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Edited by Havok: 9/17/2017 9:51:08 PM

I don't find timed nightfalls fun

Obviously it's all about personal opinion and what you find fun. In D1, even though I'm a fairly 'casual' player when it comes to intensity, I quite enjoyed taking my time with a team systematically working my way through a nightfall. The timed aspect has really taken the fun out of it for me. Too frantic. Too easy to ruin with a few errors. I guess it's because I play games for 'fun' more than I do 'challenge' and that's why I don't find the rush aspect fun at all. Just some feedback. I know players who play for challenge will like it, but timed aspects to games or missions has always felt like 'artificial' difficulty added on if you know what I mean. ***Edit *** As per a lot of people's great ideas, a tiered system would be great. Either one nightfall where running out of time gives bronze rewards. Within a certain amount of time left gives silver rewards and with a lot of time left, gold rewards. Other option is 2 nightfalls, regular version with no time for decent rewards and a timed version for top tier rewards.

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  • I waited until I could complete it to comment. (We got it on the 6th try, with the first 3 tries being complete shitshows of uncoordinated and failed heroics. Those early -blam!--ups are on us. With proper knowledge, we'd have done it in 3 tries, which is in line with the difficulty of D1 Nightfalls. So what follows is not about difficulty.) Speed running all the time is not fun. It doesn't feel like playing a shooter, and the timer and hoops mechanic are blatantly artificial, having no plausible in-game explanation. I can only suspend my disbelief up to a certain point, and that shit is waaaay past it. Think about this: they are [i]literally[/i] making us jump through hoops to get the good loot. I'm sure the irony is not lost on the troll who had that splendid idea. I've always hated that parkour shit in Destiny, but it has never felt as out-of-place as it does here, and that's considering all D1 raids. There's a timer. Why? What causes us to fail if we take too much time? Then there are those hoops. Who makes them? WTF are they doing there? This mechanic artificially increases the difficulty of a normal mode strike by soliciting a completely different skill than the ones we use in the rest of the game. That's a cheesy game designer cheat. You know what would work too to increase difficulty? Having to beat the Vex Mind at chess instead of killing it with bullets. You don't like chess? Well git gud sucka... tl/dr: I'm not a -blam!-ing dog, I'm an FPS player. Make me shoot aliens, don't make me jump through -blam!-ing hoops.

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  • Edited by kevindargie: 9/19/2017 3:03:38 PM
    The whole point of a timer is to separate progression from completion. You have to refine your skills and your teams skills in order to progress and be efficient. This goes with ANY mmo ever with end game content. Bungie has said this over and over that the game is suppose to be more in line with an MMO's standards and yet you guys want EVERYONE to have participation awards. This is the same idea as giving kids in school now days participation awards instead of first, second, and third. What does this teach? That no matter what you don't have to strive to be better, you just have to participate to be entitled to something? It also allows bungie to watch the community slowly get to the top rather than have their entire community complete 100% of the content within a month.. then they have people whining about how there's not enough to do and when is the next content patch coming.. it specifically separates you casuals from us "hardcores" or progression people. As time goes on and a certain percentage of players have completed end game content, they make the content easier to allow more people to get through it who were struggling while newer content is getting ready to release, or already has released. This is in almost every MMO I've ever played.. this is how WoW works, this is how FFXIV works. Just because it's a first person shooter does not mean it's not in line with MMO rules and standards.. it's clear that it is with how they are putting in these aspects of the game.

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    • experiences that are meant to be challenging, which NF is, shouldn't be diluted to accommodate for casuals go do a patrol if you just want to dawdle around, or a normal strike. Leave NF as it is

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      14 Replies
      • I like the timed element as it gives a sense of challenge, learning what to do and it raises the difficulty to a point that the nightfall is actually endgame. Not just walk through at your own pace and get good rewards. Regular strikes are for enjoying not the endgame. You don't go slowly through the raid systematically eliminating bosses, you get through it fast. Just my thoughts though. I know im going to get a lot of backlash for having an opinion against the mainstream.

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        4 Replies
        • I managed to finish it as a 251 with a 262 last night. Juggling burn damage and hoping I didn't get launched into oblivion during the drills took quite a few tries. 5 mins left at the Boss allowed us to mulligan the first part incase the boss himself got too frisky.

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        • Agreed. The current system is nothing but a frantic, panicked rush that, even when successful, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I do NOT enjoy the new Nightfall.

