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Edited by BRUTALBREAKD0WN: 11/30/2016 1:21:24 PM

Jug Shotty In a Nutshell

Jug is completely fair and takes a lot of skill. [spoiler]Inb4 "You got outplayed"[/spoiler] If anyone wants to see me not suck at the game, here is my year two montage:

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  • The only thing I see wrong is that he was able to close the distance to get the shot off. Maybe you were too close and should have known he would charge you with his jug sheild. But in reality I think if HCR can cause a sniper to flinch massively then it should be able to knock someone out of sprinting.

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  • It wouldn't be as popular if they didn't nerf the turn radius of shoulder charge.

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  • Make jugg shield slow you down and deactivate when jumping. Bam you can still run around with your shotgun out all day long, but you will have to be smart with it, not running into every situation with a shotgun and jugg shield.

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  • You could have sniped the foot. Or jump to evade as a Striker has to maintain sprinting speed to have Juggernaut. However, fusion grenades work better. Unfortunately, with the now nerfed Tripmines you're out of luck with sticky nades on the Gunslinger.

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  • They have to give scubs something to use man, come on.

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  • Jug is OP AF. This happens to me almost every game.. ive tested it from a custom game standpoint.. with a Clever Dragon as my primary you can tank enough bullets on a titan (6 with Jugg shield) and go 37-39 meters in the game (this would be from A on Burning Shrine to the intial spawn outside) and trade kills. To put into perspective shotgun range is ~8 meters at max range OHK. That means a titans shotgun can trade kills with somone who has landed ALL headshots from a primary and kill them from nearly 40 meters away. If this is not the defenition of OP then you have no clue what OP means. Also for those wondering Stormcaller mellee can damage a player at 10 meters. With a max range shotgun a warlock can KILL any player with a shotgun at 12 meters away, and with a 10 meter mellee. Just to put that into perspective, a gunslinger/Titan call only mellee at a little less than 3 meters away. Therefore in a 1v1 a warlock has a shotgun/mellee range of 4 times ANY CLASS. Shotguns are not OP though.. Matadors i agree need a nerf in range slightly to make all others seem viable. (Chaperone is a skillful gun and needs to stay the same). What needs to happen is a speed/abilities nerf that make shotguns actually = to snipers or even fusions/sidearms. They are used for SPECIAL distances and engagements. They break the rules of ALL FPS.. There should be no OHK weapon that does not require a headshot while having sprint, AND where the primaries are not instant kills. We dont want CoD or Halo, but both of those games follow this rule. Halo has sprint and a shotgun yep.. and it broke that rule in halo 4 when eveyone was using a boltshot. These still had less range than a deatiny shotgun with way less aim assist, but they were nerfed HARD because of sprint. CoDs guns are instant kills and aim assist is equal across the board. So in Halo 5 343 had sprint. Oh boy this was the demise of A LOT of players. They hated how Halo was turning into CoD type gamestyle, but 343 adjusted and did something never done... they broke the rules but added something so SHOTGUNS and other OHK (no headshot weapons) wouldnt be OP.. they made it so your shields would not regenerate while sprinting, and also sprinting is not very fast in the game in comparison to destiny. Halo also has more counters to shotguns, creating distance vertically can be done, because all weapons can be aimed and used while jumping. Look at Handcannons and Shotguns in destiny.. see what still own all Destiny PvP kills? Look at tournaments, all Maradors/HCs... its because they allow almost 100% accuracy while jumping. They can counter a shotgun with either.. and also HCs have the highest Aim Assist of all primaries. In this game there is an abilities problem. Grenades have different damages and tracking (should never be in a FPS), juggernaut, smoke, burning mellees, thunderstrike, life steal, blink, etc... All other games do not do this.. this however makes destiny different.. but in a result makes shotguns overpowered. So how SHOULD Destiny combat this? # 1 Allow jumping and shooting with 100% accuracy. You want SBMM in the game then increase the skill gap Bungie.. this does it. If i am jumping and put my snipe on your head and pull the trigger.. you should die. Not a random RNG Bullet.. #2 Fix Bloom - "But Pointz did you not just say handcannons are OP?".. yep they are but its because of Aim Assist and Damage per bullet and RANGE. Nerf the range, berd the aim assist, and slightly nerf the damage of Palindrone types. Buff the rest slightly.. and get rid of RBG bullets. #3 Make ALL Grenades have the same base blast radius.. if the blast radius of a incendiary grenade does not hurt me at all then why should the axion bolt chase me? Increase the damage of it but decrease the distance travelled (put it at max range of an incendiary)... Same with skips.. #4 Fusion Grenades - lol these grenades make the game so easy, that you can find yourself not using weapons. They should be just like a flux.. increase the damage slightly while standing next to one though.. #5 Jug Shield should be in Defender Titan. Uh hello Bungie they are the one with actually shields... and make it simply so the damage bleeds through. #6 Buff TTK to be the same almost all around for weapons.. looking at ~1.3 seconds. #7 Nerf Wombo Combo by making it so you can only throw ONE at a given moment. You have a cooldown before throwing the other. And how does this make sense.. Twlight Garrison works on ALL Titans. Yet Shadestep only works on one Hunter.. Warlocks get no wierd agility exotic, but i guess thats why they have a KILL ABILITY OF A MELLEE FRON 12 METERS? Now Bungie doesnt listen to anybody, anymore besides themselves.. they make the money and they THINK they are the ones who made the smart choices.. but in all honesty, people outside of their studio could balance the game.. the problem is they dont want to waste money to code it. Its about the money... not making a balanced game.

