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3/19/2021 12:48:19 PM

The Clueless Army is recruiting

Filthy Casuals here looking for new Recruits both on PS4/PS5 and PC (and XBox & Stadia, since CrossPlay is supposed to be happening Fall 2021/Season 15) We are a bunch of hard-working Casuals (most of us with a Job that consumes lot of our time & energy) Half of the current Clan is on hiatus due to Bounty Burn-Out (they have had lil bit enough of the grind) The Rest of us are mostly from Europe (UK, Switzerland etc.) and speak some form of English When we get on, we like to keep it nice and easy. Doing whatever is currently on our plate or what we are in the mood for (Be wary. The Clan Leader has some weird preferences, like enjoying Gambit or Master Empire Hunts) Trials & Raids are currently not on the standard venue and also not really our forte as a Clan, due to always being one or two short, under power and lack of experience. Though if and when we again get enough Guardians together, I think there might be some who’d be happy to dip their toes into does challenging Ventures When it comes to the remaining core activities, we are all over the place, if our current power allows it The Bigger Part of the Members is on PlayStation, leaving only 3 active Members on PC That being said. Everyone is welcome here, as long as we respect each other and the private lives we have PS: most of us are over the age of 20 (hmm30muffle). i think

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