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Editado por Valerian: 9/14/2022 8:33:46 AM

Warlock main here, I have a genuine question for everyone

I hear a lot of people say that warlocks are OP af, but I as a warlock main myself, I cant help but feel that it is a bit underwhelming in comparison to the other 3.0 subclasses Especially solar 3.0. In PvP it pretty much a requirement to run well, instead of dawnblade, since dawnblade feels so useless now, and because you can pretty much get 2 wells in the time it takes to get one dawnblade But when I talk to my friends and read the forum, I see a lot of people say that warlocks are OP, so if you guys have time, please go in depth in the replies, with your reason as to why warlocks are so op. Thanks Also there used to be 2 icarus dashes, but I never really understood why that was nerfed, so if someone could give me some insight as to why that was removed, please do.

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  • Arc on warlock isnt bad ppl just dont know how to build. This mainly stems from a issue of "destiny players cant read" and therefore cant put a and b together to create good builds.

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    • Editado por mayo68: 9/15/2022 11:02:54 AM
      Having a blast with stormcaller and 3.0 myself. Having said that even with geos and artifact mod the super needs some love. Damage buff and an overshield when activating chaos is needed badly. Your honor, exhibit A…

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    • Been a warlock main since the destiny franchise first released. They are not weak, we have been nerfed just like the other classes. We just tend to have players expecting warlocks to play the same as Hunters and Titans which defeats the purpose of having different classes imo. Arc 3.0 sure could use some tuning for PVE, stormtrance tickle fingers damage is a bit of a letdown (landfall still hits hard though) and for chaos reach to shine really needs the geomag nerf reverted for PVE. Solar lock feels good to me the one dodge is fine (still 2 during heat rises) its just no longer easily spammed. Shadebinder is still great for both pve and pvp even if it lacks a little exotic support compared to the light based ones. Void lock could use a bump back up regarding HHSN and really could do with lance and shatter being back as options for nova bomb. But still a solid class if built right. End of the day with a bit of build crafting any subclass of the warlock can be built to fair well in both pvp and pve.

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    • I am a hunter main, and everyone says hunters are op. I think they are pretty underwhelming, and when I started to play warlock, they seemed pretty op with all these great things like devour, well, necrotic grips, etc. After playing around with them a little, they seemed underwhelming compared to hunters for some reason (hunters had goldie and stompeez, etc) It might mostly just be from inexperience

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    • Warlocks arnt OP anymore, Solar for Well and thats about it. Void is ok, Arc sucks. I am a Warlock main to, and i am always surprise that poeple say that we are OP and we are not.

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      3 Respostas
      • The 2 dashes were not removed. If you eat your nade you have 2 dashes. It was changed because warlock had 2 dashes on a base 5 second cooldown while hunter has 1 dodge on a base 30 second cooldown.

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        • Editado por Dredgen Araphel: 9/15/2022 9:25:58 AM
          The op title often comes from the bias of seeing warlocks played at the highest level while at the same time ignoring the fact thats the warlock played by the best and at its best. Warlocks is a high skill gap class to begin with alot of disadvantages when played like a normal class or to be blunt like a human. Many Warlocks try so hard to be a hunter its infuriating to watch and they can't see that's why they struggle. It's an ability spam and support class but the community has a twisted view on abilities in an ability game so Warlocks try to play like hunters and titans and will lose everytime. Icarus was nerfed because the community gassed it up based off it being played by the best rather then the worst just like stasis was. Warlocks at the average level are some of the worst players you can go against but the class continues to be nerfed based off the best so those Warlocks only get weaker and the best have to display more of their ability which leads to more nerfs further destroying the class. Bungie has to fix it, its no longer something we can affect beyond complaining about it . The issue with the class isn't its kit its the fact that bungie is demanding and raising the skill required to play a class that was meant to display skill with use of skills but those have been removed or nerfed so you basically have little to nothing to work with which is why warlocks are upset. Top warlocks show what can happen at their best not what happens on the norm. Most warlocks will either die as part of a collateral or in their rift. Most warlock also don't use their abilities until they are about to die feeding the illusion of long cooldowns while ignoring the fact the ability was just wasted. Most warlocks despite the hate for hunters lose more to titans which can do our job slightly better and with protection while being aggressive. As long as Bungie continue to raise the skill required to play the class then it will decline and eventually only exist in pve. I am often the only warlock on my team in crucible and thats a sharp shift considering titans were in those shoes last season. You would think Bungie would notice a drastic drop in warlocks and correlate 3.0 being the culprit but maybe Bungie wants warlocks to be rare. A drop in warlocks means less work and minimal work while hiding behind it being a skill class. You also got to account for warlocks like me that were tired of Dawnblade and asked for it to be nerfed for others to useful, instead bungie hit us with the uno reverse card and just nerfed everything so it backfired and now we have to work twice as hard just to do what we use to do innately. I still main the class but purely out of the fact its harder to play and that i'm in a minority. I guess thats a twisted way of giving it more value but I come from darksouls so its nothing new to me.

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        • Editado por The Hermit IX: 9/14/2022 2:27:30 PM
          I’m a Warlock main and Void and Stasis are the best subclasses for sure. Devour is brilliant for solo play and Stasis double turret build is fantastic. Solar can be powerful grenade build or healing support build. Arc is fun but they dropped the ball with Chaos Reach being useless and tickle fingers being an immediate death after the initial jump and pop as a panic super. They definitely should do more work on Solar and Arc but Void and Stasis are both very powerful and useful.

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          • Pretty much everyone I know had agreed that 3.0 kinda shafted warlocks in PvP. Solar just did the whole class dirty.

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          • You’re the middle child, those complaining are mad because they got there butt’s handed to them by a player group who has been ignored for the majority of Destiny 2’s revision. Ignore them, and keep kicking their assess.

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          • Warlock has been the worst subclass for a year+

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          • I have little complaints about any of the classes overall. Gripes about specific things in each class? I could agree on that statement.

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          • Every class main cries about the 2 others, it's just the way it is.

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          • warlocks have a lot of options for pvp tbf, stasis the best super in the game with a very good and ''''''skilled''''''''' neutral game play , solar with well and dawnblade is not that bad but well is better , void a solid roaming super and 2 goods panic supers with a good neutral gameplay , arc 2 ok supers a ok neutral gameplay with a broken melee, stasis for pvp is the best option , you can counter every single super in the game some times without even using the super

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          • I can understand why people would think Solar is underpowered. Arc to me is strong add clear and my mom actually uses getaway artist+ghoul+whatever fragment gives orbs on rapid kills while amplified and harmonic siphon which generates 2 orbs with ghoul. However Chaos reach is weak for what I think it was designed for and while voidlocks are survivable, their super options kinda lack too imo. Stasislocks are still decent (that's what I mainly play) but again, the super feels clunky and not all that strong. I think a slight buff to warlock supers/exotics would be enough to bring them inline with some Titan/Hunter supers

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