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    8 Replies
    • You should have jumped up. That's also the trade off for being a hardscoper...... And lastly, this is what you get for all the crying over shoulder charge. They adapted

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      2 Replies
      • Jug is a little op. But tbh this was your own fault, you only body shotted him if you gave him 1 headshot he would be dead.

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        • Even had the cheek to throw in a little bag haha

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        • I run a sniper too I feel your pain...*slowly takes out shotgun pellets from face*

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          • Doesn't work that way for me. For some reason I always get one shot with a shotgun when running the jug shield.

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          • That's not how it works for me. I honestly see no difference when using it.

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            • See you people really seem to be so one sided on this topic. Yes juggernaut is good, but it's DEFINITELY not op, it's cheap to use while shotgunning, but when your not shotgunning it's a very tactical weapon, similar to how SC was when nobody was around, it just helped you get around the map. Considering titans are meant to be close range, it makes sense they have some sort of way of actually getting close, now I know what your thinking, THATS WHAT TITAN SKATE IS FOR, yeah well titan skate usually leaves you more open than it helps sometimes, I mean charging at someone already is stupid, unless your shotgunning, but other than that it's just speed, and speed doesn't always help. For all the people saying juggernaut is op, try using it without a shotgun and it drops to being decent at best. The shield isn't op, it provides fair amounts of cover considering it doesn't protect you anywhere but in the front, not to mention titan skating kinda prevents you from shooting so juggernaut skating isn't too useful. You can trade or even win if you time your shotgun right, which is fair if you consider how you would do the exact same thing to the other classes who were in your face. Titans have the least range so it only makes sense that they have something to close the gap, not to mention you have to give up Unstoppable, and nobody even WANTS to wear eternal warrior. You people are just looking for things to bitch at, when people told them that when SC gets nerfed, it's juggernaut time, and now people are bitching about that too. Juggernaut couldn't be nerfed in a way to make it "balanced" how you think it could possibly be nerfed while still being fair is impossible, because it's already as balanced as it can be without being absolute trash like it was in year 1. Juggernaut is basically only good for 3v3 and rumble, in 6v6, you will get mowed down by being such a rushing shotgun scrub. Oh and another point to make about how you sarcastically said juggernaut shotgunning takes skill, wouldn't shotguns have to take skill in the first place in order for something to be less skilled?

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              3 Replies
              • Nice montage. Pretty clean snipes. But to response to the Jug Shield, I agree with some of the players down here that damage should bleed through or if you get hit it deactivates the shield altogether.

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                • You forgot the satire

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                • 1
                  If you landed that last shot, it would have been your kill. But alas, that jellyfish intimidates even the best of us.

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                • How to balance jug: When you are taking damage, it doesnt activate. I have now balanced jug

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                  14 Replies
                  • Thats a legit kill... now the t bagging wasnt necessary

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                  • I agree. Anyone who plays with jug and shotgun is super skilled. They deserve to teabag. They could have easily been killed, they just outplay everyone.

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                  • And this post wouldn't exist if it weren't for the SC nerf.

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                    15 Replies
                    • Before anyone calls op bad take a look at his kd and compare it to yours then comment

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                      23 Replies
                      • Well that's what happens when you ask for Shoulder Charge to be nerfed. And then people will say Unstoppable should be nerfed because a one-shot, non-roaming super shouldn't be able to tank a shotgun-melee.

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                        3 Replies
                        • Jugg Shield is broken at the moment and requires ADJUSTMENT ! . There i no way a jugg shield should tank a Golden Gun shot

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                          • Edited by Unknown: 11/29/2016 11:02:43 PM
                            He survived a would be head shot from a sniper.. then 3 more shots from a HC.. and killed you with HIS primary weapon So technically he just lived thru about 550 hit points of damage.. Bungie knew what they were doing when they released that matador back into the game. They don't care the crucible is a shit fest. Warlock flame shield was nerfed ages ago.. it's not nearly effective as a free sprint perk that provides IMMUNITY lmao.. sandbox team is a bunch of -blam!-ing idiots

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                            8 Replies
                            • The amount of people defending this...

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                              2 Replies
                              • Dear people who are complaining about jug titans Figure it out man, their easy to counter. Go up, that's it, just jump up and watch them run under you, turn around and kill them. Titans suck ass at going up, so get vertical.

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