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1/15/2022 5:57:48 AM


I just got temp suspended from gambit for "quitting out to much" when I haven't quit out I get froze out and have to dashboard completely just to reload the game completely so I can actually play! And recently I've been rewarded to the oops your a bad bc you quite out when the game froze me out I didn't quit out ! And this morning I woke up with an hour left on some bounties so I decided to finish em start one match of gambit it's goin good then as I'm dropping into the base Floor at the depot it freezes and im just froze there in the air. 90% of the time I'm in with my clan so it not only sucks for clan challenges but also I know I'm not the only one bc when I tell my team I got froze there always another with me like yup I did to we even have videos and pictures of matches being full one second then 2v3 2v2 and sometimes 2v1 or even 3v1. I've made post about this before and all I gotta ask is why has this not only not been fixed but now has a punishment that inacts at the wrong times and that literally punishes for trying to play the game?

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