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3/20/2024 6:19:13 PM

Flawless card incomplete

I was playing trials on Saturday with a persistence card. I was in my fifth round with no losses when my Wi-Fi dongle went bad. I ran and got a long ethernet chord and plugged it in to get back into the game. I made it in before we won, albeit only just barely, but it didn't count as a win on my flawless card. We were at the end of the 4th round and going into the fifth when it happened. I added an image of my match history from bungie that show the 7 consecutive wins and no I didn't reset my card in between victories. I guess my question is will bungie give me my flawless card? I know I can just try again, but I've been playing destiny 2 since it came out and this is the first time I've ever gone flawless. I don't even care about getting the ability to focus an adept summoner, I just want to go to the lighthouse!
#trials #Help

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