Stasis should be unlocked for everyone that completed the Beyond Light campaign with just one character.
It's completely stupid that almost 3 years later when we are entering a new expansion, many of us still have the alt characters without Stasis. This makes zero sense.
Every campaign that unlocks a new power/subclass should have a way to unlock that power/subclass for alt characters when it's completed once. Doing the campaign three times is tedious and absurd.
And no, making players PAY MONEY to complete it is the WRONG decision. [b]This is a QoL feature. It should be optional, yes, but free. [u]Greed has no place in this situation.[/u][/b]
I get it. Such a boring grind. I just did both my warlock and hunter last week in prep and it took a few hours each, plus expensive buying all the aspects etc. you’ll probably be able to level up a bit while you do the missions at least. Good luck.
[quote]It's completely stupid that almost 3 years later when we are entering a new expansion, many of us still have the alt characters without Stasis.[/u][/b][/quote] If after three years you don’t have stasis unlocked on all three characters, that is on you and nobody else. You’ve had three years to do what takes 2-3 hours. There are a lot of things that need attention in this game, this is not one of them. Stop being lazy.