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Editado por symanlaser: 3/9/2014 11:11:09 PM

What happens when someone violates terms and agreements?

I have a company and am hiring my first employee. The company creates web / phone apps. The employee will be helping the company create these apps. I don't want my employee stealing any ideas from the company or giving out information about the apps which he will be asked to design. I decided to get him to agree with 'terms and conditions' before employing him. The terms and conditions is basically the usual "All designs I create for the company belong completely to the company and I cannot use the designs for personal use. Any ideas I come up with which relate to the idea's discussed at the company belong to the company itself and I cannot use the ideas for personal use. I cannot disclose any information about the company and the ideas discussed at the company. etc.". I did not copyright the apps which the company will create since I did not create the apps yet. After agreeing with these terms, what happens if the employee takes the ideas discussed at the company and uses it for personal use / discusses it with another company (in other words, what happens if the employee breaks the terms and conditions he agreed to)? Worst case scenerio, say the employee discuses the app ideas with another company which later creates the app before my company does, is there anything I can do about it? Is there a way for me to completely copyright the app ideas even though I did not create the apps yet?

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