I have:
Wolf Pack
Skolas, Kell of Kells
Skoriks, Archon-Slayer
Grayor, Wolf Assassin
Drevis, Wolf Baroness
Pirsis, Pallas-Bane
Veliniks, The Ravenous
Peekis, The Disavowed
Beltrik, The Veiled
Mercher Orbiks-11
Saviks, Queenbreaker
Weksis, The Meek
Wolf Scavenger
Twisted Claw
High Servitor
Queenbreaker Vandals
Howling Raider
Repeater Shank
Ether Runner
Wolves' Guard
Wolf Enforcer
Queenbreaker Captain
Tracer Shank
I'm missing one card. Can someone please cross reference my list with their cards and tell me what one I'm missing?
Its in the grottos, the silent fang, he's invisible so its hard to see him but go down to where there was a ghost and he'll be down there somewhere
Hi, you can check your missing cards at destinystatus.com Hope I help you.