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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
12/14/2018 12:37:26 AM


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  • Bearbeitet von Shanine1106: 12/16/2018 4:02:22 AM
    There’s no middle ground for casuals only caters hardcores which is not bad but this time it’s killing the game they need to figure that out I had to kill myself with grind just to keep up the game or I’ll be left out and it’s not fun at all [spoiler]yes I have work and family stuff and it’s hard to do all at the same time!! 😂😂[/spoiler]Milestones are bunch of pain and feels like a chores RnG is bullshit especially the titles and that stupid 1k, pinnacle weapon are tied to a very long quest or a high end activities like Luna’s howl and Not forgotten, crucible and gambit is a shitshow, infusion and leveling sucks. I can go on and on with all this bs they need to fix things so that everyone can be happy in the game and prolly would have a great feedbacks I love destiny a lot of potential but it’s too sad that it can’t live to any of my expectations just like others.

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  • Bearbeitet von WulfPak666: 12/16/2018 3:41:50 PM
    I just don't fully understand the "Hardcore" argument that things need to be harder to get and even more so grindy. Like, you argue for this but then you're the same people who have like 1000+ of every material so infusion pains are non-existent for you. And you also hit Max rank in like a week or less so the grind to power isn't felt by you either... Plus y'all know nobody really gave a crap about "light level" after the Forever 29 meme faded out. Destiny is a looter shooter. Y'all should be more interested in shooting face and looting guns than a stupid number next to your name. Light level is just a "must be this high to ride" gimmick anyway. Most of the Hardcore vs Casual argument essentially boils down to the top 5% telling the other 95% how to play the game. My favorite example of this was RoI Trials. Up until that point the casuals kept Trials populated because you could grab Vance's bounties and they had the current trials gear as possible reward drops. So go in, get shitted on but maybe you'll get that gun or armor piece.. Then when RoI came out, they did away with those bounties. So as you'd expect, casual players stopped playing Trials and that meant the hardcore players were basically guaranteed to only match against each other and we all know how pissy the hardcore people get when they get paired in sweaty game all day.

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  • Pretty true across the board. Unless you are independently wealthy, living off welfare with a 70inch LED TV and gaming all day or a Streamer you don’t have the time to play 24/7. It appears the definition of a “casual” is someone who cannot, or will not, dedicate their lives to a game. Let’s also point of the FACT that casuals didn’t ruin the game with CoO and Warmind, Bungie did. Destiny was in a pretty good place by the end of D1 yet Bungie decided to dumb it down and make it less Grindy. Most casual players like to grind, and didn’t ask for any of these changes. But here they are the great scapegoat of why the game pretty much sucked when it dropped. Casuals make up the largest percentage of the player base. They also tend to spend more money on silver, due their restricted playtime, to get something they really want. Wether you are hardcore, casual or somewhere in between, we all love this game. We want it to be fun without seeming like a full time job. Instead of pointing fingers at one another, point them where they should be, at Bungie (and Activision). Bungie pulled the game out of a dark hole with Forsaken. Rekindled my love for a game I had started to lose interest in and brought many players back. That doesn’t mean this is, or should be, a “hardcore” player only game. Because I hate to break it to you, unless you have no job, no responsibilities or make a living playing this game, you aren’t “Hardcore”, you’re dedicated. TLDR: casual players didn’t almost ruin the game, Bungie did. Hardcore players are the ones that no life the game, including no school, no work, no responsibilities at all!! If that’s not you, you aren’t “Hardcore”, you are merely dedicated.

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  • The term “casual” seems to now apply to anyone who treats a game less than a full time job. I know I play plenty of hours on this game and also know I would be firmly in the “casual” bracket.

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    • A casual gamer is anyone who isn't a streamer (who should get real jobs) and tryhard no-life gamers.

