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Editado por TwoKicks: 6/10/2020 6:29:40 PM

Sunsetting overshadows your live stream

I watched the live stream this morning and got extremely excited about all the new content coming this Fall. So after the long wait for the download to finish and the many warnings about my connection to the Destiny server I was finally able to log on. The wait didn't end my hype, the new video and story missions were really cool. After I finished the and acquired my new grenade launcher and did one of the boring new public events from this season I was still excited. Then I looked at my weapons and armor and saw Bungie is already implementing sunsetting. We aren't affected by it, but it's there and looking and ready to destroy our inventory and vaults as soon as the new expansion comes this Fall. I immediately lost any motivation I had to play this season. Every strike, crucible match, Gambit match, seemed utterly pointless. What is my goal? To receive armor with a time limit? What if I get busy with work/school/life for a few months? It doesn't matter to Bungie if you enjoy playing the game as long as you are buying new content and that is clearly apparent. Sunsetting weapons I get, Bungie is too lazy to find a viable solution for balancing so just hit the refresh button. Sunsetting armor after the grind you made to masterwork it? After you made it the only decent reward from the season passes? It saddens me to see people support a company which has fallen so far out of touch with its player base. Bungie has been my favorite developer since the first Halo but they just can't seem to get out of their own way since D2 launched. I was expecting good things after the Activision split but it's just more of the same.

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  • There is no other solution. Bungie wasted five years proving to themselves why [i]every other loot game in existence [/i] does this.

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  • It now overshadows the gameplay.

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  • I almost fell for the Bungie hype train until I jumped on last night. Most of the time I like to use a wide variety of weapons, and it hit me when I brought out the Loaded Question and Breakneck for the first time in yonks that these will essentially be obsolete next season. On top of that we were playing Gambit Prime and I realised that all the armour I grinded my but off will also be useless. Normally I just preorder the next expansion and the annual pass, but this year after seeing all the stuff they are removing from the game and the sunsetting I’ll just call it quits at the end of this season. Div 2 has managed to take over that ongoing game for me, and with Cyberpunk dropping days before the expansion I won’t feel the need to get Beyond Light.

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    • with armour the transmog system they think will more than compensate for sunsetting armour. and it will - once you unlock the transmogs for the good looking stuff, you could equip white trash armour and make it look like raid gear or whatever you like. it wont matter since everyone sees the look you like, and the gear has the stats you want, and they can make all new gear look identical for all it matters since people will 99% likely transmog it to look like something they had already. weapons is the real killer because they have the active function. grinding to masterwork the armour if it can be made to look good, and they remove the prisms and that round thing, and lower the cost, they will get away with. but what point grinding for cores for the weapons i like using when in a few months boom, the weapon becomes not just nerfed to remove any advantage (if it had any - i use weapons i enjoy not ones for advantage in pvp) but bricks it to make it unusable even in pve content. and i already only get useless drops for weapons i hate using like linear fusions, fusion rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers. its clear the way drops are biased for me to weapons i dont have equipped that the issue is bungie want us to use weapons we dont like. OR they didnt consider WHY people use a certain weapon, and not others. its not necessarily those other weapons are bad bungie: some of us how we play we dont want to use shotguns because we prefer to kill from range, or just because we hate shotties, fusions and grenade launchers. i enjoy using bows, handcannons, autorifles, machine guns, occasionally rocket launchers and swords. pulse rifles and scouts i dont mind but not my fave, but banshee doesnt even do bounties for them lately. snipers i really only keep cos devram likes them, and sometimes has a bounty, but they share the same issues as shotguns for me - the ammo reserves suck and the drop rate of green ammo sucks also. trace rifles i enjoy but again they use green ammo, which drops about twice the rate of an exotic engram so are basically as useless to me as shotguns. and i hate using shotguns even before we discuss that 95% of the time its just an empty weapon wasting an equpment slot, because green ammo is rare as rocking horse dung. im not arguing against green ammo. im not even arguing for increasing green ammo reserves on all weapons (though i think that would resolve the issues you bungie think sunsetting is supposed to fix by making them at least viable by always having ammo for them.... tho increased green ammo drop rate might also solve it). im arguing that its not because they are better, some of us use the weapons we do and dont swap to the new weapons. in my case its because these new weapons very often require me to do pinnacle content like dungeons and raid which i will never do, and so will never get the equipment, or its a type of weapon i dont have fun using ever under any circumstances, and which ammo is almost never available. if i carry a weapon and its usually out of ammo, eventually i stop even switching to it, not notice when it has ammo, and then swap it out for an alternative. and i use what i use because (shock horror!) its FUN FOR ME. sunsetting removes the fun, and will make it a grind just playing at all, instead of a grind when i find a new weapon like steelfeather, which i CAN get without having to risk my whole account using LFG, (thats another problem i address in another feedback post) but by a matchmade activity, and did enjoy using. i didnt mind grinding the mats to masterwork that for my warlock. but my 3 dont bother with masterworking or upgrading tier anymore because even though its not here, sunsetting already makes that activity a pointless waste of time.

