register. This happens most often when using Iron Sights on weapons, nonetheless, it's a problem that's gotten me killed a lot, not to mention ammo is pretty scarce when you don't have a lot of money. •Some things aren't spelled out -When you're game is expansive, huge, and just overall complex, players who are new to the series will be a little confused on how some things work. I wasn't aware of the currency until far into the game. Nor did I quite understand how to barter until too far into the game. •Melee weapons seem underpowered -It could be just me, but when I ran out of ammo and all I had was a knife, machete or baseball bat, I was pretty much dead. Think they may need a damage increase or someone tell me how to use them. •Enemies seem too strong (on normal) -For example, when I faced the mob like enemies with Submachine guns, they did more damage than me even though I was shooting them with the same gun. This shouldn't be the case on [i]normal[/i]. I understand why something like the mutant bear is strong, after all it is a bear (man did that thing take some hits) and deathclaws, I found out very quickly why they are called deathclaws. But even the Ghouls seem too strong since they are fast, strong and eat a lot more bullets than I think they should on [i]normal[/i]. I am shooting them with [b]bullets[/b], in the head, they should drop quicker just by common sense. This is just something I noticed. •Easy, Normal, Hard and Very hard (And survival) -This is simply a pet peeve I have about difficulties in gaming. For a game with such high praise, I was disappointed to see that enemies did nothing [i]strategically[/i] different. Again, this isn't limited to this game but it's a pet peeve of mine. Save for survival mode, the only difference I noticed in combat was that I had less health and they had more. I would have loved to see something like more Ghouls In a pack, Enemies performing flanking maneuvers or wildlife having new abilities that make them more dangerous without increasing health. I hated it in Destiny and I hate it now. •The glitches -The game seems to threaten to crash every so often, thankfully never does though. But there are some pretty outstanding glitches in the game and the frames do seem to slow down every so often especially when entering new areas. •The graphics -They aren't terrible, but definitely not up to par with "current gen" expectations. There are some moments where things look really good and there are some things that look god-awful. The engine looks like it could pass as a last gen game in terms of graphics. It wasn't so bad that I minded but it was worth taking note. •No co-op -This isn't a problem, more like a suggestion. The game [i]screams[/i] to be co-op and maybe die hard Fallout fans will disagree because it's different than what they're used to, but the game would benefit from some kind of Co-Op. [u]Conclusion[/u] The game is definitely worth buying for a good PvE experience. It does a lot of things right whilst having some minor problems. Keep in mind that this game is much better than a lot of the games on the market at the moment. Overall, I like it, maybe I'll grow to love it but I'd absolutely recommend this game.
#Gaming #FO4

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  • I can apreciate your opinions here. Except I never understood why people don't like the graphics. I think the graphics look great in this game! Definatly on par with the next gen. But like they say, opinions and such.

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    • The gunplay seems bad because there is no aim assist. Just takes getting used to.

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      • Editado por xblbw: 11/17/2015 4:52:37 AM
        Zombies...... they're feral ghouls. A fate that awaits us all. *sobs. Edit; also the hit detection is very sensitive. If you cross-hairs aren't on the target, no hit for you. Games like Destiny, near enough is good enough. Melee weapons are shit, I'd like to see a system like in "For Honor" in future releases.

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        • Machete's pretty weak unless you can mod it.

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        • I think the only thing i was sad about so far was i felt slightly let down by the weapon crafting. Though admittedly part of this is my fault for going off of the E3 presentation. I had thought that you would be able to do things like turn a 10mm pistol into some kind of 10mm rifle and such, but the number of weapons you can actually completely change like that are very limited. It would have been cool to take something like a laser pistol, make it a laser rifle (a bit of a makeshift one of course), then make it a plasma rifle, and then turn it into some kind of plasma blaster with exploding rounds (kind of like a plasma rocket launcher). What i realize now is that the presentation was actually just quickly switching through guns at the work bench and not actually changing the previous gun into the one shown after. For some weapons there is very little you can change about them, but i still love the game, and the crafting is still awesome either way (especially the power armour upgrades, cant wait to try out a jet pack or stealth field).

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          2 Respuestas
          • Fallout does NOT need coop. It would break the immersion and it would be strangely implemented. It would have to be either in a heavily modified version, or entirely new game.

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          • Was your strength low during your play through?

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          • Editado por moist nana: 11/17/2015 8:02:45 AM
            I agree the game isn't too noob friendly, as a fallout VET i had no idea i had to "assign" settlers OR wait till crops had grown before i moved them, i thought it was a glitch. That's my 1 gripe, the rest of the points are meh. Gun-play? You know the guns have kick back right, and shitty sights/shitty barrel = shitty shot, you have an accuracy bar. Fallout plays on realism, you have a short barrel 22. rifle and the target is 100yards away, you shoot and it misses, even tho you lined it up perfectly, it still misses. WELL what did you expect!?! Same goes for hard enemys, as you progress stuff will get harder, and the game will give you higher calibre guns, USE them, why are you shooting at harder raiders with your 10mm pistol, when you have a .45 Magnum in your back pocket, probs not the best time to use up your shitty ammo. Melee -_- are you built for it? That's the whole point of the perks system... 1 point in melee and it out damages anything but explosives and big guns, again realism, say your not built for melee, say your a fumbling nerd when it comes to knives, a guy attacks you, you don't know were to stab, he'll probably knock you out before you effectively hurt him, UNLESS your trained in it (ie. Perks) Glitches YA i've had a few Graphics, well there a big step up on the last Fallouts and i realy appreciate it, the wasteland has never looked so good!! Co-op, well the game is pretty complicated and always been strictly single player, why aren't people screaming for co-op in Skyrim?

