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Recrutamento de clãs

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4/14/2021 11:29:35 AM

Ps4/Ps5 two clans one discord

Łuminescent is now recruiting. We are a sister clan to Luminance. We are a PS4/ps5 adult clan. We'd like our numbers to swell a bit and are actively recruiting PVE oriented gamers to fill the ranks. We're blabbering to each other daily and there's someone looking to do something most evenings, with an typical spike on weekends. For the sake of our newest members we really need some more quality folk to get up in here and get some good alien kills with us. So, If you're an adult looking to take the plunge into another Destiny 2 clan then give us a shot. We try to recruit and fill the ranks as best we can as you'll notice our other admins are getting at it as well within some other threads. We do ask for some requirements for entry: 1. Be 21+ 2. Be friendly and respectful to fellow members, if you have an awkward past that follows you then prove you're ready to get better 3. Register with Charlemagne and be active in our discord 4. Have at least 5 DSC clears 5. Be active in game and in discord on a weekly basis. Please be ready to deal with a not-so-instant invite system as we will be messaging you directly before allowing you to join. Please don’t request to join the clan I am in. Request the one in the link please. Check out our #Destiny2 clan! If you have any questions message myself or another admin.

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