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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by BraveCole: 10/17/2017 6:09:16 PM

I never thought me, of all people, would say this.

But I am starting to lose interest in Destiny. And I'm starting to lose it [i]fast.[/i] Yesterday, I kept browsing the PlayStation store looking for new games. And then when I closed it out and saw Destiny 2, I just sighed. I just don't understand. How does this even happen? I was expecting Destiny 2 to be everything Destiny 1 was(Post Rise Of Iron) and better. It's not even that. This just feels like a repeat of Vanilla D1. And as much as I hate putting on those stupid rose-tinted glasses, Destiny 1 actually had a raid that was enjoyable. It had fascinating gear with perks that were HELPFUL(Bonus damage to oracles, and extra heavy ammo boots, anyone?) And all the weapons were top-tier, and if they weren't top tier, they were still good. Fatebringer, Found Verdict, Mythoclast, Praedyth's Revenege, Hezen Vengeance, Vision of Confluence. It also gave us a sense of prestige and sense of wonder. Elemental Primaries! A legendary type of weapon that could only be found as a reward from the raid. Obtaining these gave you a sense of [b]power[/b], as on Nightfalls with a burn, your -blam!-ing primary was doing an unreasonable amount of damage. Everything in D2 seems.. Weak. Unimpressive. (Except Legend of Acrius. I love that thing.) I'm a titan main(duh) and in D1, [i]An Insurmountable Skullfort[/i] and [i]Dunemarchers[/i] were not that appealing to me. But in D2? They're arguably one of the best exotics titans have right now. And they're still the same version from D1! I'm just gonna cut this post short and say this: [b][i]The Endgame is not fun, and the rewards aren't worth the headache.[/i][/b] I'm not gonna do the stupid Exodus Crash strike on prestige because it's [b][i][u]BUGGED, IT IS NOT FUN TO DO BECAUSE OF HOW POORLY DESIGNED IT IS, AND BECAUSE OF TIMERS AND THE STUPID TIME ONION RINGS AND ODKWKDJEOWKRNWOWJRJWD[/u][/i][/b] And what reward am I gonna get? A duplicate/and or undesired exotic and some tokens? I am 305. These rewards don't mean anything to me anymore. The Prestige raid won't mean anything to me because it doesn't increase light level. The weapons are boring and dull. And the bad part about this is, the community [b][i][u]HAS BEEN SAYING THIS SINCE LAUNCH. WE HAVE BEEN SAYING THE SAME -blam!-ING COMPLAINTS SINCE LAUNCH.[/u][/i][/b] YOU KNOW WHAT WE GET? WE GET STUPID WEEKLY UPDATES TELLING US SHIT WE ALREADY KNOW AND AT THE VERY -blam!-ING END OF IT, WE GET "We hear you" OR SOME OTHER VAGUE SHIT I. JUST. WANT. ANSWERS. Address each of our problems and give us solutions that you are working on. Getting a "we hear you" every week is demoralizing, Bungie. It really is. I mean, -blam!-. This game has become such a bore that I'm not even motivated to write fan-fictions or some other cringy crap. That at least should tell you how I am feeling. Please. Stop the reskins. Stop half-assing. Talk to us. Give us a roadmap. [b][i]Do something.[/i][/b] I'll still stick around. But I will not be playing as much until something changes. It has to, or you're asking for your game to fail. Come on, Bungie. I know you can do it. All those talented folks up at Seattle can give us all what we've been asking for.

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  • “Stay tuned.” - DeeJ

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  • Dude I’m collecting all the tokens and weapon parts until the dlc comes out so I should have a good couple of thousand.

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  • Edited by TheShadow: 10/17/2017 11:20:39 PM
    Incentive, Bungie's #1 problem with the entire D2. It's like they didn't even try. Lets just hurry up and slap this thing together and get out the door. If this is Luke smith vision of Destiny, this game is as good as dead.

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    36 Replies
    • The main reason we are at this point is because of the people who whined to Bungie for 3 years. They listened to them by nerfing [b][u]everything[/u][/b]. That, I believe, is the reason it feels like D1 Y1 repeating itself. Some systems were put in place half-finished because of deadlines. Mods are the perfect example. The system is intriguing, yet not fully fleshed out. I still have things I'm grinding for, and I still am trying to hit max power on all 3 of mine. It's disheartening to me when I see my fellow veterans, like yourself, already max power and are burned out.

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      8 Replies
      • Well, i guess that if BraveCole is backing up, destiny is truly dead.But please, keep doing the cringy stories!Just read the one about the axis challenge and it brought a tear to my eye, as well as some good memories.Until next time guardian...

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      • [quote]Come on, Bungie. I know you can do it. All those talented folks up at Seattle can give us all what we've been asking for.[/quote] You were one of the ones wanting nerfs in D1. Now you complain that the game is weak and unimpressive. You got exactly what you asked for. Now you're here complaining about it. Lol

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        • Felt the same way about D1 about this time in it's lifespan.

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        • Judging from the length of this post and premature boredom with the game, someone has too much free time.