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            1 Respuesta
            • If you don't like the level progression aka the difficulty on normal then you would hate any souls game.

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            • Resident evil 5 style Co-op would work well imo.

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            • I liked your review. There are some things I could disagree with, but other than that, you hit similar points that I did while playing the game.

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            • I can understand most of your points, except the gun play one. In real life just because the IS appear to be aimed at the target, it doesn't mean it's sure to hit. That's what the accuracy stat is for.

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            • I'm new to Fallout and the gunplay seemed really hard until I got the hang of it. Tbh if they don't hit it means you missed... Also as an avid normal player I'm not really finding it too hard... I only really die when I'm too lazy to load a save so I just attack civilians or from a rogue dioxide bomber. I learned the economy pretty fast, it seemed pretty easy, but maybe that was just me. Not really sure what else to say lol

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              2 Respuestas
              • •The gunplay -It's most notable in 1st person, but often times it looked like I shot the enemy but the shots didn't register. This happens most often when using Iron Sights on weapons, nonetheless, it's a problem that's gotten me killed a lot, not to mention ammo is pretty scarce when you don't have a lot of money. [b]While it does seem slightly clunky to me too, I have shot guns, and not every shot that looks good will hit. Its pretty realistic to me.[/b] •Some things aren't spelled out -When you're game is expansive, huge, and just overall complex, players who are new to the series will be a little confused on how some things work. I wasn't aware of the currency until far into the game. Nor did I quite understand how to barter until too far into the game. [b]The game is better without super-convenient tutorials. You woke up from a 200 year cryo-sleep in a nuclear wasteland, why would you expect someone super helpful to be right there to explain everything? Its part of fallout to have to learn things on your own.[/b] •Melee weapons seem underpowered -It could be just me, but when I ran out of ammo and all I had was a knife, machete or baseball bat, I was pretty much dead. Think they may need a damage increase or someone tell me how to use them. [b]People in reality dont die from 2 hits of a baseball bat. People in fallout wear armor too.[/b] •Enemies seem too strong (on normal) -For example, when I faced the mob like enemies with Submachine guns, they did more damage than me even though I was shooting them with the same gun. This shouldn't be the case on [i]normal[/i]. I understand why something like the mutant bear is strong, after all it is a bear (man did that thing take some hits) and deathclaws, I found out very quickly why they are called deathclaws. But even the Ghouls seem too strong since they are fast, strong and eat a lot more bullets than I think they should on [i]normal[/i]. I am shooting them with [b]bullets[/b], in the head, they should drop quicker just by common sense. This is just something I noticed. [b]Sounds like you should play on easy buddy. Better yet, play call of duty. This is fallout, enemies are tough. Its just part of the game.[/b] •Easy, Normal, Hard and Very hard (And survival) -This is simply a pet peeve I have about difficulties in gaming. For a game with such high praise, I was disappointed to see that enemies did nothing [i]strategically[/i] different. Again, this isn't limited to this game but it's a pet peeve of mine. Save for survival mode, the only difference I noticed in combat was that I had less health and they had more. I would have loved to see something like more Ghouls In a pack, Enemies performing flanking maneuvers or wildlife having new abilities that make them more dangerous without increasing health. I hated it in Destiny and I hate it now. [b]Damn dude, how much can you expect from one game? Its not the year 2068, games have limits. Not to mention enemies do everything they can already. This is such a stupid complaint. I can agree with the more enemies part though. Id love to see more ghouls in a pack on harder difficulties.[/b] •The glitches -The game seems to threaten to crash every so often, thankfully never does though. But there are some pretty outstanding glitches in the game and the frames do seem to slow down every so often especially when entering new areas. [b]Theres a lot of stuff going on, and a lot of items in the world. What do you expect? Go play an empty game if you have a big issue with frame rate drops and glitches.[/b] •The graphics -They aren't terrible, but definitely not up to par with "current gen" expectations. There are some moments where things look really good and there are some things that look god-awful. The engine looks like it could pass as a last gen game in terms of graphics. It wasn't so bad that I minded but it was worth taking note. [b]Go play an empty game. This game is content over graphics. I seriously hate how people judge a games graphics, especially fallouts graphics. Its a game, its for playing, not the way it looks.[/b] •No co-op -This isn't a problem, more like a suggestion. The game [i]screams[/i] to be co-op and maybe die hard Fallout fans will disagree because it's different than what they're used to, but the game would benefit from some kind of Co-Op. [b]Id like some coop too, not going to lie.[/b]

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                2 Respuestas
                • Editado por MasterYoda874: 11/16/2015 11:07:03 PM
                  Nice post, thanks for not being one of those people who think that whenever they encounter one minor bug, the game is automatically the worse game ever.

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                • While I don't necessarily agree with all of your points (Hand holding in video games needs to stop IMO) I respect your opinion. I do have 1 question for you though. Is this your first Fallout or Bethesda game?

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                  • It's hard to fully review a Bethesda game honestly, there's so much damn stuff to do. Good job though.

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                  • Wow. This is a great... review? I agree with a lot of what you said.

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