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    • I just don't see the issue with BA. Sure you may not be able to do it now, but you will eventually when you level up. I, admittedly, have never had an issue with enhancement cores mostly because I don't infuse everything. Does my armor look ugly right now? Sure, but that just gives me something to chase later. That was the ultimate problem with D2 at launch and into CoO - nothing to chase. Yes there were many other issues that the article points out, but at the end of the day people stopped playing because there was nothing left to play for.

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    • Great article I rescue one part: "Reportedly the “cores for infusion” system was actually suggested to Bungie by Destiny content creators as a way to make infusion “meaningful,” and even though I love those guys, the top 1% of the playerbase should not be designing systems based on their own experiences that affect the other 99%." The grand FU to the streamers and youtubers @#* 😡😠

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      24 Antworten
      • Bearbeitet von NeoIcarus1: 12/14/2018 1:27:38 AM
        Agree with the article, top 1% are the purveyors of the false argument that Destiny was catering to the casuals when in reality vanilla D2 was designed to funnel all players to the Eververse. Power levels are difficult whdn Bungie has added alot to Forsaken. Reports are 12% of the player base is over 600, that means 2 million players that play daily are having a problem getting to 600 or just dont bother. Most of the player base hasnt beaten the Last Wish raid or bothered to opened the Dreaming City. Bungie needs to figure out why and how to fix it. Taking Enhancement Cores out of infusing should be the first move. Others Bungie can do is take RNG out of leveling. RNG in leveling makes it hard for the average player to even enjoy the game. Milestones should offer certain armor or weapons. Flashpoint could offer armor and Strikes milestone could offer weapons. Doing allows players to figure out what they need to work on to help them level up. Even smart leveling could help by adding the ability of the game to make it easier to get that lagging piece that wont level up to level up. Leveling is the one thing average players do the most grinding for. The Top 5 of players dont even really bother, they are done in a week or 2 after its cap is raised. Bungie needs to hit the middle of the road type players. Those are type of players that really keep games going. They make up more of the player base and they spend more money on games than even top or bottom of any game's player base.

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        • This game is extremely forgiving to casual players. You can get to max gear level by doing the easiest content. In any other “mmo” you’d never even come close. Hell even the new “pinnacle” weapons now can be easily obtained by anybody. I’m the definition of casual and was easily able to farm the last wish raid with random new people every week and get up to the last boss on the new raid the first week it was out. That would be completely absurd in a truly hardcore game. Almost nothing about this game is *actually* “hardcore gaming.”

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          • Nah I’m good leaving casuals behind

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            21 Antworten
            • The leveling up system is probably the best it’s ever been right now. You don’t level up instantly and it doesn’t take too long. Only a couple hours a week will get you up. The main problem is that everyone thinks for some reason that everything needs to be completed as fast as possible. I don’t know when this whole mentality started but people act as if what is being added isn’t going to be around for long and complain if they aren’t high enough to go into everything day one.

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              • Good read👍 As a moderate player... I like the mods for Masterworking but not infusing power levels. Fans complained game was too easy and boring Bungie adjusted somewhat to appease. After a few months break from the game I am enjoying it for what it has been IMO from day 1. A hamster wheel, but I kinda like chilling and riding the wheel a few hours a day👍 Hardcore players will always be vocal about changes that need to be made, sometimes they are right and the game changes for the better. Would the Scorn exist in the game if folks didn't complain about reskin aliens? Maybe, maybe not idk but me thinks maybe not. I say they need to keep bi@#hin and maybe d3 will be an outstanding game. We shall see.

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              • Love this post. Casuals have been put down and blamed for too long. They've gone the complete opposite direction with the game when what they need to do is find a middle ground.

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              • Great!!✌

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              • Great article

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              • Spot -blam!-ing on.

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              • I can’t say I disagree with anything in that article. The top 1% will not drive sales of the game. Making it more meaningful for everyone is the trick. The grind is more of an annoyance than anything.

