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8/18/2020 3:19:13 PM

Offtopic Character Sketch: Silencer Six

[spoiler]Silencer Six[/spoiler] Alright! I'm back and I figured somethings out Round 2 of sketches will be more quality thus taking a lil bit longer. Sketches will be out whenever I feel like it, but imma try to shoot for 1-2 weeks if possible. (This is to avoid burnout) Anyways! Onto the sketch; Silencer six was a really fun one to draw with his siva theme. Had lots of fun drawing the wires and airbrushing swarm. A version of this sketch without the swarm will be made and put into the group photo as those extra details won't be needed then. You guys have a good one! [b]~Your [non-pc phrase] Sheriff[/b]

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