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      • well said. after seeing the new recycled guns I already put days of time into, I seriously lost all motivation to play not just this season but long term. kinda regret buying this season pass. constant game of catchup and regrinding

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      • Originally when it was leaked/teased as weapon retirement we spoke out and said it was dumb. We eventually came to the conclusion that's its unfortunately going to be added so we need to adapt. Cool, we can adapt to new playstyles... We do that when you nerf everything. Then they fully detailed sunsetting. Weapons AND armour. We were obviously confused, why is armour effected as well? Oh that's right... Bungie doubled down on a bad idea and made it far worse. Now any incentive people had to make fun builds and find loot like a looter shooter does it... Gone. I especially love the *DESTINY IS A MMO* quote people LOVE to say. Destiny never was planned and never was in reality a mmo. Now where are we at? After looking into it. Its not absolutely God awful crapfest and its also not absolutely fantastic. Its below average crap to extend loot hunting. Shame really, this game was actually pretty fun and not tedious grindfest until recently. I'm still going to use my old gear. Love this set. Stay safe guardians

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        • Editado por foobarboo: 6/10/2020 11:45:09 PM
          We can grind more powerful Main Ingredient again!! Powerful Last Dance! Powerful Steel Sybil Z-14 again! Powerful Gambit weapons again! Thank you, Bungie! Oh! I got god rolls Nightwatch again!! Thank you, Bungie again!! By the way, I feel this game is very poor and "not this" like Destiny 2 year 1 again.

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        • Editado por Lahgtah: 6/11/2020 5:01:06 AM
          Yeah I'm a bit sad about it. Every time I want to come back to the game now, I remember that all the things I love to use(not including exotics) have a time limit and I will eventually be forced to discard them. Some weapons I've become rather attached to, and not necessarily because they're meta, but because of how good they feel to use or for legacy reasons. For example, I've been using the same solar Crown Splitter since Y1. Masterworked with well over 30k kills on it(I took a pretty big break following the mercury expansion up until the end of black armory.) It's pretty much always been my "signature weapon", because there's never been anything out there that feels as good to use, and even if there was, it's unlikely I'd replace it because of how long I've used that specific weapon. I know there is throne cleaver, but I don't have 5 other people to play with, so it may as well not exist as far as I'm concerned. Part of the reason I gave up playing WoW is because they also have this problem. A new patch comes(their equivalent to seasons), and suddenly all your hard-earned gear is rendered irrelevant as easily obtainable catchup gear replaces it. New expansion launches and the same thing happenes; what I like about Destiny was that it [i]doesn't[/i] do this, that if you have a favorite weapon, you can keep it forever and it will never be irrelevant. Edit: I may not participate in raids, but I do enjoy nightfalls and difficult solo challenge endgame content.

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        • For me, the only benefit of sunsetting is it gave me the final reason to finally shelve this game.

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        • Mmmm looking at the forums and the ppl in my clan that just pre-ordered September dlc asap, i think is the opposite. [i]If I fired up a video right now and showed you the emotes you would throw money at the screen.[/i] Luke Smithers knows how to play you all.

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          • Just play casually. The game isnt worth the time sink anymore. I went from playing all day every day to only playing mayhem once in a while ever since sunsetting was announced.

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            • I spent a lot of time collecting and MWing the weapons I like. And guess what - not all of them are consider ed meta. Now? No desire to do it all over again. And again. And again.

