Today, Update 2.7.1 introduced an issue that affected currencies and pursuits. We immediately brought the game offline to mitigate any loss of materials while we investigated. We have identified the issue and the good news is that we were able to deploy an update to the server and will not have to update the game client.
We have rolled all character data back to our most recent backup at 8:30 a.m. Pacific before the issue was introduced. This will restore any lost materials caused by the issue, but players will lose any progress they made if they played between 8:30 a.m and 10:20 a.m. when we brought the game down for maintenance. Any purchases made using Silver or Bright Dust during this window will need to be repurchased. Any Silver spent or purchased will be restored.
The server update is complete and we are beginning to bring the game back online now. Stay tuned to @Bungiehelp for updates.
Bro, fix ur game
Please fix the game
Bungie I would like you guys to make an exotic Kobe Bryant themed Ghost or an emblem that can be purchased in the bungie store. And have the proceeds go to his foundation. Thanks
When you bungie your own update😂
Bearbeitet von Wicked_Winnie: 1/30/2020 4:09:19 AMSo far Bungie "running the show on their own" has proven to be an absolute sh*t show. I blame the leadership and it's clear they need to do some serious cleaning house and reorganization. The current leadership has lowered the bar to about an inch off the ground and their pj & sock crew still can't manage to reach it. Shameful...
If I still haven’t downloaded the update yet should I download it or will it cause the bug to take away my currency like what happened to other people just not sure and don’t wanna download it if there’s a chance my currency will get took
Bearbeitet von JDrocks327: 1/29/2020 10:42:25 PMAll of you who are complaining need to actually try programming a game of this magnitude. Look mistakes happen and I understand why so many are upset, but I am impressed that we lost so little progress after an event like this happened. Obviously Bungie needs to be more careful with how updating the game is handled as I have no idea how this happened, but at the same time, if you were on this dev team I doubt you would handle it any differently. For all of you saying that they didn't apologize enough, they fixed it in a decently quick manner so a huge apology is honestly not necessary. Everyone needs to remember that Destiny 2 is not a small game, and it has a lot of moving parts! Server/Client architectures with this much data being transferred make it hard to debug these kinds of things in controlled sessions. Anyone who says they don't test the game in house -- thats such a small population of players that server bugs can often go entirely unnoticed until it's too late. Keep it up Bungie, I'm glad you fixed it with such a low amount of lost progress, but I wish it never happened in the first place for everyone's sake.
Let’s all say it. The game was better off with Activison. I hope the BDF enjoys eating crow. Told ya!
I wonder how many armchair devs are in the comments...
Bearbeitet von Rubberducky: 1/30/2020 9:04:38 PMHey cosmo here’s an idea for your dev team...make the game fun Here’s why you play destiny now - Season pass to 100 (after that it’s trash) - Artifact to +20 (after that who cares) - Seasonal title After those 3 things are accomplished there literally is no reason to play the game. Crucible is broken Strikes are worthless (no specific loot) Gambit is boring There is no end game There is no loot grind No vendor reset All focus on eververse Exotics all but never drop, when they do -it’s one the stupid auto dismantle ones -terrible stat rolls -wrong affinity So why play? What’s the point in putting hours into a game that gives you nothing? Yes it’s fun to play with your friends and smash some aliens...on Tuesday night...for 3 hours. I used to look forward to come home after work going to the gym and getting some alien smash on. It was awesome now I look forward to anything but destiny. The games empty and boring. This is the lowest I think the games ever been
I can't bring myself to play this game. Haven't in a month or more. I don't miss it and I don't feel like I'm missing anything. Then I see another update and another complete disaster. Kudos Bung you've run this title right into the dirt. R.I.P.
5 more and I have 1000 unread notifications.
Facts of the case: Bungie proved last week's claim of rigorous testing was a lie, and now we also know the claim that Bungie doesn't have the ability to restore lost items/characters is a lie too. You are a mindbent fool to continue believing a word anybody associated with Bungie tells you.
