[quote]Today, Update 2.7.1 introduced an issue that affected currencies and pursuits. We immediately brought the game offline to mitigate any loss of materials while we investigated. We have identified the issue and the good news is that we were able to deploy an update to the server and will not have to update the game client.
We have rolled all character data back to our most recent backup at 8:30 a.m. Pacific before the issue was introduced. This will restore any lost materials caused by the issue, but players will lose any progress they made if they played between 8:30 a.m and 10:20 a.m. when we brought the game down for maintenance. Any purchases made using Silver or Bright Dust during this window will need to be repurchased. Any Silver spent or purchased will be restored.
The server update is complete and we are beginning to bring the game back online now. Stay tuned to @Bungiehelp for updates.[/quote]
Something is missing.
“We deeply apologise for the inconvenience this has caused players and will endeavour to ensure any future updates/patches are throughly tested before going live”.
Apology was given in the TWAB:
“We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused by the unexpected maintenance and appreciated everyone’s patience while we worked to get the game back online.
We’ll continue to improve our efforts to minimize issues and downtime. Even though some bugs are always going to crawl through the cracks, we’ll be waiting on the other side with a swatter.”
Thank you Cozmo.
Its obvious they never tested there patches so why say they will (they obviously wont)
[quote]Its obvious they never tested there patches so why say they will (they obviously wont)[/quote] They also don't apologize
Bearbeitet von Gilgamesh: 1/29/2020 4:01:13 AMIn there post they talked about how any silver bought must be repurchased but didnt say anything about refunds A bug they didnt test caused them to roll back servers and if anyone bought silver too bad that money is ours and you gotta rebuy it. Nvm read it wrong - ignore all this
It certainly is not a surprise at this point, this is the bungle controlled destiny now
I read there post backwards. But who cares i doubt they did
Even if your post is wrong, it still matches the level of precision that bungle follows