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Destiny 2

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11/15/2023 6:13:08 PM

Feedback about weapon crafting and endgame content in general

I both like and dislike crafting in this game. On one hand you can create the weapon you want without much trouble. On the other hand, it ruins the point of being able to grind out a random roll version of the weapon in the first place. Getting on the game once a week to acquire the blue print of the weapon and then getting off is such a boring way to incentivize playing (this wording is going to conflict with what I said below, as initially I came up with this idea to unlock red borders first, but found it more suitable for what I said below). I think a system (like really basic at the start) where you have challenges for a weapon that have to be completed with the weapon equipped, could give you the ability to lightly customize your random rolled weapon. I'll give an example. Let's say there are 3-5 challenges based on the source of the weapon (seasonal/nightfalls, raids and pvp): Seasonal/Nightfalls: Complete 10 night falls, 15 strikes or 1 grand master nightfall. Complete 10 legend lost sectors in a group or 1 by yourself. Complete (current) seasonal event 10 times or 1 legend version. These are just examples, but you get the idea. Incentivize actively playing the game, with the harder difficulty activities granting the fastest progress. This would reduce the gap between crafted and random roll weapons without directly nerfing crafting. This leads into what I feel about endgame content as well. There's just no real reason to do grand master nightfalls or master raids for the average player. It's 10x the get random rolled versions of guns that aren't even better than the crafted versions you can unlock. You also don't get artifice armor or things like that...which makes the hardest content only a little bit more rewarding than the regular content players can do. Materials most players aren't gonna use in another reason why I personally don't do it and can see why others don't as well. It feels more like an option to challenge yourself, over a direct bit of content you WANT to complete for rewards. For raids in particular, a similar system to destiny 1 could work. Normal gives you as much access to the loot pool available, then master mode adds in additional weapons and makes the armor artifice versions that allow for FREE slotting of the raid specific mods. Only through master mode would you be able to acquire red borders for those exclusive options. Another method they can do and this applies to nightfalls as well, is that they can make it so that those activities on their hardest difficulty have a chance (or guaranteed on recycling 3-5 adept versions or something) to drop a material that allows you to upgrade your normal weapon into an adept version. For a lot of us, we don't have the time (or patience) to be grinding out an adept weapon at the same level as a normal random roll weapon when the activities take so much longer. So this, plus the ability to change around a couple perks (which would work on adepts too) would make for a nice little loop to make them a bit easier to get, without completely removing incentive. If anything, it'd bolster them a bit because then craftable weapons don't just flat out beat them anymore. My intent is to increase value for playing over doing stuff more passively. Passive acquisition of gear at easier levels has ultimately ruined end game for me. I used to do hard mode raids all the time in d1, hell I completely skipped normal because hard mode was just better...and returning to that kind of incentive for playing the game needs to come back to some degree. Hell they could help out neomuna by making challenge specific red border drops over just RNG if they want people to not throw up when thinking about going there. Let me know what you guys think.

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