Im basically only playing every once in a while to help friends out to clear nightfalls and crucible stuff. Burned out during Opulance (i think that's how it's spelled) and I'm just vibing in other games. There is always a lot of new updates but it's hard to keep up with them if you're not actively grinding the game, which is basic knowledge for any other game.
Bearbeitet von Frazveragan: 1/30/2020 7:52:47 PMNow that the aftermath of the fix is totally apparent for everyone I'm just going to say again: -A bug like that being released definitely raises some eyebrows, but yeah software development and deployment is complex especially in a game like this. -Being unable to access the game for a day really isn't a big deal. Neither of those things are really the problem. The problem is the the aftermath because of the only possible fix. Similarly, that makes the initial bug more troubling since the perception from a player end is that the only fix was calling mulligan while simultaneously creating lasting effects for the player base. -People reporting they lost random exotic drops, random raid drops, and random god rolls due to the fix is a really big deal. The game is promoted to us as having these kinds of pursuits for loot as the big reason to keep playing once we're through the core content. Making an error that leads to a solution in which Bungie says, "Oh, hey we have to take that back from you so the game will work because we don't want to just hand out x number of consumables for the flub, or leave you with no consumables," is not cool. Had I been someone in that boat, I'd have rather kept my loot than consumables that are pretty easy to earn back. -Losing quest progress can be redone, sure; however, after some of the quests I just finished yesterday in the seasonal content, I have to say if I had lost that progress my incentive to redo it would be really, really low. I can imagine people who lost progress on some of the exotic quests I've seen voicing their frustration feel exactly the same way. -I can imagine quite a few players who had their silver refunded don't feel satisfied by that. I've bought silver once in the years I've played. It was to purchase a very specific item. If I were in that boat at the moment, what I would find dissatisfying is the fact that the item I actually wanted is now unavailable due to the reset. I still enjoy the game and none of this happened to affect me personally, but I think they need to address it. I really hope Bungie isn't planning to move on from this without even another word to its player base. Yes, I think they seem to have done what they could in as timely a manner as possible, and I have no doubt their develoeprs were in overdrive trying to figure this out, but that doesn't mean it's not a big deal. Right now, there seems to be a bit of a "Yay us, we got this insane bug fixed and you all got back on and can continue being awesome guardians! BTW our social media pages are pushing some awesome stuff right now you should get excited about!" vibe that seems pretty tone deaf. The fix shouldn't be cheered.
i lost my new outbreak perfected in the rollback. just drop one in my mailbox and we're cool :) thx bro !
Can you please roll back everything to D1 😎🍥 Thank you
Why is it taking so long to load into the tower
Every update you deliver more broken stuff, this time it was pretty substantial, what will it be next time?
Please part ways with Saynotorage. He gives Bungie a serious blackeye.
Bearbeitet von ZedFX: 1/30/2020 2:52:08 PMLike so many others, my Corridors of Time Lore/rewards are poof. Finished it Monday, well before reset/server crashes. Just after getting completion notice and the speech at the gravesite, got whacked with a power outage, and then the servers were down. When I logged in after service was restored, there wasn't any lore - and while I understand about the rollback, etc, I had finished well before the server issues. I did a first run to ensure getting the emblem - which you can see on my titan as some kinda proof? I dunno - :D Is this something you (Bungie) can/is addressing? Am I just SOL? If not - will Bungie consider "restoring" CoT for a limited run to allow people that 1) ran it and lost the lore and/or 2) People who might have missed it get the chance to run it? Thanks in advance and cheers!
how about a simple apology for once, rather than just the redundant updates and delayed reactions we’ve all become so used to.
Bearbeitet von L33LHO: 1/29/2020 11:55:08 AMIt's time to fire all these incompetent people that are -blam!-ing up the game
Huh? Sorry, I was too busy enjoying new content in Smash yesterday. You know, made by people who actually play test before putting stuff out.
Ah so this is the result of the "rigorous testing" your company supposedly does.
Damnit Bungo... Why are you such trash? Skeleton crew left for D2, or what?😔