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Destiny 2

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3/25/2023 5:32:22 PM

I want freelance Iron banner back. Here is why:

After playing this week's IB control and after reading the Bungie's blogpost about PvP improvements and matchmaking philosophy, I feel the urge to create this post and explain why I think freelance in 6v6 modes needs to stay as an possible option. (The blogpost I am mentioning is available here: []( According to blogpost, the Iron banner is currently using fireteam based matchmaking. It was broadly accepted as a succes in last week's trials of Osiris. Fireteam based matchmaking has a main focus of providing a lobby, where in both teams is equal number of people, that are in premade fireteams. While this works perfectly in 3v3 modes like trials, I think that it doesn't provide good experience for solo players in 6v6 modes like Iron banner. Here is why: Fireteam based matchmaking takes team sizes into consideration as it's main alghorytm. This sounds good on paper and Bungie statisticaly proved, that this alghorytm works as it should. As a solo player you are now less likely going to be matched against full stacks, with solo people in your team. That is great. What is not as great is the fact that lobby and skill balancing is -blam!-. This is mainly due to the fact, that Bungie obviously does not want to restrict people from playing with friends that are completely on the different skill level. What matchmaking does instead is evaluating solo players and their skill, and then putting them into that team, to bring it on the desired skill level. That way, matchmaking provides each team with equal skill delta to the opposing team. As a result of this system, solo players are often not on the same skill level as their premade fire team. They are often too good to carry their own team (which they often had to in order to win the game), or they are too bad that they completely do not matter to the rest of the team and get farmed. There is rarely a case, where solo players are on the same page as their team. Don't get me wrong. This system works as intended and provides usually balanced matches and 50:50 winrate. The problem is that this happens at the cost of solo player's experience. I personally do not care if I win or lose, as long as I have fun. The problem I am experiencing right now is the fact, that no matter the outcome, games are not fun. In order to win the game, I often need to understand what the fireteam, I get matched with, is doing. How they play together. How they operate. Without this, I am no use to them and they are no use to me. This differs heavily game by game. Some teams are having new players inside, so they are playing around them. Some teams have carry PvP god and they just follow him as hivemind. In some cases I am not even able to understand how the fireteam works and plays at all. Sometimes I am insignificant and I do not matter. This just sucks and it was never the case for freelance, because everybody was on the same page. People just needed to cooperate together and watch for each other. It was entirely different game and playstyle. Right now, I am enjoying freelance gambit more, because of the above reasons. Please Bungie, consider giving us freelance Iron banner back. TLDR: - Fireteam based matchmaking does not provide good PvP experience for solo people in 6v6 modes atm. - In my opinion, there is no justification of removing 6v6 freelance, in favor of fireteam based matchmaking. -This is mainly because fireteam sizes is the main thing that matters in this type of matchmaking. Solo players are thrown into the game to balance scales between two big fireteams. - Playing around your big fireteam is not the same as playing freelance. - This is however not the case for 3v3, because the largest size of fireteam you can get matched with is 2 people. Here I agree, that fireteam based matchmaking can replace freelance. Sorry if my english is bad. I am not a native speaker.

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  • Editado por Guardian,Archon Of Light: 3/26/2023 1:51:27 AM
    I disagree with you entirely , I played completely solo, on my 3rd reset, and won the majority of my games , and most of them had no fireteams What you are wanting is a completely safe environment, where there is no chance of facing someone out of your skill level, not gonna happen , Fireteam matchmaking is a win for everyone, and is best for the health of the mode , stop depending on your freelance crutch

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