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6/21/2023 11:15:01 AM


I cannot verify my account and therefore cannot play the Iron Banner game mode. I have tried multiple different devices, restarted my PC/phone/router, tried using a VPN, nothing works. I just get this error 'NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource' EVERY SINGLE TIME. I first attempted to verify a week ago and have tried again every day, I get the same error. It's extremely frustrating, I just want to play this new mode. Can anyone help? I am in Australia.

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  • This is a known issue that Bungie is looking into. Some users have reported that pressing the 'RETURN' key on the keyboard works. Could you try this instead of clicking the button? If that does not help the forum mentors (not me) and Bungie recommend you post your region and mobile network operator to help Bungie troubleshoot. Please remember that not all bugs can be rectified quickly, some are very complicated and caused by issues outside Bungie's control.

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