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              • Wahhhhhh

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              • I'm not sure why people are so focused on sunsetting when the concept of removing content to a "vault" is now a thing. Bungie has sunset guns before in D1. This is not new. This is a loot based game so I'm okay with grinding for new guns. It doesn't make any sense at all that you would hold on to that one year 2 godroll you got 4 seasons ago as opposed to trying new things. What bothers me is the concept of removing content that I paid for and then forcing me to pay for content that replaces it. Nobody is talking about the fact that they are REMOVING THE LEVIATHAN along with the menagerie and scorge of the past raids. I understand paying for new content but not at the expense of old content despite the argument that not that many people play it. I've never played the scourge raid. So now I have to hurry up and play it before the end of this season. And you people are whining about the sunsetting of guns in a loot based game? You're missing the forest for the trees.

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                • Did you think if you cried enough they would revert a system they said they have to implement? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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                • Way better than the post I was going to make! Ha, thanks for spelling it out. Sunsetting will kill this game.

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                  • They will also sunset half of the game too.

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                    • Editado por TJ_Dot: 6/10/2020 1:40:35 AM
                      My entire vault is gonna be outdated, I'm working on a memorial post kinda, honestly might be my last, been out in the dust this year, dust is gonna clear. I literally don't have anything to offer anymore besides pointless arguing with people. Arguing that isn't going to change what will happen. And it really sucks because things like my First Person Quiver Idea never took off... FOMO content model/removal of things that shouldn't be if they're going to continue charging for it No vault space And sunsetting. The elaborate 3some that killed my Destiny Experience. Truly depressing and irritating

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                    • Editado por ResidentRecon89: 6/10/2020 1:59:04 PM
                      [quote]Sunsetting weapons I get, Bungie is too lazy to find a viable solution for balancing so just hit the refresh button. Sunsetting armor after the grind you made to masterwork it? After you made it the only decent reward from the season passes? It saddens me to see people support a company which has fallen so far out of touch with its player base. Bungie has been my favorite developer since the first Halo but they just can't seem to get out of their own way since D2 launched. I was expecting good things after the Activision split but it's just more of the same.[/quote] For this reason alone is why I refuse to return to WoW.... I mean Destiny. Sunsetting is a HUGE F U to us who grind our asses off for our Rewards only to reset me and make me do it all over again. It is a complete disrespect of the Player’s Time. As my Favorite Streamer (SayNoToRage) always says “If you don’t respect the player’s time, you don’t get the player’s time” I agree with that saying (but I do find it ironic he says that cause he supports Sunsetting.) but yeah. Bungie is spitting in our faces by Sunsetting. Not to mention the Bounty grind to level up the battle pass is boring as -blam!-. Bounties should be a secondary/passive thing to do, not a primary thing to do. Strikes and Raids should have an Base amount of XP by completing them while bounties give you a boost of XP. I would LOVE for Bungie to do what Apex Legends does. Have a base XP for completing Matches (factoring in Kills, Revived, Assists etc.) then have 3-4 Daily/Weekly Bounties/Challenges that give you 1 Battle Pass Level Up, then the rest give you 6,000 XP etc. anyone who knows Apex Legends knows what system it has and why Bungie needs to adopt their system. It’s simple, it’s less grindy etc. Bungie is being a lot like Bioware with Anthem, they REFUSE to look at the systems that other games have and improve on it to make the game better. But Bungie seems to have the same attitude as Bioware of “we’re not allowed to talk about other games, not allowed to mention other games, we will just do what WE want” and we all know that kind of mentality lead to the downfall of Anthem and IT WILL lead to the downfall of Destiny. It’s only a matter of time. If you don’t learn from your predecessors, you are DOOMED to fail. It’s that simple.

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                      • Bungie: you will still be able to use your old gear in 90% of content. Also Bungie: we are starting to remove some of that 90% from the game.

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                        • 18
                          The plot reveals seem interesting, other than that I don't see how anyone is hyped from that stream, they literally announced they're going to remove content and recycle it later. Vault of glass in D2? I already paid for/grinded that content in D1.