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        • I have done the Nightfall 5 or 6 times this week, mostly just to help clan mates with the Rat King Quest. But one of those runs we just kicked it and besides the boss and the fooking stupid drills we killed everything. At the end we still finished with around 2 minutes left, I think the entire run took us 19 minutes. I'm not saying git gud or any of that crap. But people need to stop saying these are speed runs, hell last week you had to kill everything or there was no way you would finish in time. I think there was one spot we speed past and that was the entrance to the ship. Just like everything else in D2 it is all about team work. If you are doing call outs and team shooting stuff you will have no problem what so ever. I know a lot of people miss doing Nightfalls solo, and yea you guys are boned now. But for the rest of us as long as you work as a team there is no reason what so ever to rush the Nightfalls.

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          2 Replies
          • Bring back going to orbit. Challenging enough imo

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          • I whole heartedly agree. I used to enjoy nightfall because it was a challenge of patience and team work, putting a time limit on it just squashes the fun out of it. Bring back the the old nightfall with amped up difficulty.

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          • I'm not fond of the timer either. Matter of fact its the reason several of us have shrugged it off. Personally i think that there's a best of both worlds situation here. Keep the timer. If you complete it in the time limit. You are awarded something extra. That way it rewards folks for completing it, and the ones that get there under the time little get an added bonus

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            5 Replies
            • My friends and I do not find the NF to be fun at all, admittedly the couple times we tried we were not very successful but in the past we would have kept playing to learn the path to success rather than just decide to not do them. I would not say they are overly difficult, they are just not fun. Run and gun stress added to content we already play is just kind of lame IMO. Some people may enjoy it but my friends and I would rather concentrate on the raid and just forego jumping through hoops or Sparrow riding past mass amounts of enemies all for the sake of beating a timer.

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            • Just wait till tomorrow's nightfall lol.

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            • Agree.d. The timer is a horrible idea!

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            • I agree I highly dislike the new nightfall

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            • I agree completely. Only did one, so idk if all nightfalls are like that or just this weeks. If its a normal thing ill probably just be skipping them in the future

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            • I hate the time nightfall. As well. I hope they changed it.

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            • Agreed. It seems like the speed run design was aimed at a certain audience/type of player. Which is only a portion of the game audience as a whole. It seems like most people are saying what I suggested to a friend, and that's rewarding the speed runners with extra loot and marks, possibly even an exotic? While the rest of us can go at a slower pace and still complete the weekly Milestone. (I have a video of me soloing a Nightfall in D1, that was long but fun!) Personally, I feel like it's a shame they encourage people to skip content. I know players will do it anyway, but not all of us. And if they do skip it, so what? Let them feel like they're gaming the system. It seems like a strange thing to encourage imo.

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            • I agree to me it should have the revive tokens and a restart if you fail make it hard. Have finished both reg nightfalls with over 10mins remaining it's a dumb modifier.

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            • agree the timer just feels wrong I like to actually kill the enemy but all the timer did was basically make me avoid them that seems like a bad way too make people play. honestly would make more sense if you got time by killing things. anyway its still beatable but just boring I'm glad you only have to play it once a week considering how much of a chore it is

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              • I agree that I preferred the original entire mission reset on team wipe as opposed to a timer. The timer makes you run past enemies whenever you can to save time and if you die you just respawn at the last checkpoint anyway so it's not that interesting. Mission reset actually feels like a challenge which is what the Nightfall is supposed to be. As you say, Bungie, about self-rez making you [b]wait[/b] instead of [b]play[/b]. A timer only makes you [b]dodge[/b] content instead of [b]playing[/b] content (and having fun). :)

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                • The timer is awful. I want to play the game, not run past it. The timer isn't even a difficult challenge. It's not that hard to run past everything. The timer doesn't make it harder, just more frustrating and boring. I found it more challenging to try to fight my way through. More fun too since I was actually playing the game. Hopefully this will be changed. The way it is now sucks all the fun out of nightfall.

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                • I was looking forward to doing nightfalls untill I read this post. They can keep that crap I aint playing it.

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                • Yeah in there current state they are terrible. Bungie got so much wrong with this game.

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                • Agreed. Nightfalls are about survival. Not jumping through hoops and constantly changing weapons due to burn changing. Tiresome. No fun. Rev up the enemy difficulty and make it war!!

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                • Agreed. Just did my first and it totally took any and all Destiny wind out of my sails. I enjoy savoring the combat, fighting enemies that feel challenging, not treating it like Bizarre Creation's The Club (a racing game disguised as a shooter). Super bummed out as Nightfalls would have been my bread and butter...Now...back to Fortnite? Check out the new Uncharted? Finish Mass Effect? I'd LOVE it if old-style Nightfalls came back, but at the moment Destiny feels like it just kinda died for me.

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                • I think they suck.

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