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11/23/2023 3:57:38 PM

Stasis and Verglas Curve

After reading this weeks Twid I would like to remind bungie that Verglas Curve is still one of the most inconsistent weapons to ever exist ('cept maybe for Telesto iykyk😉). A lot of the time getting kills with the bow doesn't grant you your Hail Barrage arrows back. I've used this bow so much and sometimes its great, but that's mainly when the CRYSTALS kill the enemy. If a SHATTER kills the enemy (freeze created from the ice crystal landing in close proximity to the enemy btw) you don't get hail barrage arrows. This is super frustrating because it WAS working at some point then it broke again. It feels you can't use this bow as intended in anything past legend difficulty content which is just sad as it's my fav weapon / subclass. And one more thing, this isn't consistent in the fact that SOMETIMES you actually will get hail barrage arrows back even when shatter kills the enemy, there's really no rime (ha) or reason for it. So for sake of clarity: Shoot an enemy > Gain Hail barrage Stack > Shoot the crystal near enemy (it then freezes said enemy and has a crystal near it) > Shoot crystal > Crystal shatters enemy > Shatter kills enemy > No hail barrage stack back > Question why you still play stasis in this day and age > cry. This turned into a bit of a ramble hopefully that clears up what I mean. Hopefully we'll see a fix to its consistency in a later patch. Curious to see if anyone else has experienced similar issues when trying the bow in a GM. I really cant get it to work consistently at all.

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