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2/24/2021 7:41:12 AM

StarWars VS Harry Potter (Power-wise)

Galaxy Far Far Away


Wizarding World


Obviously, StarWars is stronger, but I need ammunition from my fellow lore masters. So just... rant about how your franchise could easily demolish the other. [i]P.S.[/i] The Old Republic will be counted as canon while the sequels are not. Meaning, my boi, Valkorion, is canon (and so are his brothers, Vitiate and Tenebrae—I swear, it's like they're the same person). There's more powers in the StarWars universe than the force. As for you Harry Potter fans, I don't really have any guidelines for you. You can do your best to defend the wizarding world, but it's going to be devoured by sheer hunger.

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  • Death Star go brrr hogwarts go boom [spoiler]twirls stache [/spoiler]

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  • If you’ve ever seen a Harry Potter film, you’d know that Gandalf aka Dumbledick always makes Griffindork win, even when they aren’t supposed to. I don’t know how Star Wars has anything to do with this. They just lose by default, along with the rest of the weird Hogwarts factions.

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  • I see your Star Wars and Harry Potter and raise you LotR. Glorfindel for starters.

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    • Editado por Warlock Holmes: 2/25/2021 3:01:04 PM
      First of don’t you see this as a little unfair? No matter how powerful magic may be you are comparing a single planet to a massive galaxy filled with so many dangers and things. I mean the empire alone spanned so many planets not to even mention the things that came before it. They have access to so many resources including one of the greatest, people. The wizarding world only has one planet with a limited amount of resources. That’s just a little unfair if you ask me. You are at least going to have to give Star Wars another galaxy to beat the wizards. While that last statement sounded confident it really was more of a joke. The Star Wars universe is massive and the sheer amount of resources the Star Wars universe has makes it very improbable for a single planet to beat them no matter what they have. But I shall try to defend the wizards anyways. Not because they are loosing but just because I like magic so much more than technology. Let’s begin. First we have to think of what sort of alliances we have here. There are some people in both worlds that just would never work together. The empire and rebellion can be assessed here as really powerful when combined but why would I they be working together in e first place? Temporary alliance maybe? This can be used to the wizards advantage as they could find a way to manipulate the different factions to turn on each over. Sounds probable as there are many that I assume would not just drop all preconceived hatreds to crush one tiny planet. The same could be said about the wizarding world. If the wizards can turn the people of Star Wars against each over then so could the people of Star Wars do the same against the wizarding world. This is where them having a small planet actually comes to their advantage as there are less people to turn one each over while Star Wars has a massive amount of people to do so. But perhaps we are not paying any heed to the differences alliances that would rather fight each over than fight the different world they are facing against. After all we are comparing them power-wise and not by political alliances. In that case we are stacking a huge amount of people against one tiny planet. I am sorry wizards, but I doubt they would have the force to do enough if they cannot break their enemies alliances snd turn them against each over. Now there is still much more magic can offer. The different magical creatures could provide slot of assistance. Nils answer is probably the best. Dementors are nearly invincible, don’t need food and water, can survive in a vacuum, and the only know way to prevent them is the Patronum charm. And that doesn’t even kill them but instead only prevents them. Only the wizards know how to use the charm and I doubt anyone in Star Wars can learn it as they are all muggles. There is more to. Magic, when used creatively, has vast amounts of power. Think of the time turners. Magical devices that can literally turn back time. Imagine the power such a device holds. And yet they are simple enough that a student uses one to take more classes then she usually can. What else do they got in their arsenal of magic if timetravel is used for a simple purpose. Who knows? Like serious who knows? I got nothing. Anyone know? Although the possibilities are endless and magic literally manipulates our known reality. When creatively used it can do a lot of damage. [spoiler]Now, just a little disclaimer here. I am no expert or really even a huge fan of either of these fictions. I’m just really bored. I could be completely wrong but who cares. I’m bored. That’s all. Enjoy your day if you want to.[/spoiler]

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      • Editado por Ricochet 049: 2/25/2021 3:11:50 AM
        Death Star...... it’s like paring anything against warhammer 40k Most of Harry Potter could have been solved with a gun.

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        • Editado por Winter: 2/25/2021 8:01:32 AM
          I did some homework and I'm back to bring all of you one thing: Dementors! They're the spooky reaper ghosts that used to serve as the guards for wizard prison. Neat nerd stuff: - Impossible to destroy or kill - Can only be fended off with a rare spell - Feed on peace, hope, and happiness - Can put their victims in a vegetative state for which there is no cure - Their numbers grow from death and decay - Their presence alone brings cold and saps positive emotions, both of which are amplified with their numbers - they fly and are undead - Muggles can't see them (So, everyone in the Star Wars universe!) ...[i]And there are so very many of them[/i]... Go ahead and blow up all the planets you want! They'll just fly into your ships, through your fancy lightsaber swings, and suck the life outta ya! Thank you for coming to my DedTalk

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          • I’m not sure what you’re counting as canon, so I’ll just say this: empire with billions of stormtroopers and a iron fist over the galaxy, or wingardium leviosa? I think I know who wins in terms of coolness.

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            • I'll just call in my boy Nihilus and tell him that dinner's ready

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              • [b] [/b]

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                • Eh... never read Harry Potter or watched the movies, so I’ll just say Star Wars! :D I’d think that the vast amount of crazy tech in Star Wars and the Force would have the high ground.

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                  • *a warp rift splits into existence, spitting out an imperial ship* Good, we have arrived at the perfect opportunity UNLEASH!!!

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                  • Star Wars UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!! Harry Potter The bad guy can't beat 3 kids or take over a school... Hmmmm

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                    • Your a jedi, Harry

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                    • Spells can’t stop lasers so...

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                      • This post gives me an idea

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                        • Star Wars wins instantly because Mortis Gods.

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                          • Batman with prep time.

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                            • Editado por Cultmeister: 2/24/2021 4:53:29 PM
                              The only thing HP has going for it is magic that changes reality/physics etc. In a straight up war they have no chance against SW technology obviously, a Death Star could just destroy Earth and that’s be the end of it, but if they can turn back time or turn stuff into other stuff, or turn invisible, or bend people’s wills then they may have more of a fair fight against force users. I guess it depends if the force and magic can interact with one another or not, or if they would be the same thing if the universes collided. Cus I guess theoretically magic is stronger in HP than the force is in SW, not that there’s really much to go on in HP about war magic. Theoretically they could keep turning SW technology into ham sandwiches in space, the force can’t really do that.

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                              • Star Wars wins

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                              • Editado por Winter: 2/24/2021 8:55:29 AM
                                What next, Lord of the Rings vs Warhammer 40k? More serious answer after actually considering it a bit: I think the Wizards have the edge. There are so many spells and such that bend reality in different ways. While Star Wars can destroy solar systems the Wizards could respond by getting together to just Uno Reverse the lasers or teleport the planet or some crazy shit. 1v1, Wizard's have range and a toolbox of shenanigans to outmaneuver and mess with a force user. *Teleports behind you* Oops your lightsaber is suddenly a newt!

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                                • I'd say Harry Potter due to the seemingly limitless ways to deus ex machina your way out of anything but A) [i]StarWars[/i] has an equal, if not worse habit of using deus ex machina and B) it's actually canon that the wizards in Harry Potter live in secrecy because they lost a war with muggles. I'd put my money on [i]StarWars[/i].

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