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              • These are a very good words. Nice article "the top 1% of the playerbase should not be designing systems based on their own experiences that affect the other 99%" "hardcore content and hardcore players are the tip of the spear for Destiny’s success, but a speartip without anything behind it is just a useless shard of metal"

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                2 Antworten
                • Bearbeitet von kellygreen45: 12/14/2018 4:53:55 PM
                  1. Right about the problems. 2. Wrong about the reasons for them. 3. Right about the implications of alienating the average player for the sake of content creators and hardcore players who build an identity around always being mad at devs and [i]disappointed [/i] about games. I particularly liked the line: [i]”A spear tip with nothing behind it is a useless shard of metal.”[/i] Casuals didn’t ruin vanilla Destiny 2. Trying to design the game for competitive pvp players did. Because the needs of a loot game and an e-sport are utterly incompatible with each other. So the more Bungie tried to make pvp players happy, the more they broke the pve side of the game. All the bad decisions that he highlighted were all efforts to make pvp “balanced and competitive”.... and therefor e-sport ready. To join the rest of Activision Blizzard’s stable of e-sports....

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                  • Starting Fall 2019, I’m going back to how I bought D1 releases. I’m not buying the Season passes or the deluxe editions. I will buy each release as it comes out because that what Bungie deserves. I’m not saying I won’t buy it, it’s more of a “we’ll see”. I bought basic D1, I bought Dark Below and HoW separately on their launch days. I made the mistake of buying D2’s Digital Deluxe Edition and same with Forsaken. Never again. Possibly superstition on my part but that’s just how I feel.

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                    • 14
                      Wow that article was spot on. I am no where near a casual I play probably 15-30 hours a week and I can agree with everything. Especially the unnecessary infusion costs. Black armory just made me lose interest. I have to grind more just to do the new content. Black armory didn’t need to increase the light level.

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                      • Bearbeitet von Nation[X]: 12/14/2018 2:29:24 PM
                        Less than 10% of players play this game since D2 launch. Averaging 900k-1.2mil a day compared to 8mil at launch and 2.5mil at Forsaken. Numbers are falling, it's not good. Yet people still bang on the casual drum. This game would not have been funded without "casuals". Less players are engaging even since BA dropped which is poor considering that was the first update post forsaken. Why? Probably because of the ludicrous repetitive mundane "grind" you have to do on milestones for the game to then roll a dice to see how far PL you will rise and tying people to "old" content for potentially weeks before they can try content they purchased. Everything about this game is now artificial lengthening of the game to keep players playing. Cores, RNG Milestones being the two main ones which in turn is pushing people biggest gripe.. Bungie doesnt respect a players time, period. You can argue semantics all day long about "casuals" ruining a game but at the end of the day they fund it. Activision has already been knocking on the proverbial door about sales (heck they gave away the base game to encourage Forsaken sales). You can want a game being "hardcore" all you want if it satisfies your e-peen complex but dont complain if D3 is either postponed, increased MTXs or diluted to high hell and sold back to us as "content" because you can bet your bottom dollar Activision will be wanting max sales/profit. Datto re-affirmed my decision in his recent video to not purchase BA. It simply isnt worth it.

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                        10 Antworten
                        • Arguably the best article I've seen written about this game. 100% spot on.

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                          • Common sense article. Only a moron would think that building a game around a small sub-set of players would be good for the overall, long-term health of the game. Appreciate the author's ability to rise above the tired arguments that pit the hardcore addicts vs. people that play to actually be entertained.

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                            • Bearbeitet von PilksUK: 12/14/2018 10:19:51 PM
                              Light Level increase only made sense when they increased the the character level and added a main story campaign, increasing the light level for the sake of a number add nothing of value to the game.... Light level is not endgame content but then again they didn't add much content with black armory... 3 forges that are the same thing in different locations... weapon frame grind that gets you to grind old content to then grind the forge to then repeat those steps....Im already bored with the forges and the weapons are meh... I end up using my old loadout so nothing has changed with adding BA.

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                            • Great article

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