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          5 Replies
          • Yeah this game sucks

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            1 Reply
            • Edited by Spicy: 10/20/2017 1:24:52 PM
              Honestly they could pick three or four dedicated hardcore destiny players at random and they would do a better job at running/ managing destiny 2. At least on ideas & suggestions for the game

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            • To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

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            • Warframe. Been hooked for the past 2 weeks, barely touched the content. Devs are also very interactive with the community. Makes you feel like they care. Plus... its free!

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            • I’m about to either buy destiny 1 or cod ww11

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            • Well said, everyone's felling it, most of us are thinking it and even the die hard fans are nowing admitting it. I stopped played weeks ago, for the simple fact I want to play the game on PC. I am going to limit myself to only 1-2 hours per week because its going to take months if not years to fix this game. Bungie has done what Blizzard did with Diablo 3.

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              2 Replies
              • Destiny 2 has entertained me for over a month, but it has become stale. Nothing to grind for. Same old weapons over and over and over with static rolls gets old real fast. I miss checking each new item in Destiny and seeing if it had the perks that fit my play style. I will log in now and then because of the great shooting mechanics, but It is time to look to other games to fill the void until new material shows up. Might even end up discovering a great game that I would never have tried.

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                1 Reply
                • D1 fills the void for me. I can't even decide what to do in D2 now. All of my games have disappointed me this year.

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                • Preach!

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                • Edited by TiiDDii: 10/20/2017 1:10:03 AM
                  This game is sad D1>D2

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                • You, like a lot of negative people on this forum, despite knowing what Bungie is capable of, despite 3 years of history, expected way too much. It was clear from May that they were doing a new build of their game. What PVP would be like. I don’t feel sorry for anyone that feels like they should have gotten more. It was obvious they were doing a reset and that they would put out as much as they can but seriously. People expected at launch to have tons of strikes? Multiple raids? One shot PvP fests? Endless grindy quests for a thing that sits in your vault? Like, you’ve got to be kidding me. I can’t believe how naive this forum community was. Whether you believe it or not, this is the game you were asking for.

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                  7 Replies
                  • It feels like a repeat of Vanilla D1....because it IS a vanilla game. You're upset because you came in with the (unreasonable) expectation that this was "Destiny 1.5" and would be Year 4 of Destiny (1). When the reality is that this game had HALF of its core systems redesigned...and is YEAR ONE of Destiny 2. And you are one of many EXTERNALLY MOTIVATED gamers who are frustrated with the game. Because Bungie removed the status symbols and the "trophies" from the game.

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                    85 Replies
                    • I wonder how many pc preorders got cancelled. Mines still on but I’m starting to regret it.

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                    • 3

                      Started a new topic: Console players/ PC launch(9 Replies))

                    • My third character hit 305 and it was over. No reason to play at all now. After the two DLC’s, which i paid for, i will be leaving bungie behind forever, their development goals and ideas run counter to what i want from gaming. Its been a downhill ride from the dark below, and D2 is the basement.

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                    • D1 is still there. If you deleted it you can always Re download it

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                    • The more and more I read everyone's opinions, the more sad I get over what was supposed to have been my hobby. I just cannot believe destiny is in the state that it's in. We went from Destiny 1 which kept me hooked for a couple of years to this game that has absolutely no replayability. I actually bit and spent 100 bucks for the digital deluxe version just to be letdown. Sadly, I will not pre-order a deluxe version unless I know it's something I want. I thought I really wanted this game but my interest is dying off. I am a day 1 beta player from D1. I played through every change and meta that was put into the game. I'll come back for the two expansions I paid for but I cannot spend any more money on this game until I know that it's going to change. I really don't want to move on, but a lot of people have. It's my time. All my friends stopped playing as well. We usually played until midnight or later. Yesterday, we played for maybe an hour and a half and turned it off due to boredom. I really want to spend money with eververse to get the exotic emotes but I REFUSE to play your slot machine. If I can purchase what I want, I would. But at this current time, I'd rather go throw that money on a craps table where I could at least win it back. What's even more sad is destiny is my preferred shooter, but they're making WW2 look so good. I'm definitely going to get it. Long story short, I really want this game to succeed. I want to be able to log in and play with my friends. I want to have fun. I want to raid. But destiny 2 isn't providing that. One good thing that is coming out of this is the community is starting to come together a bit more. Which is good and bad. But it's happening. Everyone's agreeing with one another more on the current state of the game, but in a negative light. Destiny, please be great again..! Please!

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                      8 Replies
                      • Edited by Xzabath: 10/19/2017 9:44:34 PM
                        I'm with you BraveCole, I had over 2500 hours in d1 loved that game, and didn't even pvp much, just iron banner. After this mess that was Iron banner, my soul was crushed. I can't get motivated to log in. But I just started warframe which I have had installed for over 3 years, at first it felt like I was lost and just button mashing, but giving it a little attention and I am becoming a powerful smooth ninja mfer. The details in this game, damn. You can change the color of your damn energy bolts to whatever you want. I haven't spent a dime yet, but if the game keeps me amazed I might have to support this gem of a game.

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