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                          16 Respostas
                          • [quote]I immediately lost any motivation I had to play this season. Every strike, crucible match, Gambit match, seemed utterly pointless. What is my goal? To receive armor with a time limit? What if I get busy with work/school/life for a few months? It doesn't matter to Bungie if you enjoy playing the game as long as you are buying new content and that is clearly apparent.[/quote] You have to realize something buddy, Bungie does not care about the Working Class Gamer when they design Destiny. They designed Destiny for the Freeloading No-Lives and Streamers in mind. Luke Smith is a Freeloading No-Life Scarab Lord from WoW so that shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that we will miss out on a lot of things and events due to us being busy with School/Work/Life etc. Luke Smith does not care if we miss out on shit due to life getting in the way. It’s one of the many reasons I quit Destiny and moved on to Division, Borderlands 3, and in the future I’ll be on Cyberpunk2077 and there is another Looter Shooter I’m thinking of coming out in December called “Oblivion” it’s a Third Person Shooter with like Biotic abilities. But it looks more fun then Destiny and I can’t wait for it. I like Games that don’t leave me behind when life gets busy, I like games I can put down for months on end and one day come back to it and doing all the activities, grind out the events, get all the missed loot etc. Destiny used to be that game until Scarab Lord Smith cape and turned Destiny into WoW and a game that gives you the finger going “oh, life got busy eh?! Well you’re shit out of luck cause we don’t give a F U C K. You Missed out, oh well” yeah, screw that. Games are suppose to be hobbies, not careers that you have to dedicate every waking moment of every waking hour or every waking Months of every waking year Etc. Ain’t gonna happen for me. Luke Smith clearly wasn’t raised with the principle of “We work before we play” I think Smith’s Mom let that fat ass sit in her basement no lifting WoW till he was an adult. It’s sad really.

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                            • My motivation to buildcraft and loot died when Bungie detailed sunsetting. There's no incentive to play anymore. This system benefits no one, and only mental gymnastics leads you to believe otherwise. Sunset my gear, sunset my business. Haven't played since.

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                              48 Respostas
                              • Editado por Noble 6: 6/10/2020 10:44:50 PM
                                You wanna hear the biggest joke about sunsetting? They announced that Last Wish and Garden of Salvation loot would be an exception, in that gear from those raids (which will be relevant in year 4) will have a higher power cap. Well, just check the max. power level of any LW/GoS gear in the game right now, I'll wait. Back? Good, now you'll have seen that it has the same power-cap as everything else that will be retired at the start of year 4. 1060 power, across all raid gear. So what they probably meant was that gear from those raids will have a higher max. power... if you get it again in year 4. Kind of exposes (unless it's a mistake in the UI*) that sunsetting isn't about keeping the game fresh, it's about letting you grind for half the stuff you already have again. It's about artificially extending play-time without putting in the extra effort on Bungie's part to make sunsetting TRULY work. *I doubt it's a mistake in the UI because they also re-released old weapons this season (like from Reckoning) and they're the exact same guns, except that they expire a bit later now, because they have the new season's emblem attached. They know what they're doing. EDIT: So apparently it's been confirmed by Cozmo that it is indeed a mistake in the UI and they're gonna fix that next season. Maybe take that with a grain of salt, but also, as I wrote down below, this doesn't really change my opinion about sunsetting, given that they are already re-releasing the same guns. But at least this is *something* I guess.

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                                20 Respostas
                                • I’ve had a last dance (capped at 1060) just to get one with a new season icon (1310s). Sun setting in a nutshell 😂

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                                  • 13
                                    Yeah, I've been playing Destiny since pretty much day one. I've had to leave gear behibd because of system updates like TTK bringing a better infusion system, Forsaken bringing random rolls back, and Shadowkeep bringing armour stats. This gear retirement garbage brings nothing to the table. Before anyone comes in with "Well now you can try new stuff!" No. Now we're FORCED to try new stuff. What if the guns feel off? No'one is using Uriel's Gift for its satisfying firing sound. If weapons don't feel good, people aren't going to want to use them. As for armour... Brilliant. You just gotta hop on a treadmill and keep chasing that high stat roll. This it boys. There is no greener pasture for gear. It's all going to be the same shit while the stuff we know we like is going to be dragged away from us.

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