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3/27/2024 9:12:11 PM

GPU usage at 100% in orbit but drops to 60-70% while playing??

My fps drops as soon as enemies show up on my screen in pve and depending on the enemy density it can drop to less than 100. I have a good pc and usually sit around 150-160 fps when playing. This wasn't happening when i first got this pc but a couple months after i got the pc it started doing the fps drops. I have no idea what would be causing the gpu usage to go down because I've looked at the task manager and it doesnt say anything is using my gpu other than destiny 2. I just recently noticed that the gpu usage goes down once I start doing something in the game. Shouldn't the usage go up when it has to render more things on the screen? No other game does the weird gpu usage stuff. Anyone know